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28-Feb-09, 15:10
Delighted that the Golspie toilets are now open. Seems to have taken an age, but good things come to those who wait.

Why oh why have they chosen to have swipe cards for the out of hours facility, available from the service point, which isn`t going to be open on a dreich wintery night?

Fine for the locals, perhaps, but what about the passers through and the visitors from south who travel the length and breadth of britain with a "radar" key to access out of hours toilet facilities?

Thought the stupidest loo I had seen to date was the one at Daviot woods where the out of hours toilet has a radar key for access, but is behind a locked iron gate which the council cleaner holds the key for! Golspie`s idea makes it a neck and neck race for stupid loo access.

28-Feb-09, 15:21
Calm down and dinna bile yer watter !. You are dealing with the Council here and in their little empire everything is hunky dory - its just these damn ratepayers wanting something for their money that screws things up. How very dare they !

The reason for the swipe cards is (I assume) that the yoof of Golspie have nothing to do in the evenings, poor little darlings, and will wreck the bogs post haste to get rid of their artistic thingmies.
The answer for me anyway is to get a swipe card from the Service Point when I am passing during the day, but poor old Joe Tourist is going to have to (s)swipe his bum with a dockan leaf as normal, unless the Cooncil close off all the laybys after 1700.

28-Feb-09, 18:05
So what's to stop the Yoofs getting a card too ?????????????????

Cinderella's Shoe
28-Feb-09, 18:08
Well they were locked shut in the middle of the day last week - I have no idea why

28-Feb-09, 18:13
So what's to stop the Yoofs getting a card too ?????????????????

Never thought of that =- its a good point !.

28-Feb-09, 18:27
I live just between golspie and brora and am ofen in golspie through the night at weekends and i a local in a way also does not have acess to the toilets and i have heard if you go to the pub the caber across the road from the co op you can get a key but the pub has toilets so are you really going to go over there get a key to go back to the toilets when you can just use the 1s in the pub?????????

its not going to stop the toilets being vandalised not in the long run but the old toilets just needed a good clean and would have been fine.

28-Feb-09, 20:56
the old toilets just needed a good clean and would have been fine.

You are joking arent you :eek: They were absolutely DISGUSTING and way beyond just needing a good clean!!! I wouldnt even "hover" in them!!!!

Was in the new ones tonight and they are lovely!! Hopefully the "Yoof" will leave these alone!!

We were in around 6 o'clock. Any ideas when they actually close then?

28-Feb-09, 21:11
Not as disgusting as the ones in Helmsdale: they are yeuch!

When I went to the new ones, the gents and ladies were shut: you had to go round the round, to the 'unisex' toilet. How continental.

28-Feb-09, 21:23
they could have been cleaned and would have been better than a lot of places i have been. i do a fair bit of traveling and there are a lot of toilets i will not go back to but if they gave golspie a good clean they would not decide to stick some locks on the doors and people would at least get to use them when there is no where else open to go.

28-Feb-09, 21:28
At least in Brora if the toilets are locked they can be accessed with the "Radar key". The ones in Thurso are the same. This is meant to be a national scheme to access toilet facilities out of hours. Even Wetherspoons in Wick have a toilet linked to the scheme so it is well known.

Murdina Bug
28-Feb-09, 21:41
Why, oh why, are there only baby changing facilities in the female toilets?! It's 2009 you know - men change nappies too - they have even been known to take the baby out on their own. What are they supposed to do, hover around the entrance to the ladies toilet and ask a willing woman to change the bairn, or risk putting the baby on the gent's toilet floor? :roll:

28-Feb-09, 21:55
I agree that changing facilities should be unisex and completely separate from toilet facilities.

I'd suggest that any male requiring to change their young, simply go in and use the changing facilites in the ladies. I would hope, in this day and age, that any female who happens to wander in during this would feel sufficiently happy that a male is taking their responsibilities to their family seriously.

