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05-Mar-09, 19:30
This is 2009?

"A Brazilian archbishop says all those who helped a child rape victim secure an abortion are to be excommunicated from the Catholic Church.
The girl, aged nine, who lives in the north-eastern state of Pernambuco, became pregnant with twins.
It is alleged that she had been sexually assaulted over a number of years by her stepfather.
The excommunication applies to the child's mother and the doctors involved in the procedure.
The pregnancy was terminated on Wednesday".*


05-Mar-09, 19:43
This just shows that some parts of the world are still living in the Middle Ages.

All I can say is Thank Goodness I live where I do and not in a country like this.

05-Mar-09, 22:36
Hi bekisman, I have to agree with you, this is crazy, common sense has gone out the window. But that is the narrow minded thinking of some idiots who are supposed to be Christians and should know better. They are way back in the middle ages, but worse than that they are trying to keep everybody else there as well.

05-Mar-09, 22:39
Jeepers, the world is crazy, mind you it's a wonder they didn't put a bullet through her skull.

05-Mar-09, 22:41
Funny I had just read that on the BBC news website. You are absolutely right in what you say.

05-Mar-09, 22:51
If that had been in Iraq or Saudi she would have got forty lashes for being raped.

05-Mar-09, 23:06
Madness it seems rules the world. But then why would the catholic church give the permission or blessing to something like abortion when since the beginning of Catholacism it has always been outlawed and against all they stand for.
The poor girl in question will not care about what the church says, she has more to worry about than that.Her life is over for many reasons.She has to live with all that she went through with or without the churches blessings.

05-Mar-09, 23:54
its amazong what can be said and done in the name of religion. as deeply faithful as i am.. i just think this is horrible.. personally dont belive anyone can excommunicate you from God bar yourself. some one elses words do not have that power*grrr* but that poor little girl. I am horribly anti-abortion, get really really angry over it at times, but i would have taken that child to the dr. myself in this situation. 9 years old. (shakes head) not only has she had to endure the abuse but would her body be able to handle a pregnacy, and if she had carried it thru, would the babies have survived? would she have survived?
i hate that the poor little babies had to be aborted to save another baby, but its a very sensitive case and we have to look at what is medically and mentally best for this 9 year old child. HOWEVER, i am very PRO -CASTRATION for the step father.. no am not joking.
men like that do not deserve to be able to do anything! gonna try to read the article again, without being angry... havent actually read it yet... seeing red.. want pitchfork.....

06-Mar-09, 00:28
Religion is in the Dark Ages in some parts of the World. Even where it is supposed to be embraced by more civilised people, some amount of inconsistent nonsense is prevalent.

We will NEVER create a sensible society whilst there are people looking for a "Mannie in the Sky" to come and sort it out. The sooner we realise that WE are the only beings who can get together and create a better World, the sooner we move towards producing something that does not look like a sticky turd of Humanity crafted by an imbecile.

Let's face it, if YOU were "God", could you look down upon your "Masterpiece" with much pride?

Angry? Really Angry? Pitchfork?


06-Mar-09, 00:43
Quite agree scorrie, that child has been sinned against and yet the church choses excommunication it needs to look to the laws of christianity and then start practising them.

06-Mar-09, 01:05
I'm just wondering what the children have done to warrant a death sentence.:~(

They're never going to breathe the freshness of the air, smile or live to see their own children grow up and bear them grand children. All because of the misplaced feelings of the very people who should be there to look after them. To kill an innocent just to uphold those misplaced values is very dysfunctional indeed.:~(

06-Mar-09, 01:50
the archbishop is out of touch with his folk.watched a programme about the catholic church and it was said that 70percent of catholics use contraceptives but tell no one because of getting shunned,what happened to this kid is awful too and really beggers belief.no one can exclude you from god if there is one.....