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View Full Version : Kids Play Parks

24-Apr-09, 21:45
Why is the council taking away the kids play parks bit by bit. my son loves the one down by the caravan park and they have now taken away the slide and the round about which was the safest one as had rails..why they doing it?????????????:roll:

(sorry if already posted)

24-Apr-09, 22:10
Apparently the council can't afford to maintain or replace equipment anymore, they are also terrified of something happening to a bairn and then being sued. Look at Dunnet, the villagers rallied round, got together a committee and fundraised to provide their own playpark on council ground, I believe that they even had to lease the ground from the council - I could be wrong about that part ? ! it's the way society is going, we work hard and pay our taxes and what for ? the Government are taking less responsibility to provide services, cutting costs or more so insurance costs and the onus is on joe public to provide better faciclities for our kids. Look at Orkney, we spent our holidays last year going round the swing parks on the mainland as the facilities are fantastic. Each primary school has their own swings and why is that because Orkney Council are are subsidised for being an Island. We're practically cut off ourselves in Caithness and what facilities do we have here for our kids ? Exactly !! It's not good :(

24-Apr-09, 22:36
maybe they have found a link between play parks and illicit stills or something;) stop all fun now!

24-Apr-09, 23:28
It is annoying! They keep taking things away from the park near us too! The see-saw, slide and roundabout is gone! [evil]

Whats left....broken swings! Whats the point! Just makes it depressing taking the kids to the park.

And i liked the see-saw! :eek:

24-Apr-09, 23:47
Took the kids up to Ormlie Skate Park tonight as it's pretty much the only place close by with decent gear - we thoroughly enjoyed an hour and a half of playtime, big kid included :D!!

25-Apr-09, 15:37
And i liked the see-saw!

Maybe that's the reason it's not there anymore - they saw you using it and thought "maybe we'd better get rid of that see-saw before some poor child goes to use it and it breaks!" :lol:

Actually don't worry cos I do the same thing when I take my girls to the park - I love the swings and the seesaw but sadly my bum's too big to fit down the slide these days (yes, I have tried recently)!!! I also love the horsey thing you sit on at the park next to the caravan site in Thurso - feels a lot like cantering. But it does annoy my kids when I won't stop to let them off and it kind of distracts passing motorists too....!!:eek:

25-Apr-09, 16:36
I actually went round doors collecting signatures a few years ago and petitioned the council to fix our local park and it worked. Sometimes you have to get up and do something to get change.