View Full Version : Mey Hall activities

20-Apr-09, 19:45
I'm interested in finding out what is happening at Mey Hall. I have looked at the website but can't find any details of what classes are on/will be on.

Does anyone know if classes/activities have started and if so, if there is a timetable anywhere? I thought there was supposed to be yoga and kuk sool but I'm not sure.

If anyone knows I would really appreciate some information. :)

20-Apr-09, 21:22
Katrina has started kuk sol on a Thursday at six and a Saturday morning from ten. There is supposed to be swing dance classes as well but not sure when they are on, no word of yoga yet ? If you email them I'm sure they'll get back to you ;)

20-Apr-09, 23:11
There are posters on the Castle Arms shop door. I only read them back to front while waiting for my butty. Easy to read from outside tho!

21-Apr-09, 00:07
Copied from the what's on .......

Modern Jive Classes

Tuesday 21 April 2009 (http://whatson.caithness.org/index.php?day=21&month=4&year=2009)

Starts: 19:00 Ends: 20:30
Modern Jive lessons provided for:
Great for fitness, fun and learning something new

Absolute beginners(free)…..7:00-7:30

at the New Mey Hall
(opposite the Castle entrance)
Ages 12 to 15 to be accompanied by an adult
Note: the absolute beginners are welcome to join the beginners class at 7:30

Location: New Mey Hall
Price: £5 per person/ £8 per couple
E-Mail: [email protected]
Phone: Steve Hicks 01847 851778 / 07840090038

21-Apr-09, 14:16
Many thanks folks! Not sure which I'll try but I'll definitely do something :)