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View Full Version : Who Would Be A Bobbie In Wick ????

20-Feb-06, 22:04
Ihave just witnessed a sight that made me sick to the stomic, in wellington street not five mins ago a bobbie that was born and brought up in wick was being attacked by a worthless petrol sniffing druggy.

the bobbie had radioed no less than 6 times for assistance but no one came what is happening when one man has to fight that should be part of a team ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????

i myself phoned the police station and was told somone was on there way and still no one came???????????????????

i was so frustraited seeing this i nearly got out the car myself to help but thanks to one good hearted male passerby he aided the bobbie and he finnally managed to get cuffs on this nutter

well done to this bobbie for not backing down.


20-Feb-06, 22:33
Hi tigger

Think that you may have posted in the wrong place but what a post!!
Poor bobby............they can't have an easy time of it. Glad that he got help to get the guy under control......there are so many nutters out there!![mad]

20-Feb-06, 22:35
Ihave just witnessed a sight that made me sick to the stomic, in wellington street not five mins ago a bobbie that was born and brought up in wick was being attacked by a worthless petrol sniffing druggy.

the bobbie had radioed no less than 6 times for assistance but no one came what is happening when one man has to fight that should be part of a team ?????????????????????????????????????????????????? ?????

i myself phoned the police station and was told somone was on there way and still no one came???????????????????

i was so frustraited seeing this i nearly got out the car myself to help but thanks to one good hearted male passerby he aided the bobbie and he finnally managed to get cuffs on this nutter

well done to this bobbie for not backing down.

tigger, it would probably frighten you to know how thin on the ground they are at times. It's quite probably there was no bobbies near enough to get there.

20-Feb-06, 22:41
good one tigger - well said!!

20-Feb-06, 23:12
typical another nutter on the loose what happening with the cops i thought there is always supposed to be two coppers together at all times incase something like this happens but i could be wrong:grin: :eyes

20-Feb-06, 23:30
typical another nutter on the loose what happening with the cops i thought there is always supposed to be two coppers together at all times incase something like this happens but i could be wrong:grin: :eyes

i thought that as well, they should give them tazers to zap they junkies with 100,000 volts...that would shut them up :lol:

20-Feb-06, 23:35
If we want the protection of the Police we have to help - but they normally ask you not to get involved - I would like to see some form of comment from his bosses

20-Feb-06, 23:39
If we want the protection of the Police we have to help - but they normally ask you not to get involved - I would like to see some form of comment from his bossesWell i'm glad it was a bobbie he attacked and not one of us lot..at least something might get done about it..what about the protection of us ordinary folk too. [mad]

21-Feb-06, 02:26
I felt sick to the stomach reading this, poor man, but why was he on his own and not with another bobby? thank goodness there were witnesses. the assailant will be dealt with harshly, the sherriffs are very stern with people who attack our policemen.

21-Feb-06, 10:27
Yes Fran they are very stern when it comes to policemen ,but say it was you or i that this had happened to would the sheriff be so stern with the attacker then probably not . I am sorry the policeman got attacked but like you lot have said why was he by himself??

21-Feb-06, 10:38
I passed this incident last night at 8.30. The Fed had his Truncheon raised behind his head & cs gas spray at the ready with the other arm(obviously) & the baddy was dancing about, whilst being watched by lots of amused folk

21-Feb-06, 11:27
When something kicks off here in Linc's and you call the police how ever small a thing your reporting, you get at least 2 cars with 2 cops in each. Our boys in blue are big hefty men not just young PCs out of training. They would think nothing of getting stuck in straight away. could you not send in letters to the chief constable to ask why you dont have enough back-up up there? You all deserve a good police force where ever you live.

21-Feb-06, 11:35
Its all about resourses and cutbacks.Location has a lot to do with it to .Where Paris stays the population is greater so require more officers .Wick on the other hand need less.Or maybe because of the nice quiet location .... not so many are needed ,after all it is Caithness[lol]

21-Feb-06, 14:50
shame on the polis guy. but hello the police out on the streets of pultney walking man thats unusual.

21-Feb-06, 15:01
Wise up woman, He had a car with him , although when he`s off duty he runs around like Forrest Gump, complete sports freak.
Just so he can catch the baddies...........

