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27-Feb-09, 13:05
Caithness.Org's very own Kenneth starred in a star-studded new radio show on Caithness FM, starting on Monday, 9pm - 10pm

Taking over from Nicks Dance Show, Tunes til Ten With Ken (and Andrew) will surely be a hit after last nights unforgettable performance...in fact no, not a performance...an EXPERIENCE.

With his smooth tones and eloquent nature, Kenneth really has thrown down the gauntlet for other DJs across the land. The bar is now raised on the radio. In fact now there is no bar. Tunes til Ten with Ken IS the bar.

With his selection of modern 'indie' (alt rock whatever you like) really has conencted with today's youth, yet at the same time, bringing in the older folks, and introducing them to some quality material, includin bands such as Biffy Clyro, Kings of Leon, The Futureheads, Elbow and Cut Copy. Kenneth, showing his infinite wisdom, however, doesnt forget the roots of rock n roll, and plays classics from artists such as Bob Dylan, The Rolling Stones and The Kinks

Last Nights special 'Dance' themed show (as a special tribute to the lad who preceded Kenneth and Andrew on that time slot, Nick Smith) surely had the nation bouncing, as people from all over Britain tuning into 102.5, from Manchester to Mansfield to Millwall to Norwich to Northhampton to Wick to Wardle, from Thurso to Truro, Brits screamed "Hail thee oh mighty and beautiful Kenneth, speak so that we may listen and blissfuully and blindly obey your orders."

Truly Radio has found a new God. And it resides at Caithness FM on a Monday Night, from 9 til 10.

Thats how Tuesday's review in the Scotsman will go

27-Feb-09, 13:08
unfortunately, unless I am to sit in the car, I cannot receive CFM in my house in Wick.
Do like a drive when Barbara is on though.:lol:

27-Feb-09, 13:17
If you like Barbara, then you will most likely love my show more. Picture yourself throwing your mind out of its head, and dancing on it, thats a bit what like my show is. Its that good. Mind-Dancingly good.

27-Feb-09, 15:09
surely had the nation bouncing, as people from all over Britain tuning into 102.5, from Manchester to Mansfield to Millwall to Norwich to Northhampton to Wick to Wardle, from Thurso to Truro, Brits screamed "Hail thee oh mighty and beautiful Kenneth, speak so that we may listen and blissfuully and blindly obey your orders."

Thats how Tuesday's review in the Scotsman will go

I think thats quite a big lie dont you think.

Local broadcasting station!!!! tuning into 102.5 will certainly not get you Caithness FM in Manchester [lol] or any other area apart from Caithness!!!

27-Feb-09, 15:58
Do you do a modesty show as well Kenneth ?

27-Feb-09, 17:42
I CANNOT wait for this! I've just ironed my smoking jacket and set a glass of port beside the wireless in eager anticipation!

Maybe you and Babs could have a good bust up outside the CFM porta cabin (in aid of Red Nose Day etc.) Just to see who the real god of CFM is!