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View Full Version : Why cant we use swearwords..?

19-Apr-09, 23:34
Hi all

I left a post on a thread recently that was removed by a moderator, and got the usual pm notifying me of the 'incursion'. I quickly apologised for it cos i can see how i couldve offended ppl, but i do think there should be more freedom in the forum to say what we want.

I used a four letter word but i used asterisks to mask most of it. Is this still a problem for ppl? I think it mentioned in the pm that there could be kids reading the post but surely its up to the parents to police what theyre kids read?

At the end of the day I dont have to rely on swear words but this is a community forum and it should be up to the community to express themselves as they wish and decide what is and is not acceptable.

I also heard a rumor about the moderators removing posts in the 'recommmendations' section because local businesses had complained about what was being said about them.

What makes the moderators more qualified to decide what is and is not suitable for us to read..?

19-Apr-09, 23:36
cos its naughty lol

19-Apr-09, 23:37
It's a community website which like any community has children amongst it therefore they are allowed membership.

19-Apr-09, 23:42
It's a community website which like any community has children amongst it therefore they are allowed membership.

absolutely kids should be able to join in and im not saying we should start using graphic language but isnt masking them with asterisks is enough..?

19-Apr-09, 23:46
You would then have young kids who don't know what the word is that's masked asking their parents, which then causes more bother.

19-Apr-09, 23:50
would they not have heard it at school already tho? and surely theres worse stuff around on the internet? its up to the parents to police that so why not this aswell?

19-Apr-09, 23:53
Maybe cos we have rumbled along for years quite happily the way it is. Never mind kids seeing it, I don't want to see it.

19-Apr-09, 23:56
There is no need for filthy language, English is rich enough to express oneself.:Razz

19-Apr-09, 23:57
I think it is a good thing not being o swear, however I think the controls are too tight. True some people think of certain words as bad but some of the words that get masked are just plain daft!

20-Apr-09, 00:05
well what about posts being removed because local businesses object to what people say about them? are we not allowed to say what we think about a particular business or service?

20-Apr-09, 00:07
well what about posts being removed because local businesses object to what people say about them? are we not allowed to say what we think about a particular business or service?

If that was happening that would really annoy me, it would be better to have no recommended section than to have one that was edited.

20-Apr-09, 00:08
well what about posts being removed because local businesses object to what people say about them? are we not allowed to say what we think about a particular business or service?

Within reason, yes. It's so easy for a business owner to join this site and hide behind a user name to slag off a rival.

20-Apr-09, 00:13
right, so we should restrict freeedom of speech to stop local businesses loosing face?

20-Apr-09, 00:16
Take it you are more than happy for them to loose business and close just cos someone has a grudge.

Would it not be good to settle in afore you try to change every thing

20-Apr-09, 00:17
right, so we should restrict freeedom of speech to stop local businesses loosing face?
Don't shoot me....I'm only the messenger. Do you mind me asking if you've actually read the site rules? This may save you from asking any more questions that could lead to some orgers wondering about your mentality: http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?t=13581

20-Apr-09, 00:19
not at all, my point is if ppl have a genuine reason to complain about a local business they should be free to post it, especially in the 'recommendations' section so that the rest of the community know about it. local businesses should not be able to prevent that from happening. (if that IS what happened ;p)

20-Apr-09, 00:21
Don't shoot me....I'm only the messenger. Do you mind me asking if you've actually read the site rules? This may save you from asking any more questions that could lead to some orgers wondering about your mentality: http://forum.caithness.org/showthread.php?t=13581

no i hadnt read that. perhaps i should have first...

20-Apr-09, 00:24
Something else you should be aware of -

By agreeing to these terms you warrent not to post any abusive, obscene, vulgar, slanderous, hateful, threatening, sexually-oriented or any other material that may violate any applicable laws. Doing so may lead to you being immediately and permanently banned (and your service provider being informed). The IP address of all posts is recorded to aid in enforcing these conditions.

You agree that the webmaster, administrator and moderators of this forum have the right to remove, edit, move or close any topic at any time should they see fit.


