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26-Apr-09, 11:35
seems this flu is worse than first thought.is the media being over cautious or are governments not being as transparent as they should be.http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/8018991.stm

also please read the comments from people living in mexico.

26-Apr-09, 11:40
seems its in britain, according to the aol home page, cabin crew have contracted it after a flight from mexico city, lets hope it doesnt get out of hand.

26-Apr-09, 11:42
seems its in britain, according to the aol home page, cabin crew have contracted it after a flight from mexico city, lets hope it doesnt get out of hand.

If you read the article from the bbc you will see that the cabin crew tested negative on their return from Mexico.

26-Apr-09, 11:44
seems its in britain, according to the aol home page, cabin crew have contracted it after a flight from mexico city, lets hope it doesnt get out of hand.

this man does not have. however yesterday it was not thought to be in europe but now there is 2 suspected case in france.this virus seems to be spreading very fast, human to human. i wonder how britain will deal with this because they dont seem to have acknowledged it yet.

26-Apr-09, 11:45
Reading some of those comments from people in Mexico, things seem to be far worse than the news is portraying. Scary Stuff. :eek:

26-Apr-09, 11:48
If you read the article from the bbc you will see that the cabin crew tested negative on their return from Mexico.

this man does not have. however yesterday it was not thought to be in europe but now there is 2 suspected case in france.this virus seems to be spreading very fast, human to human. i wonder how britain will deal with this because they dont seem to have acknowledged it yet.
oh surprise surprise the press got it wrong[lol][lol]

26-Apr-09, 12:07
Its bird flu all over again!!!!! Lets send the masses screaming to their doctors and worry them senseless over something that might never happen.

OMG its in europe

OMG its in britain

OMG a cabin crew have been found positive

OMG they got it wrong.

Whenit is clearly and unambiguously a problem knocking at the uk door then we should worry about it. If it isnt then we should do what we as a country can do to help those suffering and just get on with our lives and take the newspaper reports with a pinchof salt.

26-Apr-09, 12:16
It sounds like the government have tried a massive cover up and it has gone very wrong. We heard so much about bird flu, how did this just creep up on us?
I actually received a booklet in the post last year on how to control an outbreak of pandemic flu within my work setting, from Nhs Scotland, I thought it was starnge at the time, now I wonder.

26-Apr-09, 12:21
Its bird flu all over again!!!!! Lets send the masses screaming to their doctors and worry them senseless over something that might never happen.

OMG its in europe

OMG its in britain

OMG a cabin crew have been found positive

OMG they got it wrong.

Whenit is clearly and unambiguously a problem knocking at the uk door then we should worry about it. If it isnt then we should do what we as a country can do to help those suffering and just get on with our lives and take the newspaper reports with a pinchof salt.

the difference between bird flu and this type of swine flu is that it passes from person to person that is why it spreads so quickly.in the back of our minds we all hope the media is over exaggerating and it over hyped. i dare say france is not far from knocking on britains door.

26-Apr-09, 12:34
We just have enough to worry about dandod without the media winding us all up into a panic. I can worry all day about anything beleive me but I am NOT going to be wound up about something which might or might not happen and about which i can do nothing about. I will be watching the story develop but I really think we need to be calm and the media doall it can to bring us allinto worrying. IT makes me cross

26-Apr-09, 12:40
There is always going to be flu scares on a pandemic scale but, how much can we believe in relation to the risk...........a lot of money was made, through the last 'bird flu' scenario, by the companies manufacturing the vaccine...is this just another panic reaction that will lead to a nice financial spin off for somebody.
I shall simply continue taking my spoonful of cider vinegar each day and carry on with not a care and the risk of catching this virus will be minimal.:)

26-Apr-09, 20:09
seems this virus is spreading by the hour. suspected cases in canada,france,spain and worse still scotland. when are the government going to update us on the situation or are they just going to do what they usually do which is wait until is too late and then apologises and say they made a mistake and should have done something sooner.

26-Apr-09, 21:29
it is pretty worrying. think a man flu pandemic is more likely at the moment though!:lol:

26-Apr-09, 23:00
The two people in Scotland are showing 'mild' flu symptoms but, nothing has been verified.
Apparently preparations are in place with plenty of vaccine from the avian flu scare....which did not happen.
This is apparently a combination of avian and swine fever which can pass from human to human.........I thought each strain of flu was a different virus and am wondering how the previous flu vaccine would be any good with this new strain.......of course I could be wrong or just simply dottled....:confused

26-Apr-09, 23:06
I suggest we blow up the north bound train track at Inverness and barricade the A9 immediately!

