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26-Feb-06, 11:24
I have seen a doc yesterday at hospital cos I woke up and my top eyelid was swollen. They gave me antibiotic cream, antihistamine and Geigy tablets which are antiinflamatory and painkiller. The swelling was not so bad at night but still sore. I have woken today with a horribly swollen eyelid again. Has anyone had this? I may go back to hospital so they can see it swollen properly. I am absolutely bamboozled as were they cos I have done nothing to it and there is no discharge etc. Has anyone had this happen??

26-Feb-06, 11:39
Oh Unicorn hope your better soon. Can you see out of it? is it worse?Is it an insect bite?
Had a pluke at corner of my eye nearest nose turned out it was a blocked folicle....
Treated it with witch hazel.brilliant stuff:)
If it gets worse go back up to hospital.

26-Feb-06, 12:51
could be a stye they can be nasty

moose and Lindsay
26-Feb-06, 13:05
put a wet tea-bag on it for a while, bet that helps!!

I do it all the time with the kids etc even the dog if he has a sticky eye

works brilliant :)


26-Feb-06, 13:15
Sorry to hear about your eye, hope you get it treated and it clears up soon.

26-Feb-06, 13:20
it could be a infection of one of the ducts/tubes in your eyelid. keeptaking the medication but if it dosnt go back down,go back to your doctor.

26-Feb-06, 13:25
I had two lumps in my eye once upon a time. They were cysts. Horrible little things. Took me 6months to get an appointment with a specialist. He got them out fairly quickly. Was awesome watching needles etc going so close to my eye to remove them.

Keep going back if it stays. Not to be messed with

26-Feb-06, 14:13
I have seen a doc yesterday at hospital cos I woke up and my top eyelid was swollen. They gave me antibiotic cream, antihistamine and Geigy tablets which are antiinflamatory and painkiller. The swelling was not so bad at night but still sore. I have woken today with a horribly swollen eyelid again. Has anyone had this? I may go back to hospital so they can see it swollen properly. I am absolutely bamboozled as were they cos I have done nothing to it and there is no discharge etc. Has anyone had this happen??
Sounds like the little glands in your eye lid are infected/inflammed ( they are these miniglands that open up on the edge of the eye lid- tarsal glands. They produce a lubricant). Just do what your doc says and make sure you don't cut the antibiotic treatment short because you feel better. You might feel some reliefwashing your eye with cool saline solution, but ask your doctor first!

26-Feb-06, 14:28
My son had this once i put a pad of cotton wool soaked in milk on it, use cold milk as it takes swelling down too. His healed in a couple of days.

26-Feb-06, 14:42
Hi all just back from hospital again. It turns out that I have an ulcer inside my eyelid yuckkkkkk. Gotta go back tomorrow and just keep taking the medication. Lord knows how I got that??? Thanks for the advice.

26-Feb-06, 14:45
Its amazing what mother nature has to offer us in her store bag we just need to know how to use it :)

26-Feb-06, 16:12
I heard impetigo is doing the rounds....

26-Feb-06, 16:13
ooooooooooh now that is a nasty one... I got it as a teenager and it was horrible and so so contagious.... watch out for clusters of tiny puss filled blisters peeps