20-Apr-09, 00:28
Yea sorry guys i realise rules are rules

20-Apr-09, 00:31
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...........;)

20-Apr-09, 00:33
whats my service provider going to do about it..?

If someone posts content which is illegal then their ISP may well be informed, as it probably breaches the Terms Of Service which they agreed to abide by when using that service.

Read the TOS for your ISP to get an idea...

20-Apr-09, 06:18
What about implimenting a filtering system on the forum to bleep out bad words with asterisks?

20-Apr-09, 06:35
What about implimenting a filtering system on the forum to bleep out bad words with asterisks?
I think that was tried but it was bleeping out all sorts of words that werent even swear words!!!:lol:
For example if you were on about football and said "there was 2 balls on the pitch at the same time" it may interpret it as something completely different!![lol]

20-Apr-09, 10:12
I had trouble on the recipes section trying to use a word describing what to do with pastry..... the only other way I could think of was to say stab it a few times with a fork!
Sometimes the filters are a hinderance

20-Apr-09, 10:22
What about implimenting a filtering system on the forum to bleep out bad words with asterisks?

This is already in place. When someone types a swearword, and either previews their post or submits it, the swearword (or other banned word) is automatically replaced by a 'hashmark string', a line of several "#" characters.

This results in an infraction being issued for swearing.

Likewise if someone replaces parts or all of a swearword themselves with an 'asterisk string' or with 'w0rd ma5k1ng' then this is treated in the same way. These are done by the poster to disguise a swearword and perhaps even get around the auto censor, so indicate a deliberate attempt to insert the 'spirit' of a profanity into their post.

Sexual innuendo is treated in the same way.

The rule on this subject is about as clear and simple as it can be -

We do not tolerate swearing or sexual content (or innuendo) of any kind. This includes using ***'s or any other form of word ma5k1ng. You must understand that these forums are read by people of all ages and we must moderate accordingly.

The Infraction points will vary from 1 point for Innuendo to >10 points for intentional strong swearing, duration of the points will vary but will generally be 3 months.So, post something which turns a word into a # string, replace a word with an * string (even if it is not a swearword or does not contain the same number of characters or you know it is just meant to convey the 'sense' of a swearword) or replace characters with similar looking ones to fool the censor, and infraction points will be issued.

20-Apr-09, 10:33
I had trouble on the recipes section trying to use a word describing what to do with pastry..... the only other way I could think of was to say stab it a few times with a fork!
Sometimes the filters are a hinderance

If you submit a post and the auto censor picks up an element of a word as swearing, then report this to us. Obviously we would see the innocent error there and change how the censor works.
The words which are on the swearword list can be fine tuned by tightening up how the censor 'sees' them. Not every known swearword is on the list so someone may just fall foul of the very rare use of a word with something in it. Please don't try typing a well known town in Lincolnshire - it does pick it up!

Alice in Blunderland
20-Apr-09, 11:01
With reference to the use of swearing on the org..... I like it as it is.
We can all reply to posts and fight a good fight without resorting to bad language whether kids know off and use much worse out and about is neither here nor there it is a family friendly site. :D

Its as simple as this we all read and sign up to the rules before joining so we all know what is and isnt acceptable. There is no point in agreeing then trying to change things. There are many other forums out in the big bad world which offer a much less censorship so they can be signed up to if this one is too limiting.

I find it amusing sometimes when reading a post and notice the odd word has slipped through not offensive, and have a giggle to myself wondering how long before the mods pick up on it and await the howls of lifes unfair from the poster who gets a smack on the wrist. ;)

This debate raises its head now and again then dies down again once they realise resistance to the rules is futile. :lol:

20-Apr-09, 11:15
Because my mother taught me not too...........:D

20-Apr-09, 13:44
The words which are on the swearword list can be fine tuned by tightening up how the censor 'sees' them. Not every known swearword is on the list so someone may just fall foul of the very rare use of a word with something in it. Please don't try typing a well known town in Lincolnshire - it does pick it up!