But seriously, there is nothing you and I can do so why worry?

26-Apr-09, 23:43
Hang on there alex let me get over The Ord first!
Ashoo ASHOO...NO I do not have swine flu but after sitting in the garden, a touch of hay fever.
With regards to the new strain of the influenza virus what all the ballyhoo about? This happens on a regular basis and of course it will travel, along with the passengers on a flight, those socialising, travelling by train etc.
I don't think there has been any sort of cover up and whilst I appreciate that it will cause problems for the elderly and the very young there is no need for all the exagerated media hype.

27-Apr-09, 07:32
Lizz that is the problem though, it is not affecting the very young and old, it is young fit adults in their 20's and 30's who are dying.

27-Apr-09, 08:30
have been keeping an eye on this, as i will be traveling very shortly.. and have found that if you go to the cdc website, you will get much more info, without any hype...
it is a bit worrying.. but at the moment there are no reports to not travel

27-Apr-09, 09:39
sure i read in the paper that they were advising you not to fly to affected areas. that was in today's p&j
but think brandy your not heading to new mexico so that shouldn't be ahastle unless you planning an indirect route!!!

27-Apr-09, 09:45
There's always something to worry about.

Stay indoors, don't speak to anyone, hide under the bed and everything will be fine.

Ooooh - and don't kiss any pigs.:D

27-Apr-09, 17:21
Twenty-five possible swine flu cases have been reported in the UK, of which 17 are still being investigated.


Seems like the start to a SciFi Book or Film but far more scary as it is for real. :(

27-Apr-09, 17:42
Mat have to reread the stand by Stephen King :eek::lol:

27-Apr-09, 18:24
Breaking News on BBC; swine flu confirmed in Airdrie, not much other detail as of yet...

Gene Hunt
27-Apr-09, 19:28
Twenty-five possible swine flu cases have been reported in the UK, of which 17 are still being investigated.


Seems like the start to a SciFi Book or Film but far more scary as it is for real. :(

I bet most of those are Hypochondriacs that have eaten a Tortilla in the last month.

Keep Calm and Carry On .. :lol:

27-Apr-09, 20:58
Should I start screaming now or will the Government supply a leaflet on how to panic?

Gene Hunt
27-Apr-09, 21:02
Should I start screaming now or will the Government supply a leaflet on how to panic?

Do what I am going to .. create your own.

Simply go on the train and pretend to talk to a friend on your mobile. Laugh loudly about your four week holiday in Mexico. Then when everyone is looking just sneeze.

If nothing else it will make sure you get a double seat !!

27-Apr-09, 21:06
Do what I am going to .. create your own.

Simply go on the train and pretend to talk to a friend on your mobile. Laugh loudly about your four week holiday in Mexico. Then when everyone is looking just sneeze.

If nothing else it will make sure you get a double seat !!

I've started sneezing anyway.

And I have a sudden urge to wallow in some mud and eat the contents of our brown wheelie bin.
But Mrs N says it's nothing to worry about...I always get like that after a few large Old Pulteneys.:eek:

Heeeere piggypiggy.....

27-Apr-09, 21:08
perhaps you should spare a thought for the families whos relatives have died and those currently in hospital with a virus that very little is known about.

27-Apr-09, 21:10
perhaps you should spare a thought for the families whos relatives have died and those currently in hospital with a virus that very little is known about.

Thanks for the suggestion Dandod. But no thanks.

27-Apr-09, 21:13
truthfully i am a bit concerned, but its more to do with my particular circumtances.
im more worried about picking up something and taking it to my mum.
will def. be doing the cover my mouth and nose to cough and sneeze. taking tissues with me.. and making sure i wash my hands often and when needed!
have again checked out the cdc travel advice, and no warnings not to travel yet.
will see how things go over the next few days, and pray for the best.
hubby is worried that if i got to america.. and there was a major outbreak. that they might close the borders and i wont get home.
then we would have a problem!
not so much on my side but as hes taking time off work to watch the kids.. well... life could be troublesome then!
have thought about asking the Gp about anti viral meds. just because im going to be seeing my mom and want to try and be as resistant as i can be!
with my moms condition she cant handle any kind of respitory infection.. so this is really scary stuff as far as she is concerned!
ahh well... will just wait and see how things play out.

