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View Full Version : football gang rape

03-Oct-03, 20:17
anyone know what website tells the names of the players involved? i know that the sun has said that the consenting player was from chelsea fc, but looked on google, and it didnt come up with ne names? im just nosey!
and might i just add, if these men did do this, hope they get EVERYTHING coming to them, bleeping scum of the blepping earth!(bleeping added by me, feel free to insert words!)
sex offenders, kiddie fiddlers and pedos should all be given a taste of their own medicine, see how they feel. [evil] :mad: *sigh* good, got that out of my system!! :confused :~(

04-Oct-03, 00:01
It seems we learned nothing from the John Leslie case then???

Once again the media are conducting a trial before charges have been pressed. Once again the price of fame is to lose the right not only to annonymity until proven guilty, but also the basic presumption of innocence until proven guilty. All in the public interest, or all in the interest of newspaper circulation???

04-Oct-03, 00:40
now, im in spilt minds over this. fair enough, innocent until proven guilty, yet i have known victims of sex attacks where the attacker was not convicted. but the person has been well known to the police for this kind of thing, but just never been convicted. shurly in these sort of cases's the attacker should be well known so other woman are warey of this attcker!
then again, i feel sorry for the men who HAVE been fasley accused(i.e. the *victim* has adimitted lying). its a no win situation.

what disusts me most, the way the court barely protects rape victims in scotland. if a trial goes to court, the victim has to face their attacker and be called a lier in court i remeber reading about a young girl who killed hersefl after being raped a 14 yr old lad(she was 18 i think). her trial went to court, and the prosicution repeadly went on about her wearing a g-string the night she was attacked. she was reduced to tears etc.. but this lassie wasnt wearing next to nothing that night, she had a jumper jeans and boots on.
even if the victim has been depressed before a rape etc.. that can actully go against her. the prosicution can say she made it all up for attention. that just sickens me the sort of things they let these monsters off with. [mad] :~(

ok ok, ill shut up now, i can go on all day, im sorry, but this is a topic which i feel strongly about. :mad: :confused