02-Mar-09, 17:35
so once you get the card to access the toilet does that mean you keep this card and can access the toilet any time you need.

yes i had a grumble at nappy changing facilities too

02-Mar-09, 17:38
Have just phoned the service point at Golspie.

Currently they do not have any of the cards, they are hoping to get them in next week.

The original idea was that the cards were for lorry drivers, to give them an added facility, but they will be allowing others to get them.

The cards will cost £5 and you will have to fill in a form to get one.

02-Mar-09, 17:49
I hate to rain on yer parade folkies but surely they will be expectin you to hand back these cards! I know in an ideal world it would be great to have one and keep it in the car!

02-Mar-09, 18:44
The cards will cost £5 and you will have to fill in a form to get one.

I can remember when it only cost a penny:roll:.

02-Mar-09, 19:19
Have just phoned the service point at Golspie.

Currently they do not have any of the cards, they are hoping to get them in next week.

The original idea was that the cards were for lorry drivers, to give them an added facility, but they will be allowing others to get them.

The cards will cost £5 and you will have to fill in a form to get one.

omg. thats the terrible, we have to pay £300k plus for them and now we have to pay to use them too.

02-Mar-09, 19:55
they could have been cleaned and would have been better than a lot of places i have been. i do a fair bit of traveling and there are a lot of toilets i will not go back to but if they gave golspie a good clean they would not decide to stick some locks on the doors and people would at least get to use them when there is no where else open to go.

Sorry minni85, but I also do a lot of travelling and the cludgies in Golspie were WAY beyond just needing cleaned. In fact, they were by far the worst toilets I have ever come across in this country. They were a disgrace!! I must admit by Hungary or the Czech Republic's standards they were first class, but not Britain I'm afraid. I didna even like going for a "stand-up" in them!

The Loafer

02-Mar-09, 22:07
just where do you go to get the forms for filling in for the radar card.... it would be handy !

ps wetherspoons in wick doesnt have a babychange in the ladies loos either! it is hidden in the disabled toilet same as the town hall in thurso...would have thought that babychange facilities would be in all loos! Or a loo available in the babychange for those not quite potty trained but want to use the loo!

02-Mar-09, 22:13
Forms from the service point in Golspie

02-Mar-09, 22:25
I take it as the keys are a national wide thing they will fit all the loos will they?
If so is there anywhere more local that you can get the keys from?
i.e. Caithness!

02-Mar-09, 23:44
Forms from the service point in Golspie

Beg yer puddin - I did not realise what the scheme was about! £5 seems a bit steep - they would need to be pretty good loos for that!

03-Mar-09, 20:22
RADAR key scheme is national and information is available on www.radar.co.uk This scheme by way of a very large key gives access to disabled loos/baby change all over the country 24/7. I have had my key quite a few years now and it cost £7.50 for the key and a large book listing all the available facilities.

Golspie loos are a different thing altogether now. The old loos could be accessed by RADAR key, as can Brora. Was in the service point in Golspie today and they hope to have forms next week, but clerkess says the council will be selective who is allowed to have them. It is not clear if the £5 fee is annual or lifetime but hopefully when the information arrives it will be clearer.

03-Mar-09, 20:52
i think its rediculous, i never knew you were only allowed to need the loo between 9am and 5pm presuming the toilets run on council office hours, honestly, then the police have the cheek to moan when people are urinating on the street, some form of toilet should be accessable all day/night and if the council are only going to give these swipe cards to certain people then im afraid its a case of if your face fits your fine, what about all the parents with small children and elderly folk i would imagine walking into a pub/hotel after a certain time at night would be quite intimidating especially at the weekend , i understand the youths of today and thier vandalising but whats wrong with getting abit of old fashioned policing on the go and walk the beat once or twice of an evening to check the loo's [evil][evil]

03-Mar-09, 22:28
iif the council are only going to give these swipe cards to certain people then im afraid its a case of if your face fits your fine,

My face is going into NO toilet just to see if it fits. [lol]

03-Mar-09, 22:42
Jox you are a prat, you just made me choke on my smarties :lol:

03-Mar-09, 22:49
Jox you are a prat, you just made me choke on my smarties :lol:

I hope it wasn't brown ones!!! :D

03-Mar-09, 22:55
The council by their actions have made it inevitable that people are going to pull over at the side of the road for an Arthur Bliss or Tommy Tit.