27-Apr-09, 21:25
Really tricky choice, Brandy, about going to visit your sick mom and having to leave your young family here under these circumstances... I wouldn't want to have to make that choice. I'll keep my fingers crossed that it all works out well for you.:)

The guys are probably right, there's nothing to worry about, really, but it's easy to see that people's everyday lives are already being severely disrupted in the places where this virus has hit. No wonder your OH's worried!

When are you planning your trip?

27-Apr-09, 22:50
Anyone coming into Caithness carying the flu virus should be shot on site and then burnt.

27-Apr-09, 22:56
sure i read in the paper that they were advising you not to fly to affected areas.
Surely it would be better to advise people not to fly back from affected areas?

Gene Hunt
27-Apr-09, 23:00
Anyone coming into Caithness carying the flu virus should be shot on site and then burnt.

Can you imagine that checkpoint ??

"Got Swine Flu have we Sir ??" .. In the background the sounds of weapons being cocked and the soft whump sound of a Flamethrower being lit can be heard .. "Well not me but the wife and her mother here are fully infected with it" .. "Not a problem, stand aside Sir" .. Man Grins.

27-Apr-09, 23:19
The World Health Organisation (WHO) has now raised its alert over Swine Flu from Three to Four - This is Just Two Steps short of a Full Pandemic.

WHO Assistant Director General Dr Keiji Fukuda said it signalled a "significant step towards pandemic influenza", but added "we are not there yet".



27-Apr-09, 23:22
am trying not to worry about it just now ,but if it it young fit poeple in their 20s and 30s drying i will ok lol but serousily i would not worry just yet we had all this over bird flu and that never happened did it and it killed to x

27-Apr-09, 23:25
Seems like the two Scottish holidaymakers have tested positive.


27-Apr-09, 23:54
Can you imagine that checkpoint ??

"Got Swine Flu have we Sir ??" .. In the background the sounds of weapons being cocked and the soft whump sound of a Flamethrower being lit can be heard .. "Well not me but the wife and her mother here are fully infected with it" .. "Not a problem, stand aside Sir" .. Man Grins.Sounds like a great comedy sketch.[lol]

George Brims
28-Apr-09, 01:27
Its bird flu all over again!!!!! Lets send the masses screaming to their doctors and worry them senseless over something that might never happen.

OMG its in europe

OMG its in britain

OMG a cabin crew have been found positive

OMG they got it wrong.

Whenit is clearly and unambiguously a problem knocking at the uk door then we should worry about it. If it isnt then we should do what we as a country can do to help those suffering and just get on with our lives and take the newspaper reports with a pinchof salt.

The bird flu a couple of years ago was very worrying to public health officials because it was such a different strain from other recent viruses, so that if it had spread it would have been very dangerous, in terms of people not having resistance. However it didn't mutate into a form that spread very well in humans.

This swine flu is different. It already *has* spread, all over the place, from human to human, so it obviously has what's needed to make it a pandemic. The multi-million dollar question is how serious it is when you get it. It has killed a lot of people in Mexico, at a rate higher than other places it has been found. The issue is why. If the people infected are poor, or malnourished or already suffering from another strain of flu, they could be more susceptible to this strain. Mexico has according to some news reports had a late-season surge in cases of a number of other flu viruses, so it might be killing the people who are run down from having one of those.

As I see it, it's not time to panic, but it is time for a few simple precautions.

28-Apr-09, 06:14
i leave here on the 6th... but theres no cases of it where im going... not yet anyway. swine flu is also known as the spanish influenza and if you remember your history think about how many people that killed.
it actually took more lives than the war itself.
on a dif, note.
the only fatalitys have been in mexico... bar that everywhere else it is mild cases with just normal flu like symptoms.
last night the toll was about 180 deaths (not confirmed flu but supected) and over 2000 in hospital in mexico.
as has been stated the question is why is it so much worse in mexico.. and is it going to leap to that degree anywhere else?

28-Apr-09, 07:23
i leave here on the 6th... but theres no cases of it where im going... not yet anyway. swine flu is also known as the spanish influenza and if you remember your history think about how many people that killed.
it actually took more lives than the war itself.
on a dif, note.
the only fatalitys have been in mexico... bar that everywhere else it is mild cases with just normal flu like symptoms.
last night the toll was about 180 deaths (not confirmed flu but supected) and over 2000 in hospital in mexico.
as has been stated the question is why is it so much worse in mexico.. and is it going to leap to that degree anywhere else?

