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View Full Version : Woodlice

13-Apr-09, 00:53
bored again i wrote another poem

Today i saw a slater in my bath
or woodlice as its known
it went in a wobbly path
and it was all alone

Why did it come from the plug
and enter the white suite
just a scared little bug
and he was placed under my feet

the shadow of my sole overhead
a darkness of its world
but i could bring myself i said
as i saw him there all swirled

today i saw a slater in my bath
or woodlice as its known
It was dead from a spiders wrath
in woodlice heaven not alone.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
15-Apr-09, 20:00
Nice poem Invisible.Ah the woodlouse.

Listen to the drums as the insects army's here
Aw the creepy crawlies together showing no fear
Here comes the woodlice the power among the ranks
They don't have guns but they have their own tanks