View Full Version : My latest tattoo!

07-Mar-09, 22:17
I'm absolutely delighted as I've just had the most awful tattoo covered-up with what I think is a great custom tattoo by Calum Mcwilliam in Inverness!

From this

to this


to this

07-Mar-09, 22:24
Aw wow that is lovely! :Razz Very nice indeed.

But now am itchin to get my next tattoo if my OH would pull his finger oot his hoop and tattoo me again!! [evil][lol]

07-Mar-09, 22:26
I like it a lot, very bold and if it covers up a tattoo you regret getting, you certainly wouldn't know by looking!

07-Mar-09, 22:34
Sounds good if you are trying to replace a bad one with a good one. Tatoos depend on the society you live in. Some think they are good. Others think they are gross. I had to go through life with people frowning on me and not accepting my tatoos.

07-Mar-09, 23:01
yes, old marine they are gross and why young little girlies disfigure their bodies for beats me.......They will have an awful fright when they get to eighty and end up in the old folks home.......But saying that they won't be caring. Me being an old codger thinks its awful:lol: to see a bride in their finery sporting gross tatoos across their backs....why do they do it? attention seeking???? Surely it must be something like that or what cause it aint beautiful that is for sure.

07-Mar-09, 23:03
i dinna lek a tattoo on a woman .

i lek a woman til speak galeic softly in ma loog , any offerer 's ?

07-Mar-09, 23:06
Weeboyagee speaks gaelic - oh sorry woman! :)

07-Mar-09, 23:11
i 'm no wantin wee boyagee and i dinna hink his doll 's learned til speak yet . :(

i 'm no sayin a woman wi tattoo 's is wrong , i choost dinna lek em and wudna go wi a tattooed woman .

07-Mar-09, 23:19
yes, old marine they are gross and why young little girlies disfigure their bodies for beats me.......They will have an awful fright when they get to eighty and end up in the old folks home.......But saying that they won't be caring. Me being an old codger thinks its awful:lol: to see a bride in their finery sporting gross tatoos across their backs....why do they do it? attention seeking???? Surely it must be something like that or what cause it aint beautiful that is for sure.

Sorry but i find this rather discriminating. I have 4 tattoo's. A few are quite large and to be honest i love them all because they all have meaning.

No i am not attention seeking. I rarely show them.

Tattoos are not "gross" as u said, and if you are saying women with tattoo's are not beautiful i will have you know you are mistaken because i am gorgeous! And no im not vein, i just love myself. Same as any woman should. ;)

07-Mar-09, 23:23
i 'm no wantin wee boyagee and i dinna hink his doll 's learned til speak yet . :(

i 'm no sayin a woman wi tattoo 's is wrong , i choost dinna lek em and wudna go wi a tattooed woman .

LOL you really are retrosexual usin a phrase like that! [lol]

07-Mar-09, 23:27
Each to their own and everyones entitled to their opinion also

07-Mar-09, 23:27
no , i just dinna lek tattoo 's on lassie ;s .

i 'm total metro , i must be i only stay a few miles from beckham !!! :cool:

07-Mar-09, 23:29
yes, old marine they are gross and why young little girlies disfigure their bodies for beats me.......They will have an awful fright when they get to eighty and end up in the old folks home.......But saying that they won't be caring. Me being an old codger thinks its awful:lol: to see a bride in their finery sporting gross tatoos across their backs....why do they do it? attention seeking???? Surely it must be something like that or what cause it aint beautiful that is for sure.

At the end of the day it is up to them and i as one of the women who want a tattoo certinaly won't be taking anyone elses opinion into it when i go to get it down.
Tattoos are not gross and to say inistinuate that they are only for men is very discrimianting(spelling). Tattoos are a freedom and no one who gets one done does it for attention. That's narrow minded.

Lovely tattoo Julia, it looks great.

kitty kat
07-Mar-09, 23:29
i am a tattoed woman nowt wrong with that i got my daughters name on my ankle and two blue roses on my back whats wrong with that i love your tat julz good for you they look tidy now much better sod the oldies nowt wrong with any one showing it off while you can at least in my golden old age i can say been there got the tattoo :lol:

07-Mar-09, 23:33
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

One person may think someone is a minger, but to another is as a goddess!

