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11-Apr-09, 17:35
I dont "do" spiders and have to get my hubby to remove them from the bath for me.
Last night there was 2 of them...
Big ones.....
Is there a good repellant for them as I dont want to deal with them but dont want Lauren to pick up on my problem with spiders and be scared too.... she already screams when she sees a slater (which is my fault)

11-Apr-09, 17:41
I inherited the same thing, thanks to my poor mother being intensely scared of them.

You can get high frequency sound emitters that plug into the wall.


Insects do NOT like them and it'll clear your house of most creepy crawlies. They're quite small and unobtrusive units, unlike spiders which are small but cause chaos! I loathe the things and would happily see them extinct, but i manage to get them out of the house rather than kill them. After all they are generally minding their own business.

12-Apr-09, 15:41
I have same problem with any creepie crawlies and if they fly thats another storey. But back to the spiders and things without wings. I have a bug catcher a friend gave it to me it is a long pole with a plastic trap on the end and you get spider in and take outside.(betta buy) It took me some time to get brave enough to do it but I can and I feel good. It is good that you are going to do something for the sake of your wee one I did it for my grnandchildren. I believe that you get similar thing but battery operated from Lakeside plastics

12-Apr-09, 15:48
I loathe the things and would happily see them extinct

If spiders were extinct there would be a lot more flies about.
I know what i'd rather :lol:

12-Apr-09, 20:25
My OH hates 'em - she has a little studio where she paints and they keep getting in; this is a good site:


12-Apr-09, 21:25
Don't like spiders. I usually squish them when they're in the house. I know its bad but they're creepy and my mum does the same.:roll: It's a learnt thing too
My cats usually go after any bugs that come in the house(Except wasps and bees;)) So they usually get rid of unwanted house guests for me.[lol]

12-Apr-09, 21:33
Just the thought of a spider makes me cringe

12-Apr-09, 22:10
get the hoover out...thats what i do

13-Apr-09, 08:08
You are awful you lot.
For pete's sake live an let live.
Know what you mean thou' my oh is absolutely petrified big big time o' worms an snakes, even a picture is enough to set her off.
Me I don't give a stuff! Ok unless its a 'forkie tail' -----AAAHHHH:)

13-Apr-09, 19:27
I cant get close enough to squish!
Besides isnt it supposed to bring rain?

13-Apr-09, 19:31
Sorry, but nothing on this earth works, or ever will.
These creatures are not of this planet (nothing with that amount of legs that isn't an accident could be).
Kill one and 30,000 will return in its place. They will bring brother, sisters, aunts, uncles, grandma, grandad, cousins 30 times removed.....you get the picture.

Good Luck in your quest.:eek:

13-Apr-09, 19:42
I can admit to blasting them with the steam cleaner if its on, until Im sure they are dead, then sucking them up the hoover, but its a waste to switch the steam cleaner to just blast the spiders.... have to clean something as its on:lol:

13-Apr-09, 19:49
What are you lot like??
In the pets corner your all lovely dovey over Dowgs of every size from ones as as big as Shetland Ponies to ones you stuff in your hand bag, and what can I say about your love of Cats???
But should an Incie wincie little spider appear and you turn into murdering savages [lol]
What harm do the wee things do to you? They lurk in corners catching flies and bluebottles, nasty noisy beesties that spread disease, and ask for nothing from us humans, they do not make a mess, you dont have to take them to the Vet, they need little exercise.
There is no need to kill, stamp or flatten them, a gentle scoop up and show them the door gentley, thats all thats needed :lol:

13-Apr-09, 21:48
I have a small handheld hoover that we normally use for the car but it come's in handy for sucking up spiders.They dont get to live in my house cause they breed .And if i spy one but it takes off and i canna find it,the whole room get's emptied and hoovered!:lol:

13-Apr-09, 21:59
I think Paul McKenna does a good cd to help with phobias, if you know you've got an irrational fear of them just get it sorted, why live in fear?:confused

13-Apr-09, 22:05
I think Paul McKenna does a good cd to help with phobias, if you know you've got an irrational fear of them just get it sorted, why live in fear?:confused

I dinna live in fear,if i see it i kill it,simple.It's all over very quickly......:lol:

13-Apr-09, 22:13
while in Asia I was bitten by a spider and a hole grew in my leg until it was the size of a 5p piece and took 3 months to heal !!
Scottish ones are wee darlings in comparison ! :lol:

14-Apr-09, 00:40
I cant get close enough to squish!
Besides isnt it supposed to bring rain?

Ach it rains all the time in scotland anyway, what does it matter;)I don't believe in these things anyway, supertiscious nonsense:cool:

14-Apr-09, 11:06
Maybe thats why we never see much of a summer up here, too many people on here killing spiders :D

14-Apr-09, 15:46
What are you lot like??
In the pets corner your all lovely dovey over Dowgs of every size from ones as as big as Shetland Ponies to ones you stuff in your hand bag, and what can I say about your love of Cats???
But should an Incie wincie little spider appear and you turn into murdering savages [lol]
What harm do the wee things do to you? They lurk in corners catching flies and bluebottles, nasty noisy beesties that spread disease, and ask for nothing from us humans, they do not make a mess, you dont have to take them to the Vet, they need little exercise.
There is no need to kill, stamp or flatten them, a gentle scoop up and show them the door gentley, thats all thats needed :lol:

Exactly, they lurk in corners.
And really do not believe for one minute that they're just helping clean up all the insects etc, that is just what they want you to think.
They are waiting, lurking and / or creeping about for that perfect opportunity to jump on you, latch onto your face and suck the living blood out of you - why do you think they have so many legs? It ain't for walking mate, 2 would be sufficient for that, nope it's for suckerage power when they've latched on to your face.
They practice and perfect their techniques at night when we're asleep but we don't know and there's no fun in that for them. They want us awake and alert and in full knowledge of what they're doing - THAT is why they lurk in corners.

Jeez, thought everyone knew that.

14-Apr-09, 15:51
I have a small handheld hoover that we normally use for the car but it come's in handy for sucking up spiders.They dont get to live in my house cause they breed .And if i spy one but it takes off and i canna find it,the whole room get's emptied and hoovered!:lol:

I tried that Butterfly but then when I went to empty the hoover the spider ran up my hand :eek: I nearly died!Much better to squish them ;) x

14-Apr-09, 15:58
I think Paul McKenna does a good cd to help with phobias, if you know you've got an irrational fear of them just get it sorted, why live in fear?:confused

But my fear of them is not irrational.
I know they are waiting to do terrible things, I know they taunt me by zipping along the floor or whizzing down a web to land on me and I know they're wanting to suck the life blood out of me. Therefore it's very rational for me to fear them!!

Anne x
14-Apr-09, 16:19
I must be odd I love Spiders strange but true :D I just scoop them up and put them in a safer place for them OH hates them

OH says I really am odd now after reading the threads here tonight I also love frogs and had them on my wedding cake " I kissed a frog and he became a Prince " syndrome lol again strange but true

14-Apr-09, 17:35
some people on here even keep them as pets :roll: :lol:

14-Apr-09, 20:16
I feel the same as porshiepoo but please dont squish or squash them

14-Apr-09, 20:20
I feel the same as porshiepoo but please dont squish or squash them

No. DO so squish, squash, bish, bash and whatever other ishing you want to do. In fact knock yourself out with ishing. Ishing is good, ishing is cleansing, ishing will help prevent world domination by spiders.

ISH away people. :eek:

14-Apr-09, 20:23
I tried that Butterfly but then when I went to empty the hoover the spider ran up my hand :eek: I nearly died!Much better to squish them ;) x

If you dinna want to use a hoover ,a hammer is much more effective lol!

14-Apr-09, 20:26
But my fear of them is not irrational.
I know they are waiting to do terrible things, I know they taunt me by zipping along the floor or whizzing down a web to land on me and I know they're wanting to suck the life blood out of me. Therefore it's very rational for me to fear them!!

I know just how you feel lol! There is millions of us weeman that feel the same!

14-Apr-09, 21:32
Plus its the thought of actually accidently eating one while sleeping:eek:

15-Apr-09, 00:18
Did you hear about the young Australian youth that was bitten on the penis by a red back spider. He prayed asking god "please god take away the pain but leave the swelling"

15-Apr-09, 00:25
Plus its the thought of actually accidently eating one while sleeping:eek:

You shouldna have said that lol,i'm having trouble sleeping as it is.:eek:

16-Apr-09, 15:06
There is a big hairy spider in the bath today .... its too big and fast for me to deal with... so we are leaving it for Daddy to do when he gets home!

Slaters seem to be on the increase. I dont know if im just noticing them more since the kitchen is emptied though!......not even a kitchen sink in the kitchen at the moment:eek:

16-Apr-09, 15:10
I dont mind spiders which is good cos i live in the most spidery house i have ever seen!!!! I quite like slaters too they look pre historic - see what i cant stand is slugs ugh slimey and horrible

17-Apr-09, 00:31
[quote=Dadie;534144]There is a big hairy spider in the bath today .... its too big and fast for me to deal with... so we are leaving it for Daddy to do when he gets home!

It might have crawled under the toilet seat by then!:eek:

17-Apr-09, 18:53
If it did it would be flushed fast!
No second chances for those multilegged fiends:lol:

17-Apr-09, 19:02
If it did it would be flushed fast!
No second chances for those multilegged fiends:lol:

Lol! What are we like!!![lol]