04-Mar-09, 11:03
You will only get one of these Keys if you are a Lorry Driver as that is whom they were for the Drivers parking in Golspie overnight.
it would of been better if they fitted a RADAR lock the same as Brora

Tam 2000
04-Mar-09, 11:13
We went to the toilets in Golspie last sunday and they were open, no problem there. But there were a number of young folk hanging round them and squirting soap from the dispencers in the gents at each other. Such a shame as they are lovely toilets.

04-Mar-09, 16:17
Thank you Mazda.............. my point exactly.

07-Mar-09, 03:39
Radar keys are for disabled people

08-Mar-09, 00:19
Lauren asked for a pee at the harbour in Thurso (I was buying fish) tried the public loos but they were locked and had to "jump the queue" to ask if we could use the loo!
at least she made it in time but could the public loos be more accessible to the public!

08-Mar-09, 00:23
The harbour toilets and the village toilets in the County are only open in the summer ! We poor freezing locals have to boil our water, so to speak.

My RADAR key accesses the loo at the harbour 24/7 - likewise the disabled facility at the riverside.

The form I had to complete for the book and key was more interested in how I was paying than what my disability was. Well worth the money over the years.

08-Mar-09, 00:27
Can someone tell me who paid for the toilets to be built please?

If it came out of council coffers, then I want to know why someone not living in highland region, but driving a lorry can get a key when I can't.

Who would I contact to complain about it if this is the case.

08-Mar-09, 00:36
£286,000 was Highland Council`s investment for the new Golspie Loos. Front page on Org archive in February.

The girls in the Golspie service point have been inundated with complaints, and requests for application forms for folk wanting the access swipe card. I guess ultimately it would be TEC services in Alness who would be overall "in charge" of any complaint.

I will be writing to my MP if something isn`t done about it to allow everyone access to this public facility.

10-Mar-09, 18:34
More power to the Org.

I had a phone call relating to the Golspie conveniences today from the Service Point in Golspie.

There is now access 24/7 by RADAR key separate from their cardkey scheme. Doesn`t help everyone I know, but at least with RADAR the key gives access to toilets all over the UK.

All I need now is a trip south to try them out.

10-Mar-09, 23:35
More power to the Org.

I had a phone call relating to the Golspie conveniences today from the Service Point in Golspie.

There is now access 24/7 by RADAR key separate from their cardkey scheme. Doesn`t help everyone I know, but at least with RADAR the key gives access to toilets all over the UK.

All I need now is a trip south to try them out.MAke sure you drink plenty of water/juice, whatever before you go.

12-Mar-09, 03:40
The Radar key for the disabled, which fits all toilets including the one in wetherspoons can be purchased from the council service point in Caithness or anywhere, proof of disability or blue car badge needed.

12-Mar-09, 20:01
That`s good to know Fran. I had to send away off the website for mine, but that was about 10 years ago. It has been a godsend over the years.

13-Mar-09, 00:08
I wish someone would flush this thread away.

13-Mar-09, 00:11
You will regret that Jox when you are old and incontinent :lol:

13-Mar-09, 00:15
You will regret that Jox when you are old and incontinent :lol:

I'm already there-most people think I'm full of pish and I widnae argue wi' them. [lol]

Anne x
13-Mar-09, 00:22
I'm already there-most people think I'm full of pish and I widnae argue wi' them. [lol]

How True for you [lol] as for flushing the thread away pleeeese :lol: