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30-Mar-09, 15:01
What is the best fight ever in the movies?
For sure, this is one of them:


30-Mar-09, 15:53
Dang me, here's another. There's something about saloons....


31-Mar-09, 11:39
There's something about saloons....

Indeed there is, although none can come even close to this one:


percy toboggan
31-Mar-09, 14:09
The 'best fight' would have to be World War two as portrayed in 'Saving Private Ryan'

31-Mar-09, 14:33
My Favourite has to be John Wayne and Victor McLaglen, in the Quiet Man


percy toboggan
31-Mar-09, 14:50
My Favourite has to be John Wayne and Victor McLaglen, in the Quiet Man


You know Golach I was going to suggest that one but it's so long since I saw the film I couldn't fully remember it.

Good call.

31-Mar-09, 15:02
You know Golach I was going to suggest that one but it's so long since I saw the film I couldn't fully remember it.

Good call.
Percy, age always wins [lol]

31-Mar-09, 15:43
Metallika I felt like I had the bends after your aquatic fight. Can this be matched?
Eisenstein's propaganda masterpiece has the Tetonic Knights meeting their 14th centruy Stalingrad. The battle was staged on a frozen lake - a huge one judging by the numbers of combatants. And the ice cracked and broke. The cameras kept rolling. Well, that's the legend.
The score for this movie is by Profokiev who was no slouch!


Gene Hunt
31-Mar-09, 20:41
Jason Bourne for me.

Either the fight with the Treadstone agent in the Paris flat in Identity or the fight with Desh to save Niki in Ultimatum.

percy toboggan
31-Mar-09, 23:14
Jason Bourne for me.

Either the fight with the Treadstone agent in the Paris flat in Identity or the fight with Desh to save Niki in Ultimatum.

Oh yes! they were brilliantly choreographed. Excellent trilogy that and among my favourites. Thanks for the reminder.

01-Apr-09, 00:10
Matrix and 300 is all i can think on just now! :D