View Full Version : Wick High School e-news bulletins

16-Mar-09, 19:29
At a recent meeting of Wick High Parent Council it was decided to send out the minutes from meetings to all parents. It is hoped that by giving parents an idea of what is discussed at meetings, that it will encourage others to join. It's not all about fundraising and does give parents the opportunity to have a say in their child's education as well as find out just how the school is run.

In addition to the minutes it is hoped to send out other information from the school. For example, newsletters, exam information, parents' evenings and other items of interest to parents. In the past parents have complained of not knowing about certain things happening within the school. This is usually because their child has forgotten to pass on newsletters etc. handed out in school. By sending information by email this is a good way of ensuring that the information is received at home and read.

At present the school only have about 300 active email addresses for parents. They would like all parents with email addresses to pass them on to the school so that they can update their system. If you wish to have information sent to you please contact [email protected]
and include your son's/daughter's names and classes were appropriate or contact the school direct on Wick 603333.

If you are a parent with a child at WHS and you haven't today received a copy of the PC minutes this means the school either dosen't have your email address or the one you gave is no longer active. If you wish to subscribe to this service please get in touch with the school ASAP.

16-Mar-09, 21:05
What a wonderful idea - far cheaper & greener than photocopying - it should be adopted as standard throughout all schools.

I know the Miller Academy website (http://www.milleracademy-thurso.co.uk/) used to contain up-to-date newsletters but the last one on there is June 2007! If there's any M.A. Parent Council members on here I'd ask that they suggest it at their next meeting (as well as maybe the website being updated!) :D