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View Full Version : Food Cravings

18-Mar-09, 18:52
I have been ill since Sunday with gastroenteritis and lingering until today. I have finally managed to have some soup this afternoon without it coming back out in 15 mins lol and good god I really want a rare, juicy sirloin steak with a baked tattie and mushrooms but my tummy is not quite up to it yet!

Isn't it cruel, just as your appetite gets back to normal it torments you with craving for yummy food!!

What are the orger's favourite get better food?

18-Mar-09, 18:55
Poached egg
Home made rice pudding

18-Mar-09, 19:10
Where do i begin! I love food! But some of my favourites are:-

Tatties, peas, chicken, beef, pork, toffee star pastries, cookies, cheese, cheesecake, sausages, chicken noodles, bourbon creams, bread (seeded), crisps, cauliflour and cheese sauce.

That will do for now! ;) i crave food all the time!

18-Mar-09, 19:16
Double Big Mac meal or a Domino's large hot & spicy pizza+extra jalapeno and green peppers, chicken strippers and potato wedges.

18-Mar-09, 20:20
Mushrom omelette,milky coffee and a cuddle on the couch that makes me feel better.
Its the dogs by the way that give the best cuddles.:D

18-Mar-09, 20:28
LOL, four legs and a tail to wrap around!

18-Mar-09, 20:34
LOL, four legs and a tail to wrap around!

My Beardie is agreat big cuddly teddy bear,he actually wraps his front paw round your shoulders and the wee collie sits on your lap like a cat.:lol:
They just seem to know when you need a cuddle,either that or they want to nick my omelette.;)