Aye , the car was at the 1 stop shop & it was kicking off beside it, maybe the `baddie` had been silly in the shop? the copper was in the shop after 10pm so that could be a reason

21-Feb-06, 15:05
The reason the police worked in pairs used to be because Scottish Courts used to require more than one person to give evidence about an incident.
One was there in order to give evidence and the other to corroborate it.

I don't know if that is still the case, it might have changed, in which case they would be more able to work alone rather than in pairs.

Paris seems to be rather lucky, in most places the Police seem to be so thin on the ground that people play Hunt the Policeman for big prizes.

If anybody wants to tell you about the times there was a Policeman on every corner I'll let you into a secret, in those days it was sunny all summer and the snow was never less than two feet thick in winter. Sorry, I forgot, and you never had to wait more than two minutes for a bus.

21-Feb-06, 15:07
from my understanding the man went bonkers on the lassies in the shop.. and tried to attack them.. at least it was caught on tape so there is evidence on what happened

21-Feb-06, 15:07
hey nobody mentioned the car. still polis out and about still odd.

21-Feb-06, 15:13
They mustve been called, unless Doss has an alarm in the shop direct to station road, WHICH i SERIOUSLY DOUBT[lol] [lol] [lol]

21-Feb-06, 18:12
So, Tigger was about to get out to help (well done Tigger!), but along came a citizen who probably recognises the police do a good job under very difficult circumstances and assisted the officer make his arrest.

I just wonder how many others would have just walked away........

21-Feb-06, 18:19
I just wonder how many others would have just walked away........

why dont we do a forum vote on that?

21-Feb-06, 18:25
Crazy days in windy Wick.
What ever happened to the good ole days when we could walk about without someone mugging us, when we could leave our doors open at nights, when Mars bars were two feet long and tins of coke were 5p.....

21-Feb-06, 18:33
Crazy days in windy Wick.
What ever happened to the good ole days when we could walk about without someone mugging us, when we could leave our doors open at nights, when Mars bars were two feet long and tins of coke were 5p.....

showing yer age now Saveman :lol:

21-Feb-06, 19:29
I dont know what i would have done Madpick . That`s why i was glad when he got the cuff`s on him.

21-Feb-06, 19:48
Considering the nature of what the police do they should not be working alone they should always be in pairs for there own health and safety as well as dealing with incidents that can come out of the blue that might be two much for one person to handle proffesionaly

21-Feb-06, 20:38
I dont know what i would have done Madpick . That`s why i was glad when he got the cuff`s on him.

Hopefully you would have done what all good Tiggers do - bounced up and down on him [lol]

Short notice sickness could have made them short that day - also if they have 3 double crewed cars or 6 single crewed cars which looks better in the eyes of the public? Single crewing spreads the manpower further, and as long as response times are rapid enough it isn't a problem, but I also was always under the impression Scottish Law required two officers to be paired for corroboration reasons.

21-Feb-06, 21:27
the nutter did start on the girls in the shop.

the bobbie sprayed him with pepper spray which had no affect he hit him three times on the legs with his stick and the nutter stood there like none of this was happening that in itself must have been really scarey dont you think????????????????????????????????????????/

i agree with all of you that the police should be working in pairs who knows what wouldve happend if that nutter had a knife or somthing worse

21-Feb-06, 23:50
I'm really sorry to hear about the problem your local plod faced. I hope it's not a sign of things to come. As a visitor to the area on occasion I do notice that there seems a fantastic lack of crime or unpleasant behaviour. Its one of the things which makes your area so nice to visit.

I think the tone of your discussion indicates support for your local police, but they could do with more of a helping hand from the public. Standing about whilst a policeman struggles with a druggy criminal is a thing of the past now in the south, its much worse than that...people tend to just drive by like nothings happening. This way lies disaster.

I know fine well that you Caithness dwellers aren't naive, but perhaps you need reminding just how good and decent your area is, protect it, support each other and support the police.

22-Feb-06, 00:06
They were called but on another matter and I am so glad they were there when the incident kicked off. There is only 3 police officers on night duty to cover an area from Wick to Helmsdale and the other 2 officers were on a call in the country but the officer in question had the situation well in hand - well done. He has a job to do and did it well last night and when he leaves his job what he does in his spare time is his business - the same as the rest of us. It is not up to the police what sentencing and bail these nutters get that is up to the courts. Willowbankbear WHY WOULD YOU SERIOUSLY DOUBT that One Stop Shop would have a direct link?

