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View Full Version : New guy, thinks he knows everything!

25-Mar-09, 22:00
Hi, some of you on the general thread will have seen that I am planning to come up to Thurso shortly from Zambia where I have been working in wildlife conservation for ten years or so.

I'd love to know about the associations and groups around the area that are looking after the wildlife and environment.

I'm not a bleeding heart tree-hugger and have quite a hardened attitude towards the practicality of development over conservation but I hope that I can use some of my experience to help in some useful ways?

Kind regards,

26-Mar-09, 02:01
Check out The Marine Mammal Rescue they do a great job.
There are also Rangers at Dunnet and RSPB wardens, they have a visitor centre just over the border at Forsinard in Sutherland.
It may not be the wild life you are used to but whale watching,seal spotting and the bird colonies are great.

27-Mar-09, 19:25
I think that this will be an area I'll explore once I arrive. I'm sure there's plenty around to get involved in. Or maybe I'll campaign to save a Post Box :roll:

I've got my AGM for Conservation Lower Zambezi http://conservationlowerzambezi.org tomorrow. It'll be hard to say Good Bye. I've been involved with them for a decade - three years on the board.

Are there any endangered species in the region? Red deer and otters come to mind but I may be way off the mark. Last time I was in the UK working with London Zoo we campaigning to save a certain breed of cricket (grasshopper):D

27-Mar-09, 21:32
Red deer certainly are not endangered, they are virtually a farmed animal!
I'm not sure what the otter population is like, know they are there but seeing them is another thing altogether.
Perhaps the sea bird colonies have been the biggest concern over the last few years as with over fishing the sand eels have been so depleted many have starved.
Birds of prey seem to be holding their own and with the spread of the re-introduced sea eagles, there have been a few sightings in the area.
However there is always some thing to see of interest no matter what time of the year although not quite on the scale of Africa!

30-Mar-09, 23:16
Suggest you have a look at Caithness Biodiversity Group on this link

31-Mar-09, 11:38
Suggest you have a look at Caithness Biodiversity Group on this link

It seems that there's going to plenty to get interested in! I hope I don't get too caught up in stuff to get involved.

31-Mar-09, 13:07
Last year some of the Rangers branches took on additional summer staff - might be worth you contacting them in advance and seeing if they're going to be hiring this year.
