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22-Feb-06, 22:44
Sheilas Wheels and Diamond advertise the fact that they are Insurance Companies for Women Drivers. Is this not sexist???? Would there not be an uproar from all you females if anyone dared to offer insurance to Men Only????
Anyway the advert really gets on my wick.

22-Feb-06, 22:45
Yes they're hellish adverts and are proably sexist, you've just got to take it like a man.

22-Feb-06, 22:51
The music should be enough to cause an outcry never mind anything else.

22-Feb-06, 22:52
Sheilas Wheels and Diamond advertise the fact that they are Insurance Companies for Women Drivers. Is this not sexist???? Would there not be an uproar from all you females if anyone dared to offer insurance to Men Only????
Anyway the advert really gets on my wick.

Nah - not sexist - just good business sense on their part. Women make the best drivers :p !!

22-Feb-06, 22:55
Nah - not sexist - just good business sense on their part. Women make the best drivers :p !!

But if a man said that he would be sexist, (good job the wifes having a nap just now). I'm not afraid of her when she sleeps

22-Feb-06, 22:58
Nah - not sexist - just good business sense on their part. Women make the best drivers :p !!

The only driving women are good at is men around the bend.

22-Feb-06, 22:59
The only driving women are good at is men around the bend.

Is your wife asleep too?????

22-Feb-06, 23:02
No my wife is in the correct place for a women. The kitchen

22-Feb-06, 23:04
Baconbuttie - The insurance companies have proved from their records that women are safer drivers than men - so that's not sexist - it's fact. Now go wake your wife up and tell her that Moira on Caithness.org is having a go at you - let's get her opinion on this too :)

22-Feb-06, 23:05
No my wife is in the correct place for a women. The kitchen

At 10pm? What's she doing in there?

22-Feb-06, 23:06
Baconbuttie - The insurance companies have proved from their records that women are safer drivers than men - so that's not sexist - it's fact. Now go wake your wife up and tell her that Moira on Caithness.org is having a go at you - let's get her opinion on this too :)

This was from a survey of 100 women drivers too.

22-Feb-06, 23:06
No my wife is in the correct place for a women. The kitchen

If you have phone in the kitchen - pm me your number please, :evil

22-Feb-06, 23:07
At 10pm? What's she doing in there?

Nothing, I sent her in there because she was driving me round the bend.

22-Feb-06, 23:12
LOL.....ok....maybe she'll make you a sandwich while she's in there.


22-Feb-06, 23:15
LOL.....ok....maybe she'll make you a sandwich while she's in there.


When she's finished cleaning up i'll TELL her to make me a sandwich. [lol] [lol]

23-Feb-06, 00:34
But if a man said that he would be sexist, (good job the wifes having a nap just now). I'm not afraid of her when she sleepsi thought that was funny i think my husband would agree

23-Feb-06, 00:44
Has anyone noticed on the advert in question that the three lady drivers mentioned as 'safer' and 'less risky' on the road, are in fact driving around sitting on the back of the seat and if you look carefully at the background are varioously dring forwards and indeed backwards in a desert setting. Hardly responsible I think?!

George Brims
23-Feb-06, 02:12
I remember about 4 years ago listening to a lot of people phoning in to a radio station to respond to a report from the transport people that women actually had MORE accidents.

One woman who phoned in said her husband was a traffic policeman on one of the mtorways, and had recently sat in a meeting where the senior officer told them off for letting women go with a warning when they pulled them over. Apparently the thinking was that the points-totting-up system was working in taking the bad male drivers off the road or making them behave better, but the bad women drivers were being let off too much.

Anyone have access to relevant statistics now?

Over here in the US you are more likely to be pulled over if you are driving a sports car, even when the other cars are going just as fast as you!

23-Feb-06, 22:47
Baconbuttie - The insurance companies have proved from their records that women are safer drivers than men - so that's not sexist - it's fact. Now go wake your wife up and tell her that Moira on Caithness.org is having a go at you - let's get her opinion on this too :)

Hi Moira
OK Supposing SOME Women are better drivers than SOME Men that means SOME Women are worse drivers than SOME Men. (The wifes awake to night hence the word Supposing)

Take me for instance I have been driving safely for over 30 years with no claims. Some women may be better than that but plenty will be worse, so the ones that are worse can get (Supposedly) cheaper insurance than me.

Its not that they are safer than me its because they are WOMEN which is sexual discrimination.

Get out of that one then.

Mind you if we had a men only car insurance we would definately have a better advert than you.

Why does the swimming pool have ladies nights and not mens nights????????

23-Feb-06, 23:06
Hi Moira
OK Supposing SOME Women are better drivers than SOME Men that means SOME Women are worse drivers than SOME Men. (The wifes awake to night hence the word Supposing)

Take me for instance I have been driving safely for over 30 years with no claims. Some women may be better than that but plenty will be worse, so the ones that are worse can get (Supposedly) cheaper insurance than me.

Its not that they are safer than me its because they are WOMEN which is sexual discrimination.

Get out of that one then.