It's a shame for you brandy that this flu scare has come at such an important time for you and your ill Mother. To have to leave your husband and children and travel across the world is an emotional time for anyone without the added worry of a flu scare such as this. It's in the early stages and a couple of hundred fatalities out of a population of 30 million in Mexico city from the "supposed" virus is maybe not as worrying as it is hyped up to be. As you say there are no reported cases where you are going and I'm sure if all precautions are taken then everything will be OK for you. This will be your special time with your Mum so don't worry about what might happen with the flu virus make the most of your time with her, and come back safely.;)

28-Apr-09, 07:35
I heard that due to the swine flu epidemic, United Nations have declared a world wide global shut down on all Piggerys.

In Scotland , Celtc football club have appealed to the SFA to play their last 2 home games at Hampden Park ;)

28-Apr-09, 08:09
I heard that due to the swine flu epidemic, United Nations have declared a world wide global shut down on all Piggerys.

In Scotland , Celtc football club have appealed to the SFA to play their last 2 home games at Hampden Park ;)

Could be a red card coming for that one.[lol]

28-Apr-09, 09:41
OK, we have the potential for a serious epedemic here.

Note the word potential.

Those who have tested positive outside Mexico have all had mild symptoms and have been rightfully quarantined as a precation. Unfortunately, some sections of the British tabloid media have indulged in their usual hysteria tactics to flog more papers. Every single report I have heard so far from people speaking (ie not being manipulated and misquoted in the papers) has said that there is potential for a pandemic.

So let's get this into perspective. At the moment you are more likely to get killed on the way to the airport in a crash than you are to die from Swine Flu.

However, this situation may change. But until then there is nothing we, as individuals, can do.

Brandy, I can imagine your worries over this, especially with an ill mother. But you'd have to be bloody unlucky travelling to North Carolina to contract the disease and pass it on to your mum at the moment.

But I certainly wouldn't want to have to make that decision.....

Gene Hunt
28-Apr-09, 10:10
Just back of a night shift, I was speaking to a dispatcher from an American alirline and they are not pushing the panic button just yet. Brandy I guess that if you are flying to North Carolina you will be going via Boston or New York and then to Asheville or Charlotte ?? If you can route through Miami and avoid the affected area altogether so much the better.

There are no reported cases in North Carolina and no travel restrictions. When you look at the population and the amount of reported cases in the states it will be more dangerous getting to the airport like Northerner says. The media have done their usual act of playing on people's fears and making the problem appear much bigger than it is. Obviously it is a direct worry to you but if it was me .. I would go.

28-Apr-09, 11:42
im flying from glasgow to newark to charlote, so will be going thru new york.. or well NJ at any rate.

28-Apr-09, 13:40
Can I suggest that if you are travelling in 2009 you keep this link http://www.fco.gov.uk/en/travelling-and-living-overseas/travel-advice-by-country/ bookmarked or favorite on your browser?

Margaret M.
28-Apr-09, 14:43
Brandy, they seem to be on top of things here so I would just come over and enjoy the time with your mother. I would certainly keep my distance from someone who is coughing and sneezing but there are just a few cases in a few states and they are quite mild. Switching airports is not something I would consider.

28-Apr-09, 20:25
I heard that due to the swine flu epidemic, United Nations have declared a world wide global shut down on all Piggerys.

In Scotland , Celtc football club have appealed to the SFA to play their last 2 home games at Hampden Park ;)

A global shut-down on the Pig Ignorant would be preferable in my opinion ;)

Maybe even a "world wide global" shut-down if it gets REALLY bad!! :)

28-Apr-09, 20:43
We are in such a nanny state at the moment,i think we tend to panic for simple things these days,i dont think it's flu'no doubt we will find it is something more sinister:(

28-Apr-09, 21:51
We are in such a nanny state at the moment,i think we tend to panic for simple things these days,i dont think it's flu'no doubt we will find it is something more sinister:(

Really, and what makes you think this ?

Kevin Milkins
29-Apr-09, 00:02
OMG ,I have got it.

I just got out of the shower and I am covered in rashers!!!!!

I will phone the GP in the morning and see if they have some oinkment for it.:roll::lol:


Anne x
29-Apr-09, 00:22
OMG ,I have got it.

I just got out of the shower and I am covered in rashers!!!!!

