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14-Apr-09, 21:54
Of all the things that have happened in the world during my short lifetime I always remember the Twin Towers attack... I was at a friend and thought it was a Bruce Willis film until my friend changed channel...

I was just wondering what world event do you remember, and where you were...

(A world event does not have to be a bad event)


14-Apr-09, 21:56
I was backshift when they landed on the moon.

14-Apr-09, 21:57
I was at school. Modern Studies was the subject i was in i think when the twin towers collapsed.

14-Apr-09, 22:02
I was in registration class (music room) when I heard Elvis had died

14-Apr-09, 22:14
i was 3 at the time and was lying in my mum and dads bed when they announced elvis had died.

14-Apr-09, 23:28
I was at my work when the annouced elvis had died and was sat in my kitchen when my mum foned to ask had i been watching the news about the attack on the twin towers x

15-Apr-09, 02:08
My mother and i were on a glass bottom boaT IN mAJORCA when 2 women started screaming. We asked what was wrong and they let us listen to the radio with them.

15-Apr-09, 02:39
I was happily munching away on some popcorn when the Child-Catcher caught those kids. Thank God for Benny Hill and his underground network of tunnels.

15-Apr-09, 08:59
I was at work the day they landed on the moon. One guy insisted that it was all filmed in a studio - then again, it was a flat-earthist. ;)

15-Apr-09, 11:55
Day Elvis died - was in Nova Scotia, spent the day on the lake swiming, canoeing and skiing came back to house, friend turned on radio and we heard the words "in Mephis Tennesse" at the end of the news bulletin. I said that Elvis must have died or taken ill at least - pal sat by the radio until next bulletin and started howling and greeting when she heard he had died.
Twin Towers - going across the pond the next day on holiday - busy packing and cleaning before going, oh called to say to come and watch happening on television - unbelieveable. Flew out on first flight from Glasgow to Toronto to attend a Christening on the Sunday between Toronto and Montreal.

15-Apr-09, 15:14
I said that Elvis must have died or taken ill at least - pal sat by the radio until next bulletin and started howling and greeting when she heard he had died.

Is it just me who cant work out why people do this? If it was someone you knew I could understand , but a celebrity youve never met, come on get a grip.

15-Apr-09, 15:26
Elvis's death didn't register with me at all.

But when the Twin Towers were hit I was on shift at a CNC Engineering firm in England. One of the lads legged it home and brought back his telly so we could keep up with developments.

15-Apr-09, 16:19
Yes agree with you - don't know why anyone howls and greets when it is someone they do not know at all other than they are 'famous or infamous' for some reason.

I felt a right idiot - wondering if I was abnormal in not wanting to join them - when all the neighbours eventually heard the news they joined ranks and were all howling, the lake certainly got a few more inches of water that day from the tears of the residents on the lakeside. I was left wondering if it was the straight faced Scot inside, was I the odd one out as I was the only female not affected!

15-Apr-09, 16:26
Of all the things that have happened in the world during my short lifetime I always remember the Twin Towers attack... I was at a friend and thought it was a Bruce Willis film until my friend changed channel...

I was just wondering what world event do you remember, and where you were...

(A world event does not have to be a bad event)


Like yourself there have been a few things that I remember, but the one I will always remember is the Twin Towers attack......I was at home at the time of the hit and I was glued to the Telly for the rest of the day hardly believing what I was seeing.........