07-Mar-09, 23:35
I also have 2 tattoos and I never really show them off but that is besides the point. It is my body and if I choose to take the time to find the artwork and a great tattoist to put it on my body where I choose it to be then it really is nobody elses business.
Beautiful Tatt Julia, the guy has done a cracking job.

07-Mar-09, 23:36
i am a tattoed woman nowt wrong with that i got my daughters name on my ankle and two blue roses on my back whats wrong with that i love your tat julz good for you they look tidy now much better sod the oldies nowt wrong with any one showing it off while you can at least in my golden old age i can say been there got the tattoo :lol:
i 'm no an oldie !!!! your prolly older than me .

there 's nuthin wrong wi your tats , just dinna come near me wi em !!! :lol:

07-Mar-09, 23:42
Beautiful tattoo Julia, bright and crisp. Well done you.:)

08-Mar-09, 00:35
I'm absolutely delighted as I've just had the most awful tattoo covered-up with what I think is a great custom tattoo by Calum Mcwilliam in Inverness!

From this


to this
he made a good job of covering it up lol!

08-Mar-09, 00:39
yes, old marine they are gross and why young little girlies disfigure their bodies for beats me.......They will have an awful fright when they get to eighty and end up in the old folks home.......But saying that they won't be caring. Me being an old codger thinks its awful:lol: to see a bride in their finery sporting gross tatoos across their backs....why do they do it? attention seeking???? Surely it must be something like that or what cause it aint beautiful that is for sure.

i feel the same as you catran,what will they look like when they are old and wrinkly,and you are right about the lovely dress but the tattoos can let it down badly.its all right though if it is in a place no one can see tho

08-Mar-09, 00:41
oh shelley dont get upset its just our opinions lol,if you are happy thats fine,each to there own like

kitty kat
08-Mar-09, 00:41
i 'm no an oldie !!!! your prolly older than me .

there 's nuthin wrong wi your tats , just dinna come near me wi em !!! :lol:

older than you im 24 cheeky so an so

08-Mar-09, 00:48
oh shelley dont get upset its just our opinions lol,if you are happy thats fine,each to there own like

Och no Butterfly dinna worry, was just giving my opinion back.

I have a duck here and there is water flowin off its back! [lol]

But tis cool. I know i like tattoo's. And mines are awsome. My OH is actually gonna give me 2 more tomorrow! :Razz So excitin!

08-Mar-09, 00:51
i have a tatoo though but deeply regret it now.did it when i was young and foolish........:(

08-Mar-09, 00:53
My OH is actually gonna give me 2 more tomorrow! :Razz So excitin!

your gentle nagging then did the trick eh;)

08-Mar-09, 01:21
your gentle nagging then did the trick eh;)

Wouldna say "gentle" nagging. It was pretty much that he was told lol

kitty kat
08-Mar-09, 01:26
Wouldna say "gentle" nagging. It was pretty much that he was told lol

what and were are you having em shelley ????

08-Mar-09, 02:13
Personal opinion ...i think mabey lower back tat is looks ok for woman but not the leg....how do u wear dress's?

08-Mar-09, 02:33
Personal opinion ...i think mabey lower back tat is looks ok for woman but not the leg....how do u wear dress's?

those that get the tattoo,s are proud of it lol!guess tho they thought it all out before they had them done.they dont care what folk think and they shouldnt in my opinion if they are happy with it thats all that matters......

08-Mar-09, 10:18
A Tattoo is for life not just for xmas!!![lol]
The missus has the bairns names on her wrist and I have My Rangers Bulldog on my arm.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I behold her on many occasions!!!:lol:

08-Mar-09, 10:43
Personal opinion ...i think mabey lower back tat is looks ok for woman but not the leg....how do u wear dress's?

The same way that any one else wears a dress !!!:roll:

I have 2 tattoos 1 on my leg & 1 on my back. They are rarely shown but it is for my pleasure not for anyone else's. OH dosen't like tattoos but he even came round & designed my 2nd one for me but would never have one done.

