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01-Apr-09, 15:15
My mother used to say that Caithness was a fashion nightmare because of the gales.

It's hard looking your best crouched over in the teeth of hurricane force winds, clutching your hat, splashing through the puddles in your wellies.

Maybe that's why fashion has never figured in the Org - especially when it is difficult knowing the gender of Orgers.

But you can dream, ladies, can't you?

And here to promote your dreams is the world's greatest fashion reporter - Bill Cunningham.

Mr. Cunningham pedals around Manhattan on his bike with his camera at the ready, snapping street fashion for the New York Times. (I dont expect him to show up in Thurso any time soon but drop him a line, I gather he's a receptive guy.

Anyway - enough of the banter - here is Bill Cunningham, camera at the ready:


01-Apr-09, 15:20
Not sure about the other ladies here but I find this thread a tad insulting - what exactly are you trying to say?

01-Apr-09, 15:23
I don't really get the point you are trying to make either? :confused

Anne x
01-Apr-09, 15:24
Nor Me !!! [lol]

01-Apr-09, 15:24
I was simply introducing you to one of life's small pleasures. Is that a crime? If so I am completely unrepentant...

01-Apr-09, 15:25
Are you saying that writing about women's fashion is politically incorrect? Surely not! Come oin, ladies, lighten up!!!!!

01-Apr-09, 15:27
No but inferring that Orgers or indeed the women of Caithness have no fashion sense or care not for fashion just might be! Why don't you wise up? :Razz

Cedric Farthsbottom III
01-Apr-09, 15:31
I have got a great fashion sense.I'm in the know.John Travolta has got his strut in 'Saturday Night Fever'.Nothing compared to my strut doon Bridge Street at 6am in the morning.Gales ruining ma hair,disnae matter to me!!:lol::lol:

01-Apr-09, 15:31
The point I was making in my introduction was that the Caithness climate imposes certain diffilculties when it comes to fashion.

Is this untrue?

You are being over-sensitive.

Read the columns!

01-Apr-09, 15:37
Rich, that may have been in your Mothers day, but the fashion icons of Kaitness today do not trapse out in the teeth of a gale these days, admittedly they will have on their green wellies to go out the house, but only until the reach the safety of their 4x4 (with bull bars), where they then deftly drop the Wellies in the trunk ( Ladies I would have said boot but he has been in Canada a long time), then don their driving shoes, and proceed in all their finery to Tesco's.

01-Apr-09, 15:41
I don't have, never have had and will never have a 4x4. I have also never sported my finery to Tescos. LOL you and rich should go sit in the corner together until you "get with it"!

01-Apr-09, 15:42
I don't have, never have had and will never have a 4x4. I have also never sported my finery to Tescos. LOL you and rich should go sit in the corner together until you "get with it"!
But wifie, your no in Caithness [lol]

01-Apr-09, 15:58
I remember in the 1970`s trekking through snow in wellies to get to Viewfirth to the dances. Long frocks were the order of the day and they were hitched up until we got to the venue. The dancing shoes went on, the wellies pinned together with a clothespeg under the table, and wonderful nights were had.

Now on a wet Caithness morning I appreciate the fact I don`t have to dry my hair after washing it as folk meeting me just think I have been out a long time and got soaked. On the dry windy mornings by the time I have been to the bin and back the hair is dry, thus saving a fortune on electricity for the hairdrier, heated rollers or straighteners.


01-Apr-09, 16:00
:Razzwhat are you on about rich? i think u might be a little 2 high on life posting stuff like that

Cedric Farthsbottom III
01-Apr-09, 16:05
Rich,yer comparing the link video to Caithness.The sun was oot the day when me and mine were out the day.We were still dressed like the breeze that was blowing up oor rears.Its nearly summmertime,but not yet,not yet....:lol::lol:.Still didnae have a hair out of place though,cannae say the same for the kids though.I thought putty was for windows!!!!!LOL

01-Apr-09, 16:48
But wifie, your no in Caithness [lol]

No, but I spent a considerable part of my life there when my outer garments suited the weather and what was revealed when I reached my destination was quite in keeping with the fashion of the day. I walked everywhere btw.

I visit Caithness frequently in a normal car and wear normal clothes. I am not and have never been a fashion victim which is what I would be if dressed for the catwalk, or indeed the city, in Caithness weather.

I just feel rich is amok wi his big spoon again as is his wont to do.

01-Apr-09, 17:06
Amuck????? Moi!!!!!!!

Seriously, did you read the articles? I think they are brilliant. What do you think?

01-Apr-09, 18:05
Thanks for the link rich. It's been some years since Paris saw my legs and vice versa. Even I could still compete with those youngsters in their trendy garb because thick black tights cover up the majority of the minor sins acquired during a couple of decades' aging. :D

01-Apr-09, 18:06
Aye you!!! I said amok too - don't correct my already correct spelling! [disgust] How do you read videos? :confused

01-Apr-09, 19:14
you should go sit in the corner together until you "get with it"!
Wow I have been sent to the naughty corner by a forceful wuman :(

01-Apr-09, 19:14
"m sorry if I made amockery of your post!

Cedric Farthsbottom III
01-Apr-09, 19:35
Fashion on the street is nothing now.Computers have changed that,designers don't mean as much as they used to.What ye can't buy on the High Street now,ye can buy online.There is still a young guy in Wick,who designs his own T-shirts.Fantastic.Original.Why does granmar and speling always come back to haunt in threads it adds nothing.

01-Apr-09, 20:12
My mother used to say that Caithness was a fashion nightmare because of the gales.

It's hard looking your best crouched over in the teeth of hurricane force winds, clutching your hat, splashing through the puddles in your wellies.

Maybe that's why fashion has never figured in the Org - especially when it is difficult knowing the gender of Orgers.

But you can dream, ladies, can't you?

And here to promote your dreams is the world's greatest fashion reporter - Bill Cunningham.

Mr. Cunningham pedals around Manhattan on his bike with his camera at the ready, snapping street fashion for the New York Times. (I dont expect him to show up in Thurso any time soon but drop him a line, I gather he's a receptive guy.

Anyway - enough of the banter - here is Bill Cunningham, camera at the ready:

just looked at the pics and if thats what the americans call fashion then they can keep it.

01-Apr-09, 20:23
Rich, are you sure she didn't mean "fishin' nightmare" with a Caithnesian accent? lol

01-Apr-09, 20:33
I remember my first night out in caithness many years ago. My best friend & I got all dressed up to go clubbing like we would back home. It was freezing & blowing a gale but we braved the elements in our skimpy outfits with no coats!:eek: we walked into the first packed pub to be stared at like we were martians! That was the day we realised that caithness wasnt quite ready for the club fashion we were used too!!:lol:

01-Apr-09, 20:48

It's hard looking your best crouched over in the teeth of hurricane force winds, clutching your hat, splashing through the puddles in your wellies.

Since when did wellies become a fashion statement?

01-Apr-09, 20:51
Welly boots with what looks like a burberry pattern on the inside have been all over Toronto this winter and I saw lots in New York. Could it be that Lady Camilla, Charlese's mate are fasion ikons? (I hope not!)

01-Apr-09, 20:59
Fashion on the street is nothing now.Computers have changed that,designers don't mean as much as they used to.What ye can't buy on the High Street now,ye can buy online.There is still a young guy in Wick,who designs his own T-shirts.Fantastic.Original.Why does granmar and speling always come back to haunt in threads it adds nothing.

Cedric normally I would never resort to correcting someone's grammar or spelling in a thread unless of course it changed the meaning totally! I just resented having my words mucked about with when they were perfectly fine in the first place.