I will phone the GP in the morning and see if they have some oinkment for it.:roll::lol:


Kevin no often I disagree with you but a wee bit tongue in cheek

It is disrupting Peoples Lives A couple who are very near to me have saved and planned for there wedding in Cancun for 2 yrs Canx today so sorry for them and the family

Friends from Wales due to fly on 6th May have been advised to change there holiday destination from Mexico to travel Agents options Dom Rep , Egypt or Cuba

God knows what this outbreak is going to do to the ordinary people of Mexico as they depend on Tourism we had a holiday in Dec in Cancun but forget the Views Sea Sand Sunshine etc go away from the Strip in Cancun and you see real poverty but the people are fabulous and lovely and ever so hard working

29-Apr-09, 06:08
read this article this morning... and it does put it all in perspective. while everyone is going on about swine flu... normal flue is taking a much larger toll...

29-Apr-09, 10:41
Really, and what makes you think this ?DOCTOR, once you've been here a bit longer you'll learn that Orgers know everything about things that highly-trained and experienced professionals will never know because they're not open-minded or have been brainwashed by the nanny state to be politically correct. You should start reading The Sun or The Mail and get a proper education. :lol:

29-Apr-09, 11:16
A friend in Edinburgh has been told he and his new wife and one of their friends has to stay indoors for 5 day whilst being given vacines and tests are run. They were on the same flight as the other scottish couple that are in hospital.

29-Apr-09, 12:58
Breaking News - It has Just been Reported that a Child has died in Texas USA and the cause was "Swine Flu" This is the first death outside of Mexico. Details here :-


29-Apr-09, 13:16
The authorities in Mexico say they think they have pinpointed where the swine flu virus began. Here is the Link to the Video :-


29-Apr-09, 15:32
Mr Brown said the UK is taking "the preparations that are necessary and the precautions to prevent the incidence of this disease in this country".
Measures include enhanced airport checks, expanding anti-viral stocks from 35 million to 50 million, ordering extra face masks and printing an information leaflet for every home.

29-Apr-09, 15:46
AHHH but did you see the Lunch Time News where Passengers off a Flight from Mexico were interviewd and they said that there was NO CHECKS AT ALL when they landed or when they came through Customs. They just walked out.

So it looks like there is no Checks at the Airports at the present time.

29-Apr-09, 16:57
Just listening to radio four who suggested ( tongue in cheek ) that we might like to follow the advice given to people in 1918 when there was a flu pandemic.

It included

Take a hot bath on getting home from work
Drink half a bottle of light wine or a glass of port
Smoke in moderation
Keep a strong heart
Avoid melancholy
If you get a sore throat seek medical attention.

29-Apr-09, 17:01
Wonder if this is the start of The Aporkalypse?........

29-Apr-09, 18:18
Wonder if this is the start of The Aporkalypse?........

The actors would really have to ham it up......

29-Apr-09, 19:23
see by the news tonight that there now one case in highland area, never said where. that could be anywhere from fort william to thurso tony

29-Apr-09, 20:04
the world health organisation are said to be raising the pandemic level to 5 which indicates widespread human to human transmission.seems it is getting very serious now.

29-Apr-09, 20:08
I heard that due to the swine flu epidemic, United Nations have declared a world wide global shut down on all Piggerys.

In Scotland , Celtc football club have appealed to the SFA to play their last 2 home games at Hampden Park ;)

Mmmmm wonder who this could be????:roll::lol:

29-Apr-09, 21:16
Just had a text from o.h saying there's a 12yr old girl in the UK with the swine flu and it will be on the news shortly. Wonder if this is the 'Highlands' case? (if o/h's info is accurate mind you!)

29-Apr-09, 21:42
Level 5 now,not looking good.......

29-Apr-09, 21:59
Yes indeed it is at Level 5 now, read more at :-



Gene Hunt
29-Apr-09, 22:06
To combat the fear of Swine Flu I thought I would make a little playlist up to relax us and take our mind off it .. Enjoy.

1 .. Its the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) .. REM
2 .. Run to the hills .. Iron Maiden
3 .. Leave (Get Out) .. JoJo
4 .. Stayin' alive .. Bee Gees
5 .. Doctor doctor .. Thompson Twins
6 .. Phenomenon .. LL Cool J
7 .. Don't stop believing .. Starship
8 .. Trouble bound .. The Blasters
9 .. Bad Medicine .. Bon Jovi
10 .. Overkill .. Men at Work
11 .. All Hope is Gone .. Slipknot
12 .. We gotta get out of this place .. The Animals

29-Apr-09, 22:26
Gene,in the weeks to come we might need more of your light hearted moments!...................

