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View Full Version : bring back the nit nurse

18-Mar-09, 18:19
Dont know about anyone else int he forum, but i am fed up of having to treat my girls for headlice, it seems to be really bad in our school at the monent, seems to be since the middle of feb it has been none stop, surly it must get to a stage where the treatments stop working as it is used so often. When i was at the school i mind the nit nurse coming and checking our hair, and anyone found with it was sent home unto it was clear, but now in this very pc country, the teachers arent even allowed to notify the parents, personnaly i think that they should cause surely in this case prevention is definatly better than cure, i know i am not ashamed to say my kids get it, as it must be very few these days that dont get it.

18-Mar-09, 18:23
Give them a hairstyle the same as mine........problem solved. [lol]

PS I'm the one in blue!


18-Mar-09, 18:26
Lol Jox! Balto u had better no do at to ur lassies! They have lovely hair! Im actually jealous...anyways...Balto do yer girls tie their hair back?? I heard that can help prevent head lice sometimes.

And ov course there is nothin to be ashamed of with lice, they go to clean hair because it is easier to manover!

I thought schools had to send home a letter when the school had any outbreak of Lice??? :confused

P.s My son is wearin that same babygrow...not your one jox, the babies! ;)

18-Mar-09, 18:30
P.s My son is wearin that same babygrow...not your one jox, the babies! ;)
I only wear my babygrow at weekends. ;)

18-Mar-09, 18:30
Give them a hairstyle the same as mine........problem solved. [lol]

PS I'm the one in blue!

hey jox the little one is way cuter lol, think they might object to losing their blonde locks lol.

Lol Jox! Balto u had better no do at to ur lassies! They have lovely hair! Im actually jealous...anyways...Balto do yer girls tie their hair back?? I heard that can help prevent head lice sometimes.

And ov course there is nothin to be ashamed of with lice, they go to clean hair because it is easier to manover!

I thought schools had to send home a letter when the school had any outbreak of Lice???

P.s My son is wearin that same babygrow...not your one jox, the babies!
they arent allowed anymore, which i think it is crazy, i have got my girls clear but if they come back then i will take them both out unto it is cleared out of the school, as for tieing their hair up i always do, so that obvilously doesnt really work lol.

18-Mar-09, 18:31
I only wear my babygrow at weekends. ;)
now joxs thats a whole different conversation, and not one for the org lol[lol][lol]

18-Mar-09, 19:13
I only wear my babygrow at weekends. ;)

I didna know they done all-in-ones in adult sizes!

now joxs thats a whole different conversation, and not one for the org lol[lol][lol]

i concur! i dont want to know where he keeps his wallet!

Alice in Blunderland
18-Mar-09, 20:36
Balto if you regularly comb their hair with a bone comb then this will help solve your problem. :)

Its a known hazzard of school life that the kids will come into contact with nits and the best way to help is regularly bone combing as part of your routine. A pain, but it does lessen the risk of catching them and thus having to treat them with chemicals.

The school can put out regular notes to parents reminding them to check their childrens hair but as said, they cannot advise that a child has nits.

Unfortunately not all parents are as dilligent in this area and thus the nit chain will keep on going.:~(

18-Mar-09, 20:56
I dont think the schools are allowed to send notes home saying your child has headlice. They are only allowed to send home reminders to check for lice so often but dont treat your kids with the potions unless they actually have headlice as the little b****rs get resistant to the lotions!

We havent had them yet....

But teatree shampoo and conditioner could help prevent them as they apparently dont like the smell.

Wet combing with a nit comb and lots of cheap conditioner (you use lots so might as well use the cheap stuff) can detect and remove the offending beasties

Ps Im scratching and itching as I write this!
And I dont have them:lol:

18-Mar-09, 22:16
Tea tree definately helps, you should have tried having my daughters glorious thick hair to contend with :eek: I used to french pleat her hair tight when nits were really bad and clart it with hairspray, this also helped.
Every bathtime I would get out masses of cheap conditioner and bone comb her hair just in case.
Also before I treated her I went through her hair looking for and removing every egg or louse I could find.
Standing them by the window in the sunlight works really well for spotting anything.

18-Mar-09, 22:24
Sunday night used to be nit comb night every week without fail when I was little.... will try to do the same with my 2 when hair brushing is not so much of a drama... or after summer with Lauren when she starts nursery as she will be in contact with more kids then!

Suprisingly I read somewhere that middle aged women were the main culprits in the spread of headlice, it got me thinking, is it because middle aged women are most likely to have school age children or they cannot check their own hair,

lady penelope
18-Mar-09, 23:06

I hate these wee critters, my oldest son had these when he was young, only once though. Every week at bathtime, Wednesday night,halfway through the week each of my sons would lean over the empty bath & get nit checked. I would then examine the bath & the comb for nits. I have done this for 10 years, & still do its sometimes for my 11 year old.:D

If it is routine you should be able to keep on top of them. Yuck!!![disgust]
Good luck Balto, hopefully you can get rid of them.

mums angels
19-Mar-09, 00:37
My daughter had them once and took combing through everyday for 3 weeks to make sure they were gone and id think i had them all and either she was getting them again really quick or i was leaving an egg or a living one in her hair .. finally after 3 weeks i was confident i got rid of them and now we comb though her hair everytime she washes her hair ... mostly every two days and thankfully she has never got them again ... touch wood

i have heard neem oil is good but i tend to stick to tee tree and regular checks and she never gets to wear her hair down to school

have you tried lyclear spray away its supposed to keep them away .. my daughter wouldnt use the stuff she hated the smell as you sprayed it but maybe worth a try

19-Mar-09, 04:28
Having read this thread my head has started itching like mad. That just has to be auto-suggestion.

For some reason a nit comb was known as a Donkey Comb where I was brought up and nits were known as biddies to the kids so the nit nurse was known as Nitty Nora the Biddy Explorer.

Schools not informing parents that their children have ot nits sounds very much like one of the new silly ideas that to do so might upset somebody or stigmatise a child. So, in order to prevent that happening, by saying nothing it ensured everybody suffers. Sounds about right for these days.

19-Mar-09, 08:12
Just hope my 2 lassies dont get them AGAIN, what a time we had with them last year, i would get rid of them one day they would go to school & they would be crawling with them again. Just hope the parents are gonna be treating their kids for it this time.