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30-Apr-09, 08:15
I have a solution to the second home allowance issue. I do not get paid extra for turning up to work so why should they. They should get an overnight allowance to cover the cost of a Travelodge or similar. Keep this in place until either MP accomodation is built ie some form of apartment block which can be used by those requiring to stay overnight or wait until the 2012 Olympics are finished and they can then use the athletes village which is paid for by the tax payer anyway.

percy toboggan
30-Apr-09, 08:20
Like them or loathe them - and I am in the latter camp on this I'm afraid a central 'hostel' or apartment block for M.P.'s is out of the question. Imagine - those wishing us harm acould take out a high proportion of our elected representatives in on lucky strike!

Back to the drawing board with you camor, I'm sure you can come up with more imaginative plans.

How about maintaining the second home allowance - capped to average mortgage payments and any increase in capital value is repaid to the state at the end of the M.P.'s term in office. OR - The Government buys houses - like the old Police Houses - in ordinary suburban areas - like what where their poor, oridinary constituents live eh?? How's that for radical. Blimey!! they might even come face to face with a few real world problems....and even act upon them.

30-Apr-09, 10:44
If they live outside daily travelling distance - generally acceptable at an hour each way - they they should have access to a second homes allowance. If they dont then they should only get an overnight allowance if its imperative they stay near the commons for business reasons.

Basic expenses to furnish a second home should be allowed, but no redecoration costs, no costs for fancy stuff. This should be a flat rate - say £5000. They should get some help towards mortgage and council tax costs on a sliding scale for the length of the parliament - say 80% the first year, 60% the second year and so on.

If the MP loses their seat or retires they should be required to pay back the second homes allowance from the sale of their second home. They should also be able to claim costs for telephone and broadband installation.

If they have a grace and favour place then they should not get any help with a second home. All expenses should have to be authorised by a expenses person. Whilst no one should be out of pocket by standing for parliament - no one should make pots of money either.

percy toboggan
30-Apr-09, 10:53
Many London commuters would look upon '1 hour' as a shortish hop.
I'd make it and hour and a half at least.
But that's just me.

30-Apr-09, 11:00
Many MPs already use hotels when overnighting in London - it seems to work for them. I am sure if the hotels were approached to offer some sort of bulk discount then the costs to the tax payer could be reduced even more.

MPs should not be allowed to claim for such things as garden heaters, furnishings or bathroom improvements - they get paid a good wage so why are they unable to put their hands in their pockets like you and me to pay for such 'luxuries'?

This government came to power promising an end to sleaze - it seems that when they saw how much money was on offer they dived in without a second thought.


30-Apr-09, 12:46
Like them or loathe them - and I am in the latter camp on this I'm afraid a central 'hostel' or apartment block for M.P.'s is out of the question. Imagine - those wishing us harm acould take out a high proportion of our elected representatives in on lucky strike!

Back to the drawing board with you camor, I'm sure you can come up with more imaginative plans.

How about maintaining the second home allowance - capped to average mortgage payments and any increase in capital value is repaid to the state at the end of the M.P.'s term in office. OR - The Government buys houses - like the old Police Houses - in ordinary suburban areas - like what where their poor, oridinary constituents live eh?? How's that for radical. Blimey!! they might even come face to face with a few real world problems....and even act upon them.

It would depend on ones point of view ''lucky strike'', if some one was so inclined parliament would suffice for a lucky strike,hence the block of flats would do nicely for the time they actually spend in London.Something along the lines of a hostel would be good enough.

30-Apr-09, 15:53
Like them or loathe them - and I am in the latter camp on this I'm afraid a central 'hostel' or apartment block for M.P.'s is out of the question. Imagine - those wishing us harm acould take out a high proportion of our elected representatives in on lucky strike!

I can't believe you fell for that old line from the Government-it's just an excuse for them to retain their over inflated expenses. If anyone wishing to do them harm was determined enough then they would find a way to do so. Is a group of MP's gathered in Parliament any safer than gathered together in a hostel/housing village? Security could be provided wherever they are living.

30-Apr-09, 16:21
It's nigh impossible these days to roll barrels of gunpowder anywhere near Parliament.....

30-Apr-09, 17:01
Like them or loathe them - and I am in the latter camp on this I'm afraid a central 'hostel' or apartment block for M.P.'s is out of the question. Imagine - those wishing us harm acould take out a high proportion of our elected representatives in on lucky strike

Thats what he might of been thinking about when it was suggested.

30-Apr-09, 17:16
I have a solution to the second home allowance issue. I do not get paid extra for turning up to work so why should they. They should get an overnight allowance to cover the cost of a Travelodge or similar. Keep this in place until either MP accomodation is built ie some form of apartment block which can be used by those requiring to stay overnight or wait until the 2012 Olympics are finished and they can then use the athletes village which is paid for by the tax payer anyway.

Accommodation for out of town MPs would never had been a problem if the ex-service Married Quarters had been used. Over the last 15 years Quarters all across London have been sold off. With a little bit of joined up thinking enough could have been made available to spread the MPs across various communities across the city. There was a wide choice too, from two bed flats and houses to four and five bed detached houses.
However we shouldn't expect these trough-hoggers to save us money now should we.

30-Apr-09, 17:24
Like them or loathe them - and I am in the latter camp on this I'm afraid a central 'hostel' or apartment block for M.P.'s is out of the question. Imagine - those wishing us harm acould take out a high proportion of our elected representatives in on lucky strike!.

The tower block in Chelsea Barracks housed the married families of the resident Guards Battalion. Properly supervised they could all have been accommodated there. In all the time the Army was there no one got near the building, not even the IRA.
As has been said whether it is one MP or twenty-one MPs there is always a chance they could be got at wherever they are. The Grand Hotel in Brighton is a case in point.

30-Apr-09, 17:43
They new what the job entailed when they took it on money or no money its all a scam anyway.
I see the government in very much the same way as the Yes Minister comedy from years ago,someone who is their all the time is running things not who we see,their just figureheads(scapegoats)who talk in well organised riddles and hype the country for their own ends(some,not all).
They are here to serve their respective constituents and should do so not costing the taxpayer more money,most if not all live a life of luxury as it is,compared to most of us,lush apartment's and fine dinning etc etc what we the taxpayer pays for.
What about performance pay for them,ya do good ya get paid ya do bad .....tough and wipe yer feet on the way oot bub!!!![disgust]