29-Apr-09, 22:33
no point in worrying about it, if it its any of us then so be it, worrying about it isnt going to stop it happening.

29-Apr-09, 22:38
In the words of Corporal Jones,

"Don't Pan(dem)ic........"

29-Apr-09, 23:10
It is not easy not to worry but do think we need to try not to panic just now easier said than done I know that 12 yr old girl was not from the highlands think it was the west country somewhere x

30-Apr-09, 04:34
starting to worry a bit about this trip.. am i gonna make it?

30-Apr-09, 04:40
starting to worry a bit about this trip.. am i gonna make it?

Of course you're going to make it Brandy. The media hype is just way overboard on this! Bon Voyage and don't worry, the time you will have with your Mum will outweigh everything.;)

Dynamic Sounds
30-Apr-09, 05:51
starting to worry a bit about this trip.. am i gonna make it?

I wouldn't worry about it too much. I am in upstate NY as we speak, and the swine flu is top news story on every news show, but IMHO all the news channels are over exagerating it. From what info I have had a look at, it is only dangerous to the usual flu danger groups (under 5's and over 60's).

On the Fox news at 10, they said that there were 51 cases in NY state, and that is over half of all cases in the USA. But taking that 51 into context, that is less than 3 cases per million inhabitants.

On that numbers, you would expect to find about 15 - 18 cases in Scotland. Now think about how many cases of MRSA, C-Diff, TB, Winter Vommiting Virus etc there are in the country.

Saying all of that, me and the OH are being more careful in public areas - Using hand sanatising gel after using public toilets, trying to avoid (if possible) people who are coughing and sneezing, but we are still gonna be making trips to NY city itself and over the Orange County area.

OK now i'm off to bed to to work out a way of getting the OCC guys to build me a bike for free....


30-Apr-09, 09:10
My mates in Edinburgh got the all clear thankfully!

30-Apr-09, 11:51
Two people came into the shop last night wearing face masks, they are the only people I have seen so far wearing any (not on tv lol)

30-Apr-09, 12:10
To combat the fear of Swine Flu I thought I would make a little playlist up to relax us and take our mind off it .. Enjoy.

1 .. Its the end of the world as we know it (and I feel fine) .. REM
2 .. Run to the hills .. Iron Maiden
3 .. Leave (Get Out) .. JoJo
4 .. Stayin' alive .. Bee Gees
5 .. Doctor doctor .. Thompson Twins
6 .. Phenomenon .. LL Cool J
7 .. Don't stop believing .. Starship
8 .. Trouble bound .. The Blasters
9 .. Bad Medicine .. Bon Jovi
10 .. Overkill .. Men at Work
11 .. All Hope is Gone .. Slipknot
12 .. We gotta get out of this place .. The Animals
13 .. Flu are you .. The Who
14 .. Whole Trotter Love .. Led Zeppelin
15 .. Hog On The Tyne .. Lindisfarnefarm
16 .. I don't wanna Pork about it - Crazy Horse
17 .. Cracklin' Rosie .. Neil Diamond
18 .. If you can't Hock Me .. The Rolling Stones

30-Apr-09, 17:59
Just had a text from o.h saying there's a 12yr old girl in the UK with the swine flu and it will be on the news shortly. Wonder if this is the 'Highlands' case? (if o/h's info is accurate mind you!)

heard it was a man from thurso

30-Apr-09, 18:32
heard it was a man from thurso
aye and no doubt this person is from every town in the highlands if atall.

30-Apr-09, 18:37
Stick this in yer water supply.

30-Apr-09, 18:39
Stick this in yer water supply.
oh brilliant we better start to stock pile it lol[lol] just to be on the safe side.

30-Apr-09, 18:41
Stick this in yer water supply.
Wonder if they do one for wine flu,ah suffer from this in the mornings only though.the symptoms are similar to whisky flu just not so vicious:lol:

30-Apr-09, 18:42
Wonder if they do one for wine flu,ah suffer from this in the mornings only though.the symptoms are similar to whisky flu just not so vicious:lol:
is that as bad a man flu.[lol]

30-Apr-09, 18:49
Naw its no as bad as the dreaded Man flu which is truly horrific and a heluva ordeal ..:lol:

30-Apr-09, 18:52
Naw its no as bad as the dreaded Man flu which is truly horrific and a heluva ordeal ..:lol:
i've heard its worse than anything you could ever get, glad i aint male ats all i can say[lol]

30-Apr-09, 18:58
There's only one true cure...ah ah ah..no no no not the doctor or the chemist,its got to be the offy min,a good dose o the water o life and ye'll be right fine in a couple o days in fact somt imes my other half has said "ye'll miss at cowld when hids gone!"......:lol:

01-May-09, 00:27
Thought I had swine flu, so I called the help line today.
All I got was crackling. :lol:

01-May-09, 00:33
Listen guys im a bit worried and I want you all to go for a swine flu test!! I know you havnt been to mexico but by hell youv'e been with some pigs in your time!! :lol:

01-May-09, 03:00
Apparently the new virus is a combination of swine/avian/human mutations, so I think it should be called Mexican Flying Peegman Flu! ;)

01-May-09, 09:57
Thought I had swine flu, so I called the help line today.
All I got was crackling. :lol:
was told this last night at work, very funny..

Apparently the new virus is a combination of swine/avian/human mutations, so I think it should be called Mexican Flying Peegman Flu! ;)oh brilliant thats by far a better name for the dreaded swine flu.

was at work last night, and we were kinda busy, and while chatting to a few customers the subject came to swine flu, and how it was as bad a man flu lol, when one of the customers left with a parting comment "i've just come back from mexico" you should have seen the other customers faces, just priceless.[lol]

01-May-09, 12:43
I've just dug out an old sombrero and me old trumpet.

Think I'll go door-to-door playing La Cacuracha and finishing by saying " Caramba! My cold, he steenker!" and " Hey Gringo, you want to buy theees fajitas? I only sneeze on them a leetle."

01-May-09, 23:38

02-May-09, 15:52
Och you are all Hamming it up, :D

Gene Hunt
02-May-09, 20:30
This little piggy went to market,
This little piggy stayed at home,
This little piggy had roast beef,
This little piggy had none.
And this little piggy had influenza A virus subtype hemagglutinin protein 1 neuraminidase protein 1.

03-May-09, 01:06
In some ways I wish all this media coverage over Swine flu was repeated with ordinary winter flu. At least then we could track it easier and hopefully make people more careful where they sneeze etc.

03-May-09, 03:16
I'm out in the mex gulf . Immore worried about the way they fly the choppers here.
Oh and the fact that the buses all seem to be driven by mad 14 year olds.

03-May-09, 04:17
I'm out in the mex gulf . Immore worried about the way they fly the choppers here.
Oh and the fact that the buses all seem to be driven by mad 14 year olds.

And watch out for the Avian/man flu infected flying peegs as weel!
Apparently they're pretty lethal! :eek:

03-May-09, 05:02
I'm glad to see that people on here are treating it with the deadly seriousness it deserves.

Try Googling "swine flu confirmed deaths". The results are very interesting.

Once you clear away all the dross and hype so you can get down to the facts you find that there have been seven, yes seven, confirmed deaths in Mexico and just one in the US. How many deaths so far in the rest of the world is hard to discover because you are simply swamped by all the doom and gloom possibilities etc.

Of those who have died, apart from the small toddler in the US, there is no indication as to their ages, their state of health or anything else which help in assessing just how deadly the disease is. A toddler is less likely to be able to fight off a severe case of flu simply because of it's size and the probability it has not built up sufficient immunity to diseases. As far as the other deaths, there is nothing to say that the people concerned did not have very fragile health in the first place and the swine flu was simply the final straw.

It seems that the outbreak has been traced back to a village in Mexico near to a very large pig farm starting as long as four months ago. It would appear from reports that the attitude of the villagers, when the first case was eventually traced to there, was that they wondered why some of them had been ill and now they knew what the cause was. Hardly the mild sort of response you would expect from people if they were in fear of dropping dead at any moment from illness.

One thing is certain, if you run around shouting "There's a disaster going to happen!" then by the law of averages one day you are bound to strike lucky.
At that point you can then gloat about your wonderful foresight and your ability to help save people.

Since the hysteria about the Millennium Computer Bug which panicked heaven knows how many people and had billions of pounds worldwide spent on preventing something which didn’t really exist we have had dire warnings of death and destruction every year.
Certain groups have realised that there’s money to be made in inventing massive scares to scam the public with and that’s always a good incentive to keep on doing it.

