View Full Version : Scott Mackenzie Memorial

Missy Wick
28-Mar-09, 09:39
We are holding a junior football tournament on 7th June in the Bignold park in memory of my brother Scott who was killed as the result of a tragic accident at christmastime.

We are also holding a Prize bingo on Tuesday 14th April in the Francis Street Club.

All monies raised will be donated back into all participating junior caithness football teams.

Many fantastic prizes, also bottle stall and raffles.

hope to see you there.

More details of football tournament to follow.

28-Mar-09, 10:23
i hope it all goes well and so sorry about your brother.

28-Mar-09, 13:46
What a fitting thing to do in memory of Scott. Football was such a big part of his life and he was so talented. It is so difficult for loved ones when someone so young is taken from them and I commend you and your family for organising this in the face of such heartache. There is no doubt it will be a success, Scott was such a popular lad who shared his love of the game with many friends.

I'm sure there will be people who would like to donate items to your Prize Bingo. Maybe you could let them know on here, where to put them. I hope everything goes well. Take care.

Missy Wick
28-Mar-09, 14:41
We just figured that these young boys need the chance the same way Scott did and he made the most of his chance.
Football was his life. We didnt know how popular he was until we lost him. Sad really.

If anyone wishes to donate anything at all, you can contact me or pop it to mum and dads house and if you dont know where that is send me a pm and i will let you know.
Thanks again for your thoughts and wishes.

29-Mar-09, 01:03
What a lovely memorium to your brother.......hope you do well.

30-Mar-09, 17:54
What a great thing to do for your brother. I hope everything goes well and you get lots of support for a good cause.

31-Mar-09, 00:52
Just bumping it up ,all in a good cause.

31-Mar-09, 12:59
good luck :D

31-Mar-09, 15:24
If you would like this promoted on the radio - email details to us at [email protected]. (service is totally free of charge)

Missy Wick
31-Mar-09, 18:16
Thank you all for your support. Had lots of messages of support and help offered.
Hopefully this will be a success and we will keep you updated with the total raised etc.

everyone has been so kind

Missy Wick
09-Apr-09, 19:57
it has come to our attention that some of Scotts friends want to come to the bingo.

we only just realised this and unfortunately anyone under 18 will not be able to play.


Missy Wick
14-Apr-09, 08:23
Just a wee reminder that this bingo is on tonight

hope to see you all there


14-Apr-09, 09:46
Hope you get a really good turnout and raise lots of money.

14-Apr-09, 23:28
Really good turn out at the prize bingo tonite they raised over £3000 which was brilliant the most ive ever seen raised at one

14-Apr-09, 23:52
Really good turn out at the prize bingo tonite they raised over £3000 which was brilliant the most ive ever seen raised at one

Wow! They did well then,so glad for the family.

Missy Wick
15-Apr-09, 09:29
Thank you so much to everyone who turned out and got squashed in last night.
It was lovely to see so many of Scotts friends and their families

We are truly amazed by everyones generosity and were delighted to raise over £3000.

It just goes to prove and he was a star and is truly missed by all

thanks again