Nice tat by the way Julia

08-Mar-09, 10:49
well im of to glasgow on the 28th hoping to get a tattoo, i know what i want but can anyone recommend someone in glasgow for me plz

aaah im scared abit

08-Mar-09, 10:59
i have a tatoo though but deeply regret it now.did it when i was young and foolish........:(

I'm same as you butterfly !!

08-Mar-09, 11:04
A horrible vision has just flashed before me, all these Caithness tattooed females doing a Maori Haka :eek:, I am off for a lie down, I need to recover.:)

08-Mar-09, 11:27
I think it's lovely Julia. Thanks for recommending Calum, he's brill and a really nice bloke too :D

08-Mar-09, 11:48
well im of to glasgow on the 28th hoping to get a tattoo, i know what i want but can anyone recommend someone in glasgow for me plz

aaah im scared abit

Terry's Tattoo's is really good. You have to get there early when they open at 9am. Go up Argyle St to the very top as if your going to the Barras, it's past TJ Hughes on the right, down a side street. Don't go to the one at the other end up the stairs (can't mind the name but it's bogging)

08-Mar-09, 11:55
Terry's Tattoo's is really good. You have to get there early when they open at 9am. Go up Argyle St to the very top as if your going to the Barras, it's past TJ Hughes on the right, down a side street. Don't go to the one at the other end up the stairs (can't mind the name but it's bogging)

i wont be in glasgow until 4, so will have to be done on sat evening or sunday

08-Mar-09, 12:09
I think they could be open until about 9pm? they are open Sunday's too.

08-Mar-09, 12:19
I've just added a pic of the original tattoo to my first post - I wanted it covered because as it healed the ink leaked out under my skin causing a large blue bruise like effect.

Thanks for all you comments.

08-Mar-09, 12:24
Nice tattoo. I like the design but will say that tattoos on woman, well will keep that opinion to myself. I dont think they are lady like no matter where it is but if you happy.

08-Mar-09, 12:29
Wot a difference Julia.Looks lovely,thanks to your recommendation Calum has another booking for April.

08-Mar-09, 12:32
Nice tattoo. I like the design but will say that tattoos on woman, well will keep that opinion to myself. I dont think they are lady like no matter where it is but if you happy.

Well said MasterSplinter, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, as you say they are not to everybody's taste but for me personally I like them and I like carrying some art with me wherever I go.

I must add too that personally I do not like arm tattoos on women, I think it makes them look butch and unwomanly, I like tattoos but not ALL tattoos or placements.

08-Mar-09, 12:33
what and were are you having em shelley ????

im wanting 2 single hearts. They are representing the 2 years of pure happiness i have been with my partner. I dont want to be silly and get his name across my back, so i thought 2 little hearts would be nice.

Not sure where i want them yet, but i am going to get 1 very well hidden. ;)

08-Mar-09, 12:34
Well said MasterSplinter, you are entitled to your opinion and I respect that, as you say they are not to everybody's taste but for me personally I like them and I like carrying some art with me wherever I go.

Opinions are just that opinions, i remember seeing some huge woman one day with tatts and they were all stretched and out of place, nasty looking.But each to their own.

08-Mar-09, 12:40
Opinions are just that opinions, i remember seeing some huge woman one day with tatts and they were all stretched and out of place, nasty looking.But each to their own.
oh yuk, think seeing that would have definatly put me of ever getting one.

08-Mar-09, 12:44
i wont be in glasgow until 4, so will have to be done on sat evening or sunday

Terry's Tattoo Studio
23 Chisholm Street
G1 5HA

T: 0141 552 5740

E: [email protected]

Studio Opening Hours:

Winter: Tue - Sat 9am - 5:30pm

Summer: Closed Mondays, Tuesday to Saturday 9am – 5:30pm / Every 1st & 2nd Sunday of the month 12pm – 5:30pm.

Terrys is the best in Glasgow,but his new opening hours mite not suit you.

08-Mar-09, 12:45
was not a pretty site. she obviously thinks it looked good but wait till age catches up aswell, and things sag worse than the stretching.enough anyway nice tat julia.sorry to hijack the thread there.

