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View Full Version : Home remedies for sore ear?

28-Feb-06, 21:22
Does anybody know what will help an ear infection?Went to the doc today and got tablets but will take a day or so to start working.Oh earache hurts will even try the old wives tales !!!

28-Feb-06, 21:27
pour warm olive oil into it. and try to remain upright so any fluid drains away that helps - I can bear witness to that.
I was also told to pour peroxide into it, but I haven't tried that one myself.

28-Feb-06, 21:39
:o) Thanks Katarina i will give the oil a try.Heard about peroxide but am not to keen on the idea.Cheers

28-Feb-06, 23:16
Try some onion juice - it has worked for my daughter and was recommended to me by a friend for whom it also worked a treat. Cut up an onion in maybe four bits. Put in microwave until it softens a bit and you can see some milky coloured juice. Rub end of cotton bud, or very clean little finger, into the oily juice and rub inside the ear. It really takes the pain away - amazing (and a little smelly!!) Hope it works for you....

30-Mar-06, 02:44
cider vinegar

30-Mar-06, 06:06
Take it from the Queen of Earaches, a few drops of warm olive oil works a treat.

30-Mar-06, 09:11
I've heard about the onion trick before.the one i heard was gently warm the inner root of the onion and place inside ear,probably work a bi:p t like a poltice.dont push it in too far.

The Angel Of Death
30-Mar-06, 09:35
cider vinegar

How about a load of cider that will take the pain away and transfer it to a hangiver the next day ???

When i had it before the easiest thing i did was to take a couple of sleeping tablets to knock me out and then sleep it off

30-Mar-06, 11:31
used to use earex or olive oil and a cotton wool ball. the cotton wool seemed to stop the draft going in ma ear.
not had one for ages, used to get them the whole time when i was younger. sore thing to get.

30-Mar-06, 20:51
A drop of Lavender oil on cotton wool and put gently in the ear will usually help.

31-Mar-06, 00:26
used to use earex or olive oil and a cotton wool ball. the cotton wool seemed to stop the draft going in ma ear.
not had one for ages, used to get them the whole time when i was younger. sore thing to get.
i seem to remember that ear ache was qiute a common thing years ago but not so much now..how come ???

31-Mar-06, 03:47
i seem to remember that ear ache was qiute a common thing years ago but not so much now..how come ???
I solved my ear-ache problem! She lives 500 miles away! :p