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View Full Version : Best Movie Moments of all time

Gene Hunt
28-Apr-09, 21:27
Whats your favorites ??, I have loads of movies but often its just a few seconds that really make the film for me. Trying to decide on my top three stand out scenes that still make me laugh or take a sharp breath from what I have seen lately and had to go with these three ..

Mongo in Blazing Saddles .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8_RKPGS2vwM

Indiana Jones .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJOXLryzs8g&feature=related

De Niro and Al Pacino in the Coffee shop scene from HEAT .. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYSzx_zy-98

the poacher
28-Apr-09, 23:58
mel gibson in braveheart when he shouts FREEDOME its just so good.

shrek its better out than in i always say makes me laugh every time.

john mills in ice cold in alex when hes drinking the lager at the end of the film its a great scene.

29-Apr-09, 01:29
The first ones that spring to mind are :-

Jimmy Cagney in White Heat - I made it Ma. Top of the World (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bytoID_SNnE).

Hitchcock's Psycho - The Shower Scene (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QoQ6Jc9PyCI).

One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Nicholson v Nurse Ratchet (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=108URXm0oVc).

The Shining - Here's Johnny (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TVooUHN7j4).

29-Apr-09, 08:41
three classics

The Jerk

Crazy People

Mrs Brown

01-May-09, 20:17
Catch 22 when the doctor explains the rules of catch 22 to Alan Arkin.
Bad day at black rock with the fight scene with Spencer Tracy only having one arm.
Hopscotch with walter matthau.
There are so many

09-May-09, 09:33
I know it's an absolute chick flick, but is there any female out there who is not howling when Patrick Swayze is taken up to heaven at the end of Ghost, and he says to Demi Moore 'I love you' and she says 'ditto' It just gets me every time!

09-May-09, 15:03
The Shining - Here's Johnny (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2TVooUHN7j4).

I had my bairns convinced that this scene was about Jack Nicholson bursting for the toilet. His wife locks herself in the lavvy and Nicholson (now touching cloth) hacks the door down screaming "Here's Jobbie"

Cedric Farthsbottom III
10-May-09, 21:21
The Elephant Man,when he decides to lie down to sleep.Great actor,great director,great music,great moment.:)

Cedric Farthsbottom III
10-May-09, 21:38
Chariots of Fire.When Eric Liddle(Ian Charleston)tells the British Olympic Committee that he won't run the 100 metres on a Sunday,as its the Sabbath.This is also seen at the beginning of the film when as he and his family are leaving the church,a young boy playin fitbaw kicks the ball into Liddle.He stops them and says,"Do you not no what day it is.Its Sunday.Meet me here tomorrow morning and I'll give you a ten goal head start."

Great moments.

11-May-09, 11:53
Al Pacinos half time team talk in Any Given Sunday!


Its a classic!

11-May-09, 11:55
Definitely in Braveheart when King Edward says...

"The trouble with Scotland is that it is full of Scots!"

That gets me every time I watch that movie. I feel Edward was a latterday Arthur and feel that he laid the seeds of success that his son quickly squandered.