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View Full Version : Rugby rules help

28-Feb-06, 21:44
The BBC website gives info on basic rules and laws or rugby:


So aswell as the basics, I now know what else they are doing on the pitch, and can enjoy the game more :o)

But, there's a couple of things I'm still confused by:

1. In the Tackling bit, they talk about stealing the ball in the tackle:

"None of the tackler's team-mates can attempt to handle or pick up the ball once the ruck has formed.

However they can use their strength to drive over the team in possession and attempt to win the ball."

What does 'drive over the team' mean?

2. In the Laws of the Ruck, they talk about:

"... to gain possession, both sides must try to drive over the ball to make it available for their team-mates."

What does 'drive over the ball' mean?

28-Feb-06, 22:03
Driving over the ball means to push the on-side team away from the ball with the ball landing up under your team. The position of the ball in the ruck determines the team that is on-side. Handling in the ruck by the opposing team is handling from an off-side position. Driving the on-side team away from the ball is the only way that the other team can then handle the ball.

Any clearer?

WBG :cool:

George Brims
28-Feb-06, 22:08
What they mean in both these cases is that you push the other team off the ball. Once the ball is behind the feet of the people in the ruck then a player (and it's usually the scrum-half, unless he was involved in the tackle and is buried in the ruck somewhere) can pick it up. He can't reach in and get it, though he (or any player in the ruck) can try to hook it out with a foot.

28-Feb-06, 22:28
Great, thanks to you both. Makes lots more sense now.