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22-Apr-09, 10:56
how many orgers will be on standby to comment on the budget today
or any running to fill up with petrol [lol] tony

22-Apr-09, 11:31
how many orgers will be on standby to comment on the budget today
or any running to fill up with petrol [lol] tony

Not me, the budget has next to no impact on me or my family at all at the moment, we don't smoke or drink alcohol, we don't own a car, we don't have a mortgage anymore, i'm out of work at the moment so i'm not paying any tax, and my wife works full time so i get sod all money from the government for being out of work (19 years paying tax and national insurance and all you get is 6 months Jobseekers Allowance...and then told you're getting sod all when you need the help the most), so i doubt there will be anything in the budget that will have any sort of impact on my daily life at the moment.

22-Apr-09, 11:51
Thanks for the nudge - off to fill up the car now.....

22-Apr-09, 12:17
Thanks for the nudge - off to fill up the car now.....

You're gonna be gutted if fuel duty is cut :D

22-Apr-09, 13:08
I think I have more chance of standing on the moon....

I went to the cheapest one near me so unless diesel drops below 102.9ppl I feel the decision to fill up now was 'wise' (also I was near to empty anyway)...

"Fuel duty to rise by 2p per litre from September"

There's a surprise.....