View Full Version : Primula scotica

27-Apr-09, 03:09
nearly may and mother nature is alive and busy..

while surfing the world web i came across a rare and bonie gem called Primula scotica or scottish primrose in my native tongue. i was surprised to read that it is endemic to the north coast of Scotland including Orkney.

is this a rare species of flower, dose it grow well, can it be found easily, are thay growing in the town centres or in gardens..

i have been led to believe that the great charles darwin personally requested by letter and received samples of this hardy wind blown treasure.

dose this flora have a bleak future ahead with global warming.
i think more recognition and awareness is due.
maybe someone can add a link to a picture of one (i dont know how to) :roll:

27-Apr-09, 03:47
N E W S F E E D S >>>Caithness Business Index ::Budget Comment From Caithness Chamber Of Commerce (http://www.caithness-business.co.uk/article.php?id=1236)


Ken Butler's Botanical Pages

Early Summer Index (http://www.caithness.org/nature/kenbutlersflowers/earlysummer/index.htm)
Ken Butler's Botanical Index (http://www.caithness.org/nature/kenbutlersflowers/index.htm)

Plants In Caithness Index (http://www.caithness.org/nature/plantsincaithness/index.htm)

Nature & Environment Index Page (http://www.caithness.org/nature/index.htm)

Wild Flowers in Early summer

by Ken Butler

Scottish Primrose (Primula scotica)

Picture - Ken Butler
http://www.caithness.org/nature/kenbutlersflowers/earlysummer/primulascoticab_s.jpg (http://www.caithness.org/nature/kenbutlersflowers/earlysummer/primulascoticab.htm)

Just Google it!

01-May-09, 21:36
Lots of it on Strathy Point usually.

04-May-09, 19:57
Lots of it on Strathy Point usually.

cheers e strathy point is a fair trek from 'week' especially as av no got a car.
but am sure i can persuade a keen family member to take me out a spin
am sure it will be well worth it.

Birdie Wife
05-May-09, 14:45
Very rare indeed, and definitely not for picking or re-planting (not suggesting that you were - but some people might be tempted!). The Highland Council Ranger service did some legitimate transplanting over at Dunnet but I'm not sure where it is now ;) it has two flowering periods, one in May and one in July (the second period lasts longer and you can often find flowers into mid-August). Be aware that the flower is TINY - blink and you can miss it. Happy hunting!

06-May-09, 01:25
i just want to witness this cheerful flow'ret with my own 2 eye's
i would hate to think anybody would want to disturb such a humble and tender bloom
i suppose the same can be said about rare birdys eggs too

i saw that i can order seeds over the internet. i'm not sure if i agree with doing this, ther must be pros and conns to doing this. i would hate to encourage this if it was wrong.
any thoughts on this ?

06-May-09, 04:01
i just want to witness this cheerful flow'ret with my own 2 eye's
i would hate to think anybody would want to disturb such a humble and tender bloom
i suppose the same can be said about rare birdys eggs too

i saw that i can order seeds over the internet. i'm not sure if i agree with doing this, ther must be pros and conns to doing this. i would hate to encourage this if it was wrong.
any thoughts on this ?

I don't think there would be any problems with this Tommy, it would proliferate the wee beauty if nothing else!
Can't see it being illegal or anything.

Mystical Potato Head
06-May-09, 17:16
The wee beauty is not quite so easy to proliferate.

06-May-09, 20:13
The wee beauty is not quite so easy to proliferate.

As my dear auld Mither used to say, "Nae herm in trehin'!":)

31-May-09, 23:17
was out a walk around the old man today had a look for them couldn't find any seen dolphins and scorries though:cool:

11-Jun-09, 14:42
walked as far as scorrie island

13-Jun-09, 15:43
It is illegal to pick them ie Primulas not scorries