ROFL! I was wondering about that one!

20-Apr-09, 15:42
We have to draw the line somewhere, I'm not adverse to using certain words to underline a point myself - and i've rightly had my wrist slapped for my crime.

If we allowed swearing, the site would quickly degenerate into a mass of abuse...and this site is worth a damn sight more than that.

the poacher
20-Apr-09, 17:13
dont need to swear to express yourself.

20-Apr-09, 17:22
On one occasion I was heard to swear a six word sentence with only one non swear word in it, which was "of", amazingly not "off", when I slammed a door onto my wrist by accident and kept pushing because the door wouldn`t shut properly. Stone cold sober at the time, I must add. The other folk within hearing distance burst out laughing at this wifie giving it laldy like an Irish navvy on speed. I was mortified when I realised I had been overheard as I was brought up to believe there are millions of wonderful words in the English language so to resort to expletives is just a form of ignorance.

20-Apr-09, 17:24
Maybe the question should be - 'why should we be allowed to swear', I can't think of one good reason.

20-Apr-09, 17:46
would they not have heard it at school already tho? and surely theres worse stuff around on the internet? its up to the parents to police that so why not this aswell?
It is up to us as responsible adults to lead by example.

20-Apr-09, 18:30
I swear like a trooper on acid,believe me!!!! but its more of a case of when is it acceptable?
I swear in my own crib and sometimes when I am out for a beer, or rappin!! BUT that doesnt make it excusable, and I dont think its right swearing on a forum unless ALL are in agreement and there are no kiddies about, which isnt possible on a "Community" website,so it'll never happen(rightly)

20-Apr-09, 18:57
Is swearing about anything supposed to impress anyone?:confused

Far from it imho, I think an honest polite reply is the sweetest dish served cold.

20-Apr-09, 20:38
Is swearing about anything supposed to impress anyone?:confused

Far from it imho, I think an honest polite reply is the sweetest dish served cold.
I certainly wouldnt want to mask,mask mask impress any mask mask mask person.I always give a mask mask mask reply that is mask mask mask polite!!!!
I've got more masks than zorro!!!!![lol]

20-Apr-09, 21:16
I too got an infarction for using asterisks to mask a swearword, I was not aware it was a problem before this as I don't usually swear.

21-Apr-09, 16:33
absolutely kids should be able to join in and im not saying we should start using graphic language but isnt masking them with asterisks is enough..?

you'll probably find the kids nowadays know far worse words than us ..lol

21-Apr-09, 18:38
Tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock, tick, tock...........;)

Although I personally do not like blatant swearing in public.
I tried to post a link but luckily for me it did not work or I would have received an infraction,but what it said (an abridged version )a person got fined for swearing at police officers, 3 Scottish high court judges let him off on appeal as he was ''just using the language of his time''.

just goes to show in the real world time does go''tick tock''. :Razz

21-Apr-09, 18:41
Legal system does some bliddy silly things at the best of times.

21-Apr-09, 23:42
I thought sticking a knife in somebody was the current language of the time in some places.
I wonder if he would be so lenient if somebody tried to use that as an excuse?

Children swear because they think it makes them appear big and grown up. Could that be the reason some people feel the desperate need to swear on a public forum or do they have another similar excuse I wonder?

22-Apr-09, 08:50
I thought sticking a knife in somebody was the current language of the time in some places.
I wonder if he would be so lenient if somebody tried to use that as an excuse?

Children swear because they think it makes them appear big and grown up. Could that be the reason some people feel the desperate need to swear on a public forum or do they have another similar excuse I wonder?

Rather a strange form of language that would be, where does the law say that is, a current language of the day. I was only quoting an article from a web site,also that excuse ''he was only using the language of his time'' will probably be quoted in case law for evermore.

22-Apr-09, 09:06
As Alice has said this is a family site. Why do people find the need to use obscene words when there are plenty alternatives available. One thing that really makes me fume is when you hear a woman using four letter words.[disgust] It just makes them sound as common as muck.