22-Feb-06, 01:03
probarly 90 percent of them would of walked away but you cant blame people for being frightened and especially as the person that attacked the copper is a complete nutter

22-Feb-06, 01:36
They mustve been called, unless Doss has an alarm in the shop direct to station road, WHICH i SERIOUSLY DOUBT[lol] [lol] [lol]

if the police are called out they always have to go in two's.........a bit like the ambulance, one drives and one does the radio.

22-Feb-06, 03:05
I actually get on fine with the copper in this incident,for your information. Im not the one slagging him off on this thread, or Police in general on any thread,theyve got a difficult never-ending job to do.

But remember they are very well paid & no-one forces them to be in the force,apart from that I think theyre doing a no bad job.

Enlighten me then Jackie boy, where is there any bad in this post???????????

I think theyre doing a no-bad job ,Ive said it again & Ill stand by it
I get on fine with the copper involved, Problem Jacky?
I understand they have a never ending thankless job , sympathy

What are you on about Jacky boy???? there is nothing negative or derogative there

22-Feb-06, 05:37
I passed this incident last night at 8.30. The Fed had his Truncheon raised behind his head & cs gas spray at the ready with the other arm(obviously) & the baddy was dancing about, whilst being watched by lots of amused folk

The "Fed"?:roll:

Crikey - best call 911 and put out an APB.:grin:

The Pepsi Challenge
22-Feb-06, 06:06
I'm really sorry to hear about the problem your local plod faced. I hope it's not a sign of things to come. As a visitor to the area on occasion I do notice that there seems a fantastic lack of crime or unpleasant behaviour. Its one of the things which makes your area so nice to visit.

I think the tone of your discussion indicates support for your local police, but they could do with more of a helping hand from the public. Standing about whilst a policeman struggles with a druggy criminal is a thing of the past now in the south, its much worse than that...people tend to just drive by like nothings happening. This way lies disaster.

I know fine well that you Caithness dwellers aren't naive, but perhaps you need reminding just how good and decent your area is, protect it, support each other and support the police.

I agree. Standing back and doing nothing is a sin. For a bad example, consider WW2: When the nazis were killing the jews, the rest of the world sat back and ignored it. By in large. Caithness has a low crime rate compared to the rest of Scotland. The bleat about it 'cause they 'don't' have anything to compare it to: 'cause they ain't been anywhere else to do so. Consider yersels weel off. Where I live, you run straight home when you come off the bus.

22-Feb-06, 09:07
Well that's the baddie of our street's then..well one of them..:eyes

22-Feb-06, 09:43
No he't not off our streets - he got bail - with a curfew?? I think everyone involved including police thought he was going to be remanded but courts let him out

22-Feb-06, 09:45
No he't not off our streets - he got bail - with a curfew?? I think everyone involved including police thought he was going to be remanded but courts let him out

I read it wrong then..thats terrible bail for what he did, oh well another one that will get a slap on the wrists..

22-Feb-06, 13:05
But remember they are very well paid & no-one forces them to be in the force,apart from that I think theyre doing a no bad job.

Actually they are not that well paid - I saw a financial programme on the TV a while back that featured some police officers and one particular officer (married with 2 kids - in job for 18 months) was actually getting less than a manager in the local MacDonalds. The stress of working shifts coupled with the actual stress of the job (he had been assaulted several times) was making him question whether it was worth his health to continue in the police.

True no-one forces them to become a police officer, but they must have a desire to serve the community in a way which could cost them their health, or worse, their lives.
This applies to all the emergency services - down here in some areas ambulance crews wear body armour and fire engines get stoned by yobs, who start fires for a laugh. As if being a firefighter isn't stressful enough.

Nurses are assaulted on a regular basis by drunks. They all deserve a little respect for doing a job which often attracts nothing but criticism....

22-Feb-06, 14:00
They were called but on another matter and I am so glad they were there when the incident kicked off. There is only 3 police officers on night duty to cover an area from Wick to Helmsdale and the other 2 officers were on a call in the country but the officer in question had the situation well in hand - well done. He has a job to do and did it well last night and when he leaves his job what he does in his spare time is his business - the same as the rest of us. It is not up to the police what sentencing and bail these nutters get that is up to the courts. Willowbankbear WHY WOULD YOU SERIOUSLY DOUBT that One Stop Shop would have a direct link? i dont think any one was saying anything bad directed towards the police but i do think there should always be two officers at the seen of the crime as it is unfair on one man to handle something like this by himself as there should always be back up availble just incase the worst comes to the worst i i think we all know that it isnt down to the police to sentence such individauls but saying that they are able to put there comments forward to the sheriff,s court surley if they said a little more they may get a harsher punishment?

22-Feb-06, 15:54
Well said Mad Pict - in total agreement. What a sensible comment - not like some who only like to come on here and DISS people, never have anything constructive to say.

22-Feb-06, 16:21
reading through this thread im shocked to read the comments of willowbankbear its plain to see they have not been on the recieving end of these louts that seem to think they run the show in my home town

so brave of him to be passing and not stop and help the police man but plenty to say on this thread about it if _doss _had been their i bet he would have been in the thick of it hes not scared to be counted as you prob know thats why hes had so much trouble with the so called hard men but he never sways to their threats

22-Feb-06, 16:25
Crazy days in windy Wick.
What ever happened to the good ole days when we could walk about without someone mugging us, when we could leave our doors open at nights, when Mars bars were two feet long and tins of coke were 5p.....

And we could buy rhubarb rock and penny caramels came at 12 for 5P and were so big you couldn't get a whole one in your mouth........

22-Feb-06, 16:29
the nutter did start on the girls in the shop.

the bobbie sprayed him with pepper spray which had no affect he hit him three times on the legs with his stick and the nutter stood there like none of this was happening that in itself must have been really scarey dont you think????????????????????????????????????????/

i agree with all of you that the police should be working in pairs who knows what wouldve happend if that nutter had a knife or somthing worse

Read about it in the courier....this man is mentally ill....and it can't be very nice for his family who are decent people to have him called a nutter or a druggie. He should be in hospital getting treatment, not left to wander at will.

22-Feb-06, 16:44
Is this the so called care in the community.If he's an adult with a mental health problem then he has the same liberty as the rest of us .Its his sense of reality thats affected.
Wasnt at this particular incident but i can assure you if he has a mental health problem then in all honesty[mad] it wasnt his fault, the system has let him down.
Its the society we live in today that dipicts bobbys have to be in two's.they never use too,:confused:

22-Feb-06, 18:13
I agree that he has problems and shouldn't be walking the streets but it is up to the courts to do something about that instead of letting him out on bail. He probably doesn't remember much about the incident and I do feel sorry for him and his family but then that is no excuse for him to go around using violence and threats because he has a problem. He could have seriously hurt the girl that he tried to assault, luckily all she got was a fright which in time she will recover from.

22-Feb-06, 18:21
The Pepsi Challenge Wrote:

When the nazis were killing the jews, the rest of the world sat back and ignored it.

Are you serious???? Maybe the Irish Republic and other neutral countries sat back and did nothing but I am sure if you check the history books the rest of the World were at war with them.

22-Feb-06, 18:22
i dont think any one was saying anything bad directed towards the police but i do think there should always be two officers at the seen of the crime as it is unfair on one man to handle something like this by himself as there should always be back up availble just incase the worst comes to the worst i i think we all know that it isnt down to the police to sentence such individauls but saying that they are able to put there comments forward to the sheriff,s court surley if they said a little more they may get a harsher punishment?

I disagree here willowbankbear didn't say anything about anything unless it was bad and I do agree that 2 officers should be at scene of a crime but police were called on a separate matter when it kicked off inside the shop and as I have said before the other 2 officers on duty that night were on a call to the country. I am sure that police did put their comments forward and they were expecting him to be remanded but apparently because he pled not guilty the courts decided to give him bail.

22-Feb-06, 18:54
I actually get on fine with the copper in this incident,for your information. Im not the one slagging him off on this thread, or Police in general on any thread,theyve got a difficult never-ending job to do.

But remember they are very well paid & no-one forces them to be in the force,apart from that I think theyre doing a no bad job.

Enlighten me then Jackie boy, where is there any bad in this post???????????

I think theyre doing a no-bad job ,Ive said it again & Ill stand by it
I get on fine with the copper involved, Problem Jacky?
I understand they have a never ending thankless job , sympathy

What are you on about Jacky boy???? there is nothing negative or derogative thereSo why the massive chip on yer shoulder

22-Feb-06, 18:55
Read about it in the courier....this man is mentally ill....and it can't be very nice for his family who are decent people to have him called a nutter or a druggie. He should be in hospital getting treatment, not left to wander at will.I couldn't agree more katarina...This mans family have had an awful time over the years trying to help their son. It must be heartbreaking for them to see this and there is nothing they havn't done for him. It is easy for outsiders to criticise but we are lucky if we don't have to deal with this problem in our own family.:(

22-Feb-06, 19:51
reading through this thread im shocked to read the comments of willowbankbear its plain to see they have not been on the recieving end of these louts that seem to think they run the show in my home town

so brave of him to be passing and not stop and help the police man but plenty to say on this thread about it if _doss _had been their i bet he would have been in the thick of it hes not scared to be counted as you prob know thats why hes had so much trouble with the so called hard men but he never sways to their threats

i dont think it,s fair that a few of you are taking a pick for willowbank bear as at the end of the day everybody has the right to voice or write in this case there opion and to be honest i cant blame him for not helping as it is the police,s job to up hold the law not a passer by,s and if there was another police man there this would never of happened which there should of been also this man who attacted the police man is mentally ill who knows what this man is capable of as i have worked with people with mental health problems i understand the dangers and since he has been let out on bail who,s to say if willowbank bear did help he wouldnt target him in the near future nobody wants to be in that position so people take a minute to think about it before jumping the gun

22-Feb-06, 20:01
So why the massive chip on yer shoulder

No chip on my shoulder fuzzy bear!! - Just giving my opintion. You had plenty of negative points/digs to say in previous posts on the subject!!

22-Feb-06, 20:06
i dont think it,s fair that a few of you are taking a pick for willowbank bear as at the end of the day everybody has the right to voice or write in this case there opion and to be honest i cant blame him for not helping as it is the police,s job to up hold the law not a passer by,s and if there was another police man there this would never of happened which there should of been also this man who attacted the police man is mentally ill who knows what this man is capable of as i have worked with people with mental health problems i understand the dangers and since he has been let out on bail who,s to say if willowbank bear did help he wouldnt target him in the near future nobody wants to be in that position so people take a minute to think about it before jumping the gun

I don't think any-one is taking a pick on willowbankbear - as you say EVERYONE is entitled to their own opinion but he was getting personal about the policeman involved - name-calling and the owner of the shop - who I might add wasn't even there when the incident took place. Everyone else has made sensible, constructive quotes (entiitled to their say) about the incident except him as far as I can see. I'm glad I don't have him as a friend/acquintance as he dissed the policeman and the owner then claimed to get along with them.

22-Feb-06, 20:23
Fuzzy bear ???? wtf ???

22-Feb-06, 21:19
bingo babe i cant understand where your coming from in another post u had said u offered the police all the assistance they needed with a assault that took place outside your door and they did not need you as a witness

now willowbankbear or fuzzy bear as hes called see a police man being assaulted and does not even offer to help in his own words but runs home to the computer and mouths off about it like the person wow likes to know everything but does nothing

and you should all remember that the poor guy in question has a family that live in the town here that dont need the pressure that so many gossips put on them

my oppinion would be that you and fuzzy bear would be better placed in the eyes of the public helping the police and the poor guy in questin rather than gossiping

22-Feb-06, 21:24
yes i do agree with you katarina and cuddlepop this must be hard for his family and yes i was out of order calling him a nutter and druggy.........But what about the bobbies family dont you think they are afraid everytime there dad , husband walks out the door and how did they feel when they had to hear that there dad had to fight this man on his own dont think they would be feeling to hot about things do you?????????????????????????????

we all have family problems but that took things to far

22-Feb-06, 21:31
sorry cuddlepop i ment connie 19 sorry

22-Feb-06, 22:16
bingo babe i cant understand where your coming from in another post u had said u offered the police all the assistance they needed with a assault that took place outside your door and they did not need you as a witness

now willowbankbear or fuzzy bear as hes called see a police man being assaulted and does not even offer to help in his own words but runs home to the computer and mouths off about it like the person wow likes to know everything but does nothing

and you should all remember that the poor guy in question has a family that live in the town here that dont need the pressure that so many gossips put on them

my oppinion would be that you and fuzzy bear would be better placed in the eyes of the public helping the police and the poor guy in questin rather than gossipingfor one i did not say it happened outside my door so in future get facts right please and yes i did offer them assistance and i also stated that i was quite annoyed with the police as when the incident occurred after calling them they took an awful long time and yet again it is left to the public to handle i also know from experenice that the police dont always help you when you need them i am not saying that they are all like that but some are and thats a fact of life and thats there choosen profession they are the ones who are trained to deal with such incidents NOT the general public also these threads are open for all people and also i am NOT using it as a gossip page i think it is important to make people aware of what is going on in there town and yes i am aware this man has mental health problems and his family are going through alot nobody disputed that fact and also i have compassion for him and his family and also not all people in the police force are upstanding pillars of the community after all there human as well also i may add there was one police woman who shall remain unamed who gave quite a few members of the public a hard time whoops there i go gossiping again

22-Feb-06, 22:18
yes i do agree with you katarina and cuddlepop this must be hard for his family and yes i was out of order calling him a nutter and druggy.........But what about the bobbies family dont you think they are afraid everytime there dad , husband walks out the door and how did they feel when they had to hear that there dad had to fight this man on his own dont think they would be feeling to hot about things do you?????????????????????????????

we all have family problems but that took things to far

That's what I mean when I say he should be in hospital getting treatment. Too many mentally ill people are out in the community recieving so called care, not taking their medication regularly, having access to the wrong kind of drugs that only accentuates their illness and thus becoming a danger to society.

22-Feb-06, 22:34
That's what I mean when I say he should be in hospital getting treatment. Too many mentally ill people are out in the community recieving so called care, not taking their medication regularly, having access to the wrong kind of drugs that only accentuates their illness and thus becoming a danger to society.yes i agree i have a realtion with mental health problems and i of all people should know better than to call somebody with mental health problems a nutter for that i am also sorry but i do no what it is like when somebody is ill like this they can be very unpredictable i hope he gets the help he needs and his family and the police man are ok

22-Feb-06, 23:32
I believe the said person is on a 7 p.m.- 7a.m. curfew.

22-Feb-06, 23:53
I believe the said person is on a 7 p.m.- 7a.m. curfew.

Yes he is as part of his bail conditions also he has to stay away from One Stop Shop and the girl he tried to assault as part of his bail. Lets hope he sticks to conditions for his sake, his family's sake and everyone else involved.

23-Feb-06, 00:12
Get your facts right exweekr before you rant at me,I did not see the policeman getting assaulted, I saw him briefly as i passed in a taxi to go to fr iendhouse. The policeman had plenty of folk around him watching without me getting involved , He was well equipped I thought he had the situation under control also for all that I saW , 5 secs of it.
Asfor running home to my computer! It was about 2am before I got home and Others had posted long before i did-Fact.
I have said in posts since that I have good relationships with both the policeman & the shop owner involved.
My name is not fuzzy bear either, Hope this will put you straight now, I am Willowbankbear. Enough of this tedium of a thread the rest of the .orgers will be bored of the bickering now.
Good night

bingo babe i cant understand where your coming from in another post u had said u offered the police all the assistance they needed with a assault that took place outside your door and they did not need you as a witness

now willowbankbear or fuzzy bear as hes called see a police man being assaulted and does not even offer to help in his own words but runs home to the computer and mouths off about it like the person wow likes to know everything but does nothing

and you should all remember that the poor guy in question has a family that live in the town here that dont need the pressure that so many gossips put on them

my oppinion would be that you and fuzzy bear would be better placed in the eyes of the public helping the police and the poor guy in questin rather than gossiping

23-Feb-06, 00:25
Get your facts right exweekr before you rant at me,I did not see the policeman getting assaulted, I saw him briefly as i passed in a taxi to go to fr iendhouse. The policeman had plenty of folk around him watching without me getting involved , He was well equipped I thought he had the situation under control also for all that I saW , 5 secs of it.
Asfor running home to my computer! It was about 2am before I got home and Others had posted long before i did-Fact.
I have said in posts since that I have good relationships with both the policeman & the shop owner involved.
My name is not fuzzy bear either, Hope this will put you straight now, I am Willowbankbear. Enough of this tedium of a thread the rest of the .orgers will be bored of the bickering now.
Good night

Shop owner was not involved. He was at home with his feet up - that's why they call him doss ha-ha. You shouldn't have called jack in the box jacky boy then. If you give you should be able to take!!!!!!!

23-Feb-06, 01:00
Nutter or not, 'There but for the grace of God' or not, 'should be in two's' or not, 'well paid for the job they do' or not.........all boils down to us getting the services we deserve, if we don't pay enough tax, you don't get great policing or mental health services. We don't support the state, thus it can't support us. Public spirited behaviour becomes an exception rather than a rule, and all the minds begin to narrow, number one the only priority.

And no I don't like taxation anymore than you ,but I fear the alternative, just look at the flooding in the states a few months back to see what happens in this lowest common denominator society we are heading for......major natural disaster? First response from the public is to loot the supermarkets for smart new trainers!

Faced with that even Noah would have headed for an iceberg.

Jeez, that was a random sort of rant eh?!

I'll get me coat!

23-Feb-06, 01:11
Nutter or not, 'There but for the grace of God' or not, 'should be in two's' or not, 'well paid for the job they do' or not.........all boils down to us getting the services we deserve, if we don't pay enough tax, you don't get great policing or mental health services. We don't support the state, thus it can't support us. Public spirited behaviour becomes an exception rather than a rule, and all the minds begin to narrow, number one the only priority.

And no I don't like taxation anymore than you ,but I fear the alternative, just look at the flooding in the states a few months back to see what happens in this lowest common denominator society we are heading for......major natural disaster? First response from the public is to loot the supermarkets for smart new trainers!

Faced with that even Noah would have headed for an iceberg.

Jeez, that was a random sort of rant eh?!

I'll get me coat!good rant seem to be doing my dinger these days as well releases tension i say hahahahaha

24-Feb-06, 13:07
for one i did not say it happened outside my door so in future get facts right please and yes i did offer them assistance and i also stated that i was quite annoyed with the police as when the incident occurred after calling them they took an awful long time and yet again it is left to the public to handle i also know from experenice that the police dont always help you when you need them i am not saying that they are all like that but some are and thats a fact of life and thats there choosen profession they are the ones who are trained to deal with such incidents NOT the general public also these threads are open for all people and also i am NOT using it as a gossip page i think it is important to make people aware of what is going on in there town and yes i am aware this man has mental health problems and his family are going through alot nobody disputed that fact and also i have compassion for him and his family and also not all people in the police force are upstanding pillars of the community after all there human as well also i may add there was one police woman who shall remain unamed who gave quite a few members of the public a hard time whoops there i go gossiping again

that is some acusation your making that the police forse are not all honest

as for the police woman in question i believe she was just doing her job that shes fully trained to do and she never swung to your or your friends way of thinking so you diss her and her collegues if she was as you say was giving people thaat were within the law a hard time of which i doubt theirs a complaints procedure in place for that

makes me wonder why you never complained and dont tell me its a waste of time because all complaints are investagated

24-Feb-06, 19:43
for one i did not say it happened outside my door so in future get facts right please and yes i did offer them assistance and i also stated that i was quite annoyed with the police as when the incident occurred after calling them they took an awful long time and yet again it is left to the public to handle i also know from experenice that the police dont always help you when you need them i am not saying that they are all like that but some are and thats a fact of life and thats there choosen profession they are the ones who are trained to deal with such incidents NOT the general public also these threads are open for all people and also i am NOT using it as a gossip page i think it is important to make people aware of what is going on in there town and yes i am aware this man has mental health problems and his family are going through alot nobody disputed that fact and also i have compassion for him and his family and also not all people in the police force are upstanding pillars of the community after all there human as well also i may add there was one police woman who shall remain unamed who gave quite a few members of the public a hard time whoops there i go gossiping again

that is some acusation your making that the police forse are not all honest

as for the police woman in question i believe she was just doing her job that shes fully trained to do and she never swung to your or your friends way of thinking so you diss her and her collegues if she was as you say was giving people thaat were within the law a hard time of which i doubt theirs a complaints procedure in place for that

makes me wonder why you never complained and dont tell me its a waste of time because all complaints are investagatedi know longer wish to continue this disscussion with you as it is getting tedious and as for you to doubt what i say i couldnt honestly care as everthing i have said is true and there will be a ALOT MORE PEOPLE THAT WOULD AGREE WITH ME also i belive there are alot of new police officers within the town and i have heard they are doing a good job the police i am talking about are retired or left thankfully and as for the police woman i was talking about she left also but the police officers that i have spoken with so far seem to be quite nice and i cant pass judgement on them as i dont know them like you dont know me i am speaking about two different police officers who i and a number of others had problems with also i did not call all police officers dishonest as i said in my post there not all the same