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View Full Version : Bid to 'legalise' Scots banknotes

06-Mar-09, 09:25
About time too, although not having too much of a problem with Scottish notes in England, we have experienced it in Europe..

"MPs have been urged to back plans to force shops in England to accept Scottish banknotes. The Shadow Scottish Secretary, David Mundell, said he had faced questioning when trying to pay for goods with Scottish banknotes in England.Mr Mundell is using a private member's bill to end some confusion in England about the status of Scottish banknotes".*


But no-one seems to realise that:

"English bank notes are only legal tender in England, Wales, The Channel Islands and the Isle of Man".**

06-Mar-09, 10:01
The main problem south of the border is that there is no simple way of checking to see if a Scottish note is genuine.
Using an inexpensive ultra violet scanner shows that English notes have embedded in the hologram the value of the note which so far has eluded forgery.
Run the same equipment over a Scottish note and you get a series of lines that resemble a product bar code.
Having worked in both banking and retailing in the past when there were vast amounts of forgeries in circulation of all notes issued within The United Kingdom it has left a legacy of mistrust.
Perhaps the design of all notes should be looked at to ensure that there is a simple way to identify the legal ones.

06-Mar-09, 10:22
I think it is a great idea as well. However it is just not the south of the border that does not except Scottish money around the world as well. So I am not sure if this will have effect on that.

06-Mar-09, 10:28
I have travelled over a fair bit of the World in my younger days and to the best of my knowledge had no problems with Scottish Bank Notes.
In Blackpool you get Scottish and Northern Ireland bank notes in your change, no problem there.
I have vacationed all over the Med, and have rarely encountered being knocked back because my notes were Scots, deal with Banks not the back street bureau de changes and you will have no problems.

06-Mar-09, 11:35
Well in Asia they do not in Banks or back streets. US dollars or Stirling but when you say Scottish they don't. As I say it is just not in England that has this problem

06-Mar-09, 11:43
Scottish notes do not work in Canada either.
When I am going to Toronto I have to scrounge for Bank of England issue so that I can convert them into Canadian funds once I get there for my holiday stay.

Gene Hunt
06-Mar-09, 12:05
I live in Wales and my eldest daughter works in a shop part time, she says Scottish notes are happily accepted there. Although she says that some English people will refuse to accept them in change.

I have had Scottish notes when in England and had them refused. I then refuse to pay with English notes, sometimes they give in but mostly not.

06-Mar-09, 12:08
Won't matter, the way things are going we'll be using shells to buy things with...

06-Mar-09, 13:49
Why are people taking UK money abroad? Is it not easier to change it before you go?

07-Mar-09, 01:43
try scottish bank notes in usa and see how far ye get., try english and ye 'll no do much better !!! :lol:

07-Mar-09, 13:55
Went to Lithuania - gave the B de C a bunch of notes. Quick as a sorting machine she flicked through them dispensing the Scottish ones on the desk and giving me Lithuanian for the English ones. I asked what the problem was. Her English wasn't very good and she pointed to the exchange rate "GBP". I told her that until we do something about it Scotland is part of the GB in GBP. She looked at me as if to say "and I care this much about that???" I told her the sign should be changed to EP.

I went to Newcastle, London, Birmingham - and have had problems in all of them - MOST of the time if I don't change my Scottish notes into English ones before I go.

Best one was in a Tesco Metro. Lady behind the counter picked up the Scottish £10 note I gave her. Held it up to the light, examined it and gave me it back. I asked her what the problem was. She said in as poor English as I have heard, that she couldn't accept it - pointing to the word "Scotland" on the note. She called over her supervisor. "Did I not have a credit card?" "Yes", I said. She said "that'll do". I told her - the money that card is based on is the same as on your counter. At that I walked out. She asked me what was going to happen with the goods. I told her they were her problem, not mine - I was off back to Scotland where I could purchase them later that day after the plane had taken me back.

No skin off my nose. But less sales for England - not that I contribute that much to their economy anyway - and when I do it is under duress, protest and by necessity.

WBG :cool:

07-Mar-09, 22:14
Went into a self service petrol station in Preston and filled up the car I went to the kiosk with £40 in Clydesdale Bank Notes the lady said she couldnt accept them I said in that case she better get syphoning to get the petrol back out of my tank. she quickly accepted them without any further fuss touche et voila.