08-Mar-09, 12:46
Opinions are just that opinions, i remember seeing some huge woman one day with tatts and they were all stretched and out of place, nasty looking.But each to their own.
well i would have to agree, people of a certain size shouldnt get tatts done, or have their belly button pierced i think personally it is a vile sight.

08-Mar-09, 12:48
well i would have to agree, people of a certain size shouldnt get tatts done, or have their belly button pierced i think personally it is a vile sight.

I agree.someone i knew a few years back infact relation to the oh had her bellybutton pierced and oh what a sight, flab hanging out forwards back and sideways, and she thought everyone was looking at her belly bar.

08-Mar-09, 12:51
well i would have to agree, people of a certain size shouldnt get tatts done, or have their belly button pierced i think personally it is a vile sight.

I used to have mines pierced, young and foolish lol. But i took it out. Also had ma tongue pierced...oh the young days :~( But no piercings now. Just me! :D

08-Mar-09, 12:56
I agree.someone i knew a few years back infact relation to the oh had her bellybutton pierced and oh what a sight, flab hanging out forwards back and sideways, and she thought everyone was looking at her belly bar.
aye its the lovely cropped tops they wear to show them of that is really attractive not lol.

I used to have mines pierced, young and foolish lol. But i took it out. Also had ma tongue pierced...oh the young days :~( But no piercings now. Just me! :D
its ok on someone that isnt overweight, tongue, my god could never figure that out, why oh why.

08-Mar-09, 12:58
Ive heard of a few things about tongue piercings and why they are supposed to enhance your love life but wont go into details. only what ive heard ;)

08-Mar-09, 13:00
aye its the lovely cropped tops they wear to show them of that is really attractive not lol.

its ok on someone that isnt overweight, tongue, my god could never figure that out, why oh why.

Tongue....my mum actually suggested it for part o a christmas present one year. lol. Think i was 15/16. So i just took the chance and said yea! it was cool at the time. Got ma belly button done when i was 15.

Have also had my nose pierced on both sides, tell ya it was hard til blow ur nose![lol]

Ive heard of a few things about tongue piercings and why they are supposed to enhance your love life but wont go into details. only what ive heard ;)

haha i had never heard o that.....;)

08-Mar-09, 13:03
Tongue....my mum actually suggested it for part o a christmas present one year. lol. Think i was 15/16. So i just took the chance and said yea! it was cool at the time. Got ma belly button done when i was 15.

Have also had my nose pierced on both sides, tell ya it was hard til blow ur nose![lol]

haha i had never heard o that.....;)

something that was said to me by someone who had theirs pierced, Not daft enough myself.piercing my tongue that is

08-Mar-09, 13:24
Nice Tatt Julia, good cover up job.

A question for those that don't like tattoos on women -
if you met a lassie and got to know her and liked her as a person, then some months later you met up one day and found out she had a tattoo, would your opinion of her change?

if the answer is yes i find that very shallow - take people for wha and how they are, not for anything they have on themselves - to me it's personality and character that counts.

btw i have 14 tattoos and don't regret a single one.

kitty kat
08-Mar-09, 13:25
Ive heard of a few things about tongue piercings and why they are supposed to enhance your love life but wont go into details. only what ive heard ;)

got my tongue done no complaints (blush) :lol:

its amazing how most people dont even notice its there. a friend of mine for at least 6 years never noticed

i would not advise having it done though as it is a big risk and it has broken a few of my teeth:(

young and foolish but thats being young i suppose

08-Mar-09, 19:36
I've got my tongue pierced too, had it done in 1996 and still can't contemplate the idea of not having it, it hasn't affected my teeth either so I've been quite lucky. I have 10 ear piercings including both tragi and my right helix.

08-Mar-09, 21:18
Here is my latest tattoo too, i had it done by one of the top female freehand tattoo artists in europe. It is a sign of empowerment, which i designed and she improved and both myself and my hubby love it.

08-Mar-09, 21:22
Here is my latest tattoo too, i had it done by one of the top female freehand tattoo artists in europe. It is a sign of empowerment, which i designed and she improved and both myself and my hubby love it.