Mind you if we had a men only car insurance we would definately have a better advert than you.

Why does the swimming pool have ladies nights and not mens nights????????

Baconbuttie - I take it that the company have looked at the stats and found that most women drivers are a better risk than most men drivers. But then I am not a Director of Sheila's Wheels so I have no real idea. Their advert is probably really bad because it was written by a man ;)

As for the ladies nights at the swimming pool, try waxing all your hairy bits, including your bikini line & go along to see if they let you in :grin:

24-Feb-06, 02:22
Sheilas Wheels and Diamond advertise the fact that they are Insurance Companies for Women Drivers. Is this not sexist???? Would there not be an uproar from all you females if anyone dared to offer insurance to Men Only????
Anyway the advert really gets on my wick.

They don't...they ensure men as well. Just at different rates. Before you go off on your rocker, do you not pay a different rate because you are younger and therefre a greater risk? Do you not pay a higher rate if you have already had an accident because you are a greater risk? It's all risk assesment and in that world fellas, I am sorry to say, you are at a greater risk of having an accident.

24-Feb-06, 02:35
They don't...they ensure men as well. Just at different rates. Before you go off on your rocker, do you not pay a different rate because you are younger and therefre a greater risk? Do you not pay a higher rate if you have already had an accident because you are a greater risk? It's all risk assesment and in that world fellas, I am sorry to say, you are at a greater risk of having an accident.Oooh _Ju_, that was sloppy misuse of statistics. I'm not at greater risk of having an accident than the average woman. Far from it, I am a good safe bet.

On the other hand, all the information is in the priors, and you don't know my priors, so I'll let you off. ;)

Seriously, I have the great advantage of having absorbed Bayesian statistics at an early age. You frequentist types are at a great disadvantage, and most of you will never recover from your misfortune. Sad but true...

24-Feb-06, 03:21
I am minded of a case many years ago when the Racial Discrimination Acts were first introduced and the then Race Relations Board took a firm to Court for placing a Racist Advert.

The offending advert was for a "Scottish Chartered Accountant".
The Defence were at pains to explain that this was simply an indication that a qualification in "Scottish" Chartered Accountancy as this was not the same as the rest of Britain and that any suitable person with the right qualification would be employed and the persons race was irrelevant.

The response, which was upheld, from the representative of the Race Relations Board was that, "It sounded Racist and that was sufficient!"

Insurance Companies for Women Drivers? Now. let me consider what that appears to indicate.

That's another to be added to the list, I'm an extreme "Male Chauvinist" also, my wife once gave me permission. ;)

24-Feb-06, 03:23
Seriously, I have the great advantage of having absorbed Bayesian statistics at an early age. You frequentist types are at a great disadvantage, and most of you will never recover from your misfortune. Sad but true...[/quote]

O Doctor, pardon my low intellectual grasp, but what in the heck does yon statement mean???

24-Feb-06, 10:52
It's quite hard to explain. Even Wikipedia's accounts are quite mathematical. Look here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Probability_interpretations) for some definitions, here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayes%27_theorem) for some non-contentious stuff, and then perhaps here (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bayesian_probability) to make your brain spin.

I'm not really a Bayesian, but I thought Baconbuttie's and Moira's arguments were better than _Ju_'s bland statement based on mere averages. The simple Bayesian approach makes use of what you know for sure, but the heavier stuff gets into the realm of what you think you know and the probability of what you think you know being right. It was invented by the Reverend Thomas Bayes (http://www.bayesian.org/bayesian/bayes.html).

24-Feb-06, 17:31
Oooh _Ju_, that was sloppy misuse of statistics. I'm not at greater risk of having an accident than the average woman. Far from it, I am a good safe bet.

On the other hand, all the information is in the priors, and you don't know my priors, so I'll let you off. ;)

Seriously, I have the great advantage of having absorbed Bayesian statistics at an early age. You frequentist types are at a great disadvantage, and most of you will never recover from your misfortune. Sad but true...

Offcourse I was talking in generic terms. In doing risk assesment the insurer will gather information. If you are a woman, you are less likely to have an accident off hand, but if you have had prior accidents or have points on your license, your premium will go up. Please don't ask me to believe that a 10 year clean record on a male license will have a higher premuim than a female with 6 points on her license ?

I can say from my own experience that I have had very favorable quotes ( never had an accident and zero points on license, besides being the mother of a small child- this also makes premuims go down, by the way) untill someone remembers I have an accent and asks if its a UK license, which it is not.

It's risk assesment not statistics, by the way ( though statistics play a big part).

24-Feb-06, 18:01
It's risk assesment not statistics, by the way ( though statistics play a big part).Yeah, I know - that's what Bayesian statistics is. Well, that's what it is if you look at it in a certain way. And you should never use statistics when you have the facts/priors. This is of course common sense, but I know people who prefer statistics to facts, and these are the fundamentalist fequentists who can drive one insane...

24-Feb-06, 23:02
I wish someone would remove this post as every time I see it the tune and song rips into my head and stays there for hours not again pleeese!