View Full Version : email addy

19-Oct-03, 09:10
I tried to send an entry to the book contest to [email protected], but it was returned as a wrong addy.
Anyone know why ? :(

Mr P Cannop
19-Oct-03, 10:47

[email protected]

19-Oct-03, 19:51
Isn't that what I wrote ? :roll:

19-Oct-03, 20:42
It is Issy2, it is. :eyes

Colin Manson
20-Oct-03, 01:18

Sometimes the server is down and it just bounces the message, just send it again and it should be ok.

Colin Manson

20-Oct-03, 07:54
fanks !!! ;)

20-Oct-03, 19:15
I tried again and it won't go .....
I think I'll give up - - I didn't want the book anyway....... :(

Wounded Soldier
20-Oct-03, 22:29
why was my post tooken off huh????

Bill Fernie
20-Oct-03, 23:11
I am currently8 bouncing hotmail and yahoo email incoming to try to cut down the spam and junk mail. If you are trying to send me mail using one of these then you will need to try an ISP based email address. If not one of these then i have no answer at present.

20-Oct-03, 23:53
Why not contact Bill via the PM system - at least you know he'll get your query then.


21-Oct-03, 10:14
Why not contact Bill via the PM system - at least you know he'll get your query then.
Because the competition page states:

Caithness.org FREE Competition
Win a copy of The Landscape of Scotland
Just email the answers to three questions to [email protected] with your full postal address.

Mr P Cannop
21-Oct-03, 12:24
hi Bill

what bouncing program are you using ??

21-Oct-03, 14:48
Mr P Cannop,
He probably has his email program set to filter (bounce) anything with a @yahoo or @hotmail domain name.

Spam has definately become worse over the last few months - I have had to set my account to block everything except mail from the likes of Caithness.org and some other sites. The spammers have even managed to crack one of my more obscure email addresses - evidence they are using name generators in the same way the telesales pests use number generators.

Fair enough - haven't looked at the competition so didn't know what the rules were. Bad luck to all those with Yahoo or Hotmail accounts!!! Or should that be a Boohoo :~( account...


21-Oct-03, 17:23
We all are using mailwasher (links I've posted many times) to filter out our mail.

Unfortunately, yes, there will be some of you who find it difficult to send us mail, the PM system is a good alternative, but so is getting a proper ISP e-mail address.

I've not counted my dad's or colin's e-mail, but personally I receive around 200-300 e-mails per day and only around 15-20 are not spam. Mailwasher is slowly reducing the amount of mail I actually have to deal with (collect or bounce) but by effectively banning the likes of yahoo, aol, hotmail etc, we've drastically reduced our spam intake. We are adding new domains to our ban list 3 or 4 times a day and I am looking into further filters to cut this even more.

I'm sorry to anyone who may find this an inconvience, but we only have so much time to deal with e-mail and this is the most effective method we have found so far to cut out the spam.

21-Oct-03, 18:02
Have you actually included AOL email addresses into your Spam Bin?
AOL purport to being one of the "leaders" in the anti-spam initiative, their latest software AOL 8 having a Report Spam button in the mail program. If you report spam to them they may do something about it as opposed to the likes of Hotmail and Yahoo.

I may give that mail washer a go on my ISP based email - I'm sick fed up of Nigerians claiming to be able to make me very rich!! (Mind you, if you're still getting 200-300 a day they must be finding a way around it!)


21-Oct-03, 18:59
This is getting so very confusing.
My mail is not aol, hotmail or yahoo.
However, I have had difficulty sending to an aol addy before - they seem to bounce just about everything.
Thanks for the suggestion to send a private email - that did the trick !
Much obliged.
Isabella :D

Colin Manson
21-Oct-03, 19:28
Have you actually included AOL email addresses into your Spam Bin?
AOL purport to being one of the "leaders" in the anti-spam initiative, their latest software AOL 8 having a Report Spam button in the mail program. If you report spam to them they may do something about it as opposed to the likes of Hotmail and Yahoo.


Appearances can be deceiving, AOL claim to be "leaders" but they don't act like a responsible ISP. This causes people like us no end of trouble when we try and report people that are abusing our systems. Here is a quote from the main phpBB website.

AOL user ... banned?

Unfortunately an AOL user (almost certainly the same one whose account on Roadrunner we had suspended) is continuing to spam our boards requesting obscene material.

AOL have now been contacted four seperate times. They have not acted in over a week. This is unacceptable for an "ISP" such as they claim to be. Therefore we have no choice but to put in place IP bans as and when necessary.

Should the spamming continue we will be forced to ban all AOL IP's. Of course we may also be forced to contact the relevant police authorities given the nature of the postings.

We appologise to the majority of AOL regulars here who behave correctly. All I can suggest is that you also contact AOL and ask they take action to address this issue.

Maybe all the reports like these give us little faith in any AOL system.


21-Oct-03, 19:40
He he he - AOL... "leaders" in anti-spam... Ho ho ho... ha ha ha... chortle!!! [lol]

Is there anybody out there who has never received a free (unsolicited) AOL CD in the post? Anybody?

Obviously they don't mind sending junk mail, just receiving it!!! [disgust]


Mr P Cannop
21-Oct-03, 19:52
Hi Niall

how do i set up mailwasher to run on yahoo mail ??

21-Oct-03, 21:34
Sorry Paul, but as far as I know mailwasher only works with ISP based e-mail accounts and not with any web based ones.

21-Oct-03, 21:39
MP, due to the way that mailwasher is setup on my pc I dont actually have to deal with that amount of e-mail any more, although, it still arrives in my main mailbox. I simply see the message from mailwasher saying "bouncing message 16 of 75" about 3 times a day and I get a small list of mail from domains I've not dealt with yet. Now that mailwasher has been running for a few months, that list I have to go through is now a great deal smaller and much easier to pick out the messages/addresses I do want to keep. :D

Mr P Cannop
21-Oct-03, 23:01
hi Niall could i set mail washer up to run over my caithness.org email account ??

or could u set it up for me ??

22-Oct-03, 00:50
Hey, I don't claim AOL are the best - believe me I get tons of spam from AOL accounts. Actually, hardly any now I have blocked it all bar the folk I want to email me.

The spammers have now latched onto the Instant Messanger system for delivering spam.

For example, I got a IM notification for "prwxat" - thinking it may be a forum member I clicked accept and this was the message -


So now you'll be happily surfing and up pops a notification of a IM from "LuciousLucy2003" or something equally innocent :roll: - I have reported this misuse of the AIM to AOL but they just suggest I block them using the Mail Controls.

I read that there is a guy in Boca Raton Florida, the king of spammers, responsible for sending out a billion emails a day. To put it into context there are only 6 billion people on the planet. He obviously rests on the seventh day...


26-Oct-03, 12:43
He he he - AOL... "leaders" in anti-spam... Ho ho ho... ha ha ha... chortle!!! [lol]

Is there anybody out there who has never received a free (unsolicited) AOL CD in the post? Anybody?

Obviously they don't mind sending junk mail, just receiving it!!! [disgust]


Awww, the more AOL cd's the better ;) unwanted CDs make great cosmic coasters and v shiny wall-hangings! [lol]