This is really nice did it not hurt? always wanted to get one never had the balls to go through with it

08-Mar-09, 22:47
Julia, that is an outstanding piece of work, very feminine and an improvement over the origional. What studio does Calum work from.

08-Mar-09, 23:31
Julia, that is an outstanding piece of work, very feminine and an improvement over the origional. What studio does Calum work from.

Thank you Flash, Calum has his own shop www.tattooswhileyouwait.com , 8 Greig Street, Inverness

09-Mar-09, 12:00
aye its the lovely cropped tops they wear to show them of that is really attractive not lol.

its ok on someone that isnt overweight, tongue, my god could never figure that out, why oh why.
But isnt what your saying that its Ok for "Skinny" people to get pierced but not "larger" people, isnt that both Sexist (as you refer to women) and weightist(as you dont agree with larger people having a life).
Whatever happened to live and let live?,maybe the lady in question didnt like the cut of your jib,but is she bitter about it? Doubt it she's probably quite happy with her lot and doesnt discriminate!!:roll:

09-Mar-09, 12:12
But isnt what your saying that its Ok for "Skinny" people to get pierced but not "larger" people, isnt that both Sexist (as you refer to women) and weightist(as you dont agree with larger people having a life).
Whatever happened to live and let live?,maybe the lady in question didnt like the cut of your jib,but is she bitter about it? Doubt it she's probably quite happy with her lot and doesnt discriminate!!:roll:

i totally agree with you i wanted to write something about that post, but couldnt quite word it so thanks for writing what you did:D

Margaret M.
09-Mar-09, 15:10
I used to have mines pierced, young and foolish lol. But i took it out. Also had ma tongue pierced...oh the young days :~( But no piercings now. Just me! :D

I would be reluctant to get a tattoo for that very reason. It may seem like a good idea at the time but as the years go on, regret may set in. A no longer wanted piercing is very easy to conceal but a tattoo will be with you forever.

09-Mar-09, 19:45
Nice Tatt Julia, good cover up job.

A question for those that don't like tattoos on women -
if you met a lassie and got to know her and liked her as a person, then some months later you met up one day and found out she had a tattoo, would your opinion of her change?

if the answer is yes i find that very shallow - take people for wha and how they are, not for anything they have on themselves - to me it's personality and character that counts.

btw i have 14 tattoos and don't regret a single one.

No one still willing to answer the above query?

I would be reluctant to get a tattoo for that very reason. It may seem like a good idea at the time but as the years go on, regret may set in. A no longer wanted piercing is very easy to conceal but a tattoo will be with you forever.

yes a tattoo is with you forever, so far my oldest tattoo is 26 years old, i still have no regrets, i'm no spring chicken either and still keep thinking about another one when funds permit a little treat. The idea is to have a LOT of thought about what you want and where you want it.... and will you still be proud of it age 60+

09-Mar-09, 20:01
some nice tatts there people..would post a photo o my new one that i got last week but its sorta scabby just now...

09-Mar-09, 20:02
I would be reluctant to get a tattoo for that very reason. It may seem like a good idea at the time but as the years go on, regret may set in. A no longer wanted piercing is very easy to conceal but a tattoo will be with you forever.

I love my tattoo's! Think they are awsome and so far no regrets and i am sure it will stay that way when i add to my collection!

But i felt the piercings just got in my way really. And when i got pregnant i thought i better take out the belly bar...lol.

No one still willing to answer the above query?

I am waiting to see a reply too. Personality first i think. But my OH loves my tattoo's and thinks it is 'sexy' :eek::lol: He must be wanting a brew....lol

09-Mar-09, 21:09
Hello there

I am new here and have been reading this thread with great interest.
I have one tattoo at the moment but i do have 17 piercings. I also had 4 other piercings but they grew out. Tattoos and piercings are a very personal thing. They all mean different things to different people.
It is a shame that in this day and age people are judged and denigrated for having tattoos etc.

All the tattoos I have seen in this thread and others are wonderful, brilliant pieces of art, not what I may choose for myself but as a say, they are a personal thing.

09-Mar-09, 21:35
Hello there

I am new here and have been reading this thread with great interest.
I have one tattoo at the moment but i do have 17 piercings. I also had 4 other piercings but they grew out. Tattoos and piercings are a very personal thing. They all mean different things to different people.
It is a shame that in this day and age people are judged and denigrated for having tattoos etc.