Yes, it could turn out to be a pandemic, but I have no intention of holding my breath just in case.
Besides, people were getting bored with constantly hearing reports about the world's economic situation.

03-May-09, 14:10

Brilliant site! both me and oh had tears streaming down our faces! Still got sore sides from laughing so hard!

03-May-09, 17:11
Brilliant site! both me and oh had tears streaming down our faces! Still got sore sides from laughing so hard!

Aye, it be good.

Interesting to hear on the Beeb this morning that the number of deaths from this 'Swine Flu' are the same as any other flu in Mexico.:roll:

04-May-09, 12:07
It's been worse with 'ordinary flu' in UK:

"Even during a winter where the incidence of flu is low, 3-4000 deaths may be attributed to 'flu; this can rise much higher in epidemic years, for example there were an estimated 13,000 deaths in 1993 which were attributable to 'flu and 29,000 in 1989/90." *

*According to the Chief Medical Officer's publication 'Explaining Pandemic Flu'(1 March 2005)

(Sorry if this has been mentioned already in this post)

04-May-09, 13:27
The reporting on swine flu does seem to have eased off somewhat in recent days.

04-May-09, 19:00
The reporting on swine flu does seem to have eased off somewhat in recent days.

The media can only shriek for so long on one subject - then they have to find another to keep up interest in buying their product....

05-May-09, 14:20
ARGH !!!! I have just found out that My Son, his Wife and their two Little Girls have all been put in Quarantine as both of the girls have Flu and are awaiting results to see if it is Swine Flu.

They live in Edinburgh so no where near here and I have not seen them for almost a year, I just will be keeping my fingers crossed that they all will be OK.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
05-May-09, 18:56
I cannae remind the exact year,I had just gone into High School.About 1982-1983ish,half ma year were off with the flu.Now that was more serious in my eyes than this new one.Read in the Daily Record about the Spanish flu,100 million casualties.Quite a difference.

05-May-09, 21:32
Breaking News - The USA Reports that a 2nd Person outside Mexico has Died from Swine Flu, this time in Texas.



06-May-09, 17:33
Due to the Swine Flu people staying at the Metropark Hotel in Hong Kong have been put in Quarantine.

Yesterday the French Embassy sent their nationals a present of vintage champagne, fine wines, French bread, Camembert and fois gras....

The British Consulate sent all Brits a bag that contained second hand books, shortbread biscuits and a pack of cards! ..

Makes you glad to be British does it not. ;)

06-May-09, 20:09
Due to the Swine Flu people staying at the Metropark Hotel in Hong Kong have been put in Quarantine.

Yesterday the French Embassy sent their nationals a present of vintage champagne, fine wines, French bread, Camembert and fois gras....

The British Consulate sent all Brits a bag that contained second hand books, shortbread biscuits and a pack of cards! ..

Makes you glad to be British does it not. ;)

Aye, you'd think they could have thrown in a Johnston's pie as well eh?;)

06-May-09, 21:48
It's parmageddon!

Follow the link for "Celebrity Pig Brother"!!!



07-May-09, 01:51
Breaking News - The USA Reports that a 2nd Person outside Mexico has Died from Swine Flu, this time in Texas.


K.The Scotsman provides the following information.

The first who died was a child described as a two year old boy from Mexico City who already had underlying health problems and had been visiting relatives in Texas which I would take to mean that swine flu was only an additional strain on an already sick child’s system.
The second was first seen by a doctor on April 14 and was taken into hospital on the 19th. The woman delivered a healthy baby and stayed in the hospital until her death.

Doctors knew she had a flu when she came in, but did not know what kind. The area is undergoing a Type A influenza epidemic, of which the swine flu is one variety. She was confirmed to have swine flu shortly before she died.

Doctors in Texas stopped short of saying that swine flu caused the woman's death. A state health department spokeswoman said the woman had "chronic underlying health conditions" but would not give any more details.

The total confirmed cases worldwide as of Wednesday stands at less than 2,000. That is cases and not deaths. Basically, as things stand, you are probably more likely to be killed by a bolt of lightning than to die from Swine Flu.

Oh, and just by coincidence, there are reports from Mexico that they have found a effective vaccine for the illness.
Roll up, roll up, hand over your money here and solve the Millennium Bug, sorry, that should be the Flu Bug this year, shouldn’t it. :roll: