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04-Mar-09, 12:16
I like to have a collar on Frodo to make it harder for him to creep up on small creatures and kill them.
I know cat collars have to have a snap release or stretchy elastic for safety so the cat can escape if caught by the collar.

But which type of collar will be the hardest to lose but will be still safe?

We are going through a collar a week at the moment

lady penelope
04-Mar-09, 15:47
I much prefer the snap release collars & use them on all 3 of my cats.
If your cat fights or jumps over fences or walls, at least you have a chance of re-using the collar if you find it, I'm always finding their collars in my garden. I think they take them off on purpose ;)

04-Mar-09, 16:12
Av's was a reflective Amcol one with a plastic 'snap' at the front that would give if she got caught on something, but could be clicked back together afterwards. Seemed to work well.

04-Mar-09, 21:57
I am beginning to think he takes them off deliberately and hides them:roll:

04-Mar-09, 23:19
I am beginning to think he takes them off deliberately and hides them:roll:

All our cats have been like that, but it's better to lose the collar than lose the cat.
If it gets the collar caught in a fence and it doesn't come off the poor cat will be stuck until someone finds it.

04-Mar-09, 23:25
All our cats have been like that, but it's better to lose the collar than lose the cat.
If it gets the collar caught in a fence and it doesn't come off the poor cat will be stuck until someone finds it.

I agree with bothyman Dadie. It is much better to lose collars than risk your poor cat getting stuck in a fence.

I have visions of him going outside and taking his collar off!lol

05-Mar-09, 12:17
Yes I know.
I keep buying the safety collars because I dont want him strangled somewhere.

But I can just see him going into the bushes nextdoor and taking the collar off with his paws the sauntering back chuffed to bits with himself!

Plus I feel happier when he has a collar on when out and about just incase something did happen to him the person who finds him can let me know quickly!

05-Mar-09, 12:28
We used to put a collar on the cat with a bell on it to try and stop him getting birds.
Then one day we saw him running through the garden and the bell didn't make a sound, it didn't work when he was in stealth mode either..
He must have had at least 3 collars before we gave up.

05-Mar-09, 18:11
I always use the saftey catch collars on my two. My cat Caramel is very sneaky at getting her collar of after a month or two of having it put back on. She stretches it before unclipping it. No collar seems to stay on her.:eek:

05-Mar-09, 23:57
I saw at least 1 collar next door when I looked over the fence to see where the little b****r goes to remove the collars....so guess whos door I will be knocking on tommorow:lol:

06-Mar-09, 00:08
cats have been killing small creatures long before man decided to frill them up with collars.

06-Mar-09, 00:16
That I know!
But if he gets hit by a car or seriously hurt somehow and found in time the person who found him or the vet can get in touch to commence treatment if he is wearing his collar with my phone no on it!

08-Mar-09, 01:35
We have the snap release ones from Ancol. They are strong and hard for the cat to undo themselves, but would come undone if needed I am sure.

08-Mar-09, 18:30
We have the snap release ones from Ancol. They are strong and hard for the cat to undo themselves, but would come undone if needed I am sure.

Got one for my cat but she has managed to get it off :eek: she's a wee devil.

09-Mar-09, 16:28
What are the amcol collars?
Are they 1 of the types you get in pets at home?
If so I have probably tried them..... so far the £2.99 one from tecos has lasted over a fortnight.... but saying that he is out at the moment ....
so he will now come back without it!

09-Mar-09, 16:39
I always have a flea collar on my cat because he is outside all night every night. It has the streachy bit so that if he gets stuck then it slips off easily. He has never lost a collar yet!

I change the collar every 4-6 months. Which i dont mind because it prevents fleas. But i do put that drops on him too, just incase! :Razz

11-Mar-09, 10:57
Shelley be careful if you use a flea collar and flea drops together I think it is possible to OD your cat on flea treatments by using both....but I will ask next time Im at the vets!

18-Mar-09, 22:27
Another collar lost this week... might have to get him micro chipped instead incase of accidents.....pity the birds though!

18-Mar-09, 22:34
Shelley be careful if you use a flea collar and flea drops together I think it is possible to OD your cat on flea treatments by using both....but I will ask next time Im at the vets!

Yeah i was told that by the vet, so when i put the flea drops on him i change to a normal collar but its an elasty one so if he gets caught he can free himself. Then after 4 days its safe to put the other collar back on him!

He takes a reaction to the drops sometimes now tho so i am less enclined to use them. :confused