All the tattoos I have seen in this thread and others are wonderful, brilliant pieces of art, not what I may choose for myself but as a say, they are a personal thing.

First of all...Welcome! :Razz

17 piercings, im not going to ask where haha! But would love to see a pic of ur tattoo! :D I love tattoo's. And agree with you, they are very personal. Hopefully i am gettin my next within 2 days.

09-Mar-09, 22:14
Thank you for the welcome Shelley. Actually the piercings are all in my ears and face!! :D I haven't got a photo of the tattoo yet but I will try to get one.

You getting excited about your next tattoo? I find it such a buzz having a tattoo or piercing done.

09-Mar-09, 23:13
Thank you for the welcome Shelley. Actually the piercings are all in my ears and face!! :D I haven't got a photo of the tattoo yet but I will try to get one.

You getting excited about your next tattoo? I find it such a buzz having a tattoo or piercing done.

You are welcome for the welcome! ;)

Aw ok, so no 'hidden' piercings then lol.

Yeah i am really excited about my next tattoo, hopefully tomorrow night or Wednesday i will be getting it done! I love the feeling of getting them done! Think i might get one on my hand. :Razz

(Dont have to be told no because its my boyfriend that does it for me)

10-Mar-09, 15:09
Nice Tatt Julia, good cover up job.

A question for those that don't like tattoos on women -
if you met a lassie and got to know her and liked her as a person, then some months later you met up one day and found out she had a tattoo, would your opinion of her change?

if the answer is yes i find that very shallow - take people for wha and how they are, not for anything they have on themselves - to me it's personality and character that counts.

btw i have 14 tattoos and don't regret a single one.
i choost dinna lek tatoo 's on a lassie .the tat is her choice , no 'one else 's , i dinna lek it n at 's ma choice . it 's no lek a lassie wi an ugly mug or smelly oxter 's , ye dinna hev a choice wi at, but if ye choose til hev a tat , then i 'll no go wi ye . sorry, but that 's e way i am , and if ye an yer man lek yer tat 's at 's no skin off ma nose . :lol:

10-Mar-09, 15:37
Nice Tatt Julia, good cover up job.

A question for those that don't like tattoos on women -
if you met a lassie and got to know her and liked her as a person, then some months later you met up one day and found out she had a tattoo, would your opinion of her change?

if the answer is yes i find that very shallow - take people for wha and how they are, not for anything they have on themselves - to me it's personality and character that counts.

btw i have 14 tattoos and don't regret a single one.

Now Tugperson, to me that is a kind of 'trick' question in that you start off on the premise that someone does not like tattoos on wimmin per se. For me who is indifferent to tattoos of course its personality and character that counts (as well as figure,face & money in't bank) and I doubt if anyone who is anti-tattoo is going to come forward and say " Yes - I am a very shallow person and I have gone off you now because of this or that tattoo".

btw I knew you had 12 tats - where have ewe hidden the other two ?

11-Mar-09, 03:00
Now Tugperson, to me that is a kind of 'trick' question in that you start off on the premise that someone does not like tattoos on wimmin per se. For me who is indifferent to tattoos of course its personality and character that counts (as well as figure,face & money in't bank) and I doubt if anyone who is anti-tattoo is going to come forward and say " Yes - I am a very shallow person and I have gone off you now because of this or that tattoo".

btw I knew you had 12 tats - where have ewe hidden the other two ?

haha no tellin ya! ;)

not a trick question, it is a very plausible scenario :D

11-Mar-09, 13:57
my oh has tattoos and i think they look good.i think woman can carry off tatts as long as they have good ones and not home made crappy ones.
I do have to agree with some of the comments, that tatts can look awfuy on some people wether it be male or female if the are very big, skin stretches and if they do lose weight the tatt tends to look silly. But thats just my opinion. I love my oh with hers.She would not be her without them, she has a great personality and is honest to go with it.And her legs are great too.:lol:
Piercings. well we both have piercings including tongues, eyebrows, nose and ears.