View Full Version : I've won £65,000

26-Mar-09, 02:40
That caught your eye didn't it!!!
No, i haven't won all that money... I wish.It's a scam.
The letter was posted in hong kong but the return envelope is for Holland.
The letter states that their financial controller approved the release of £65,000 by cheque to my name. It has been matched to my name and recorded in their uk national prize draw computer and i have won it.
Also they have offered me a great offer of more money, £2,500 which will be sent to me immediately IF I send them £9.99. The letter states I have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I dont think so, i think i would have a tenner to lose!!
In the same post, community awards service say i have won £25,000 and have given me a number. i have to phone them and see what my allocation code is with this number, to get the money. I dont think so. Calls cost £1.50 per minute and will last 6 minutes.....thats £9.
Do be CAREFUL of these scams, put the letter in the bin as i did.

26-Mar-09, 06:59
I got one too fran but it said i had won a share of $850,000 dollars but i had to give all my details to a address in nigeria at the bottom of the letter it said this is not a scam but i aint taking a chance.

26-Mar-09, 09:53
when I got it, I sent the thing back with a note saying to deduct the £25 pounds administration fee they asked for up front from my winnings. Predictably I received no reply.

26-Mar-09, 14:26
My mother-in-law (love her dearly :lol:) is forever getting these things through the post and on the phone. She gets so many that I keep her telling her that I reckon there is a shared 'mugs-list' of likely candidates and she is in the number one position. Doesn't go down too well for same strange reason?!

26-Mar-09, 14:37
I have printed up on my Printer a set of Stickers that says in BIG Red Letters:-


Any and all mail that I receive that I do not recognise or am not expecting or looks like one of these Competition Wins. I stick on a Return to Sender Sticker and put back in the post box.

Just because a postie has put some mail through your letter box you do not have to accept it and you can send it back at no cost to you.

Since I started this my Spam Mail has reduced and now I only get about 1 or 2 a week, before I was gettting several a day.

26-Mar-09, 16:22
me thinks these scammers should take English grammar lessons, just this second had an urgent "Halifax important service message":

Dear Halifax Online Account Holder,

During our usual security enhancement protocol,we observed multiple login attempt error while login in to your online Halifax account.We have believed that someone other than you is trying to access your account For security reasons,
we have temporarily suspend your account and your access to online banking and will be restricted if you fail to update.

Please click on the reference below to initiate the verification process and re-confirm your membership details.

Bad Manners
26-Mar-09, 18:27
I have printed up on my Printer a set of Stickers that says in BIG Red Letters:-


Any and all mail that I receive that I do not recognise or am not expecting or looks like one of these Competition Wins. I stick on a Return to Sender Sticker and put back in the post box.

Just because a postie has put some mail through your letter box you do not have to accept it and you can send it back at no cost to you.

Since I started this my Spam Mail has reduced and now I only get about 1 or 2 a week, before I was gettting several a day.

Great idea hopefully they get charged for the return post

26-Mar-09, 19:45
I've just received an email saying I've won, gee us orgers have all the luck [lol]

Reference Number: 33-393-79-88
The Euro lottery Million Email Sweepstakes program
This is to inform you that your Email Address attached to a Ticket Number (15-21-4-19-27-44)
has won the prize Sum of One Million Euro Only, in an Email Sweepstakes program held on the 24th March 2009.
Contact person: Mr. Jon Boer.
TEL: 0031-643-652-742
reply to E-mail to: [email protected]
Below are your Winning info:Email Ticket Number 08-17-4-11-27-21 Reference Number: 33-393-79-88
Batch Number PLOT3849432 Serial Number:TTML23553334
Please note that all winning must be claim not later than 15th April 2009.
Mrs. Loveth Genk.
E-mail: [email protected]

wee sparkle
27-Mar-09, 00:27
Those scams are everywhere!

I got an email once that was very confusing!

It said in it that i'd inherited £2m from an asian prince i was distantly related to..... and me being reasonably inteligent immediately knew it was a scam.
Then further down (i kept reading just outta curiosity :lol:) it said that this particular man....(forgot his name).... was my referee, and it gave a list of websites with his details and qualifications... which looked genuine!
I ignored that however, and read further down... where i then came to the 'catch' of the email..... i was to send my banking details to this Mr Referee man.... who would then immediately transfer the money through and the deal would be done...

I knew it wasnt true... it just sounded daft... but the website link included in the email, with this mans details on it were really convincing! So dont believe it at first glance...

Good luck to them even if they did somehow try to raid my account.... it has all of £2 in it!! :lol:

Alice in Blunderland
27-Mar-09, 00:32
Weesparkle this is your mum ...................................... GET TO BED ITS LATE.

Caught you on the org at eleven thirty tut tut

wee sparkle
27-Mar-09, 00:34

well thats me told!

09-Apr-09, 08:36
Good. At least something is being done - bit surprised to see that 22,000 people fell for it! "A scam letter scheme which could have netted an estimated £35m a year has been smashed by officers from the Serious Organised Crime Agency (Soca). It follows a police raid on a building in Somerset which was being used to process cheques for criminals abroad. Payments totalling nearly half a million pounds were recovered. Cheques are now being returned to the 22,000 senders with a letter warning them about the scam and urging them to be more vigilant in future..."


09-Apr-09, 09:41
I'm just waiting for the cheque to come through. I'm all excited.

09-Apr-09, 21:11
Great idea hopefully they get charged for the return post
We do the same

09-Apr-09, 23:08
My mother-in-law (love her dearly :lol:) is forever getting these things through the post and on the phone. She gets so many that I keep her telling her that I reckon there is a shared 'mugs-list' of likely candidates and she is in the number one position. Doesn't go down too well for same strange reason?!

Naughty, naughty, LMS

Seriously though, we are warned that if it sounds too good to be true, then it most likely is.

09-Apr-09, 23:10
...bit surprised to see that 22,000 people fell for it!...

I too find it staggering that that many people are mug enough to think they're getting something for nothing. It really is beyond belief...

09-Apr-09, 23:18
I too find it staggering that that many people are mug enough to think they're getting something for nothing. It really is beyond belief...
One simple word Bob, "Greed" IMHO :(

10-Apr-09, 09:22
I too find it staggering that that many people are mug enough to think they're getting something for nothing. It really is beyond belief...

Oooh, I can think of a few people that have signed on for years that are definitely getting money for nothing.....Ahem.

Moving swiftly back on topic:

I believe that scammers can buy online lists of people who have a history of responding to scammers ruses.

My cheque should be here today.:Razz

10-Apr-09, 11:58
Apparently people who are daft enough to respond by sending the requested money are put onto a "suckers list" which is sold onto others who do these kind of scams. The suckers are then bombarded by as many as thirty letters every day, with various demands for money. Some of the letters look official, like late payments for electric bills, and can keep recipients in a state of fear.

It's sad, but there's nothing the law can do about it if the victim doesn't want to be helped.