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View Full Version : Popular phrases and exprssions and extending your vocabulary.

27-Feb-09, 12:06
Words or expressions, even footballers or celebrity names can sometimes have the annoying habit of taking hold in your mind and then proceed to swim into your conscious thoughts at totally unexpected times of the day. Catchy tunes or tele adverts, what could be called "virus" tunes can do the same thing even though there can be absolutely no reason to be interested in what they sell or represent.

Sometimes the connection is with your imagination. Examples like "web browser" which I've heard a lot of recently conjure up the image of a black and white Freisian cow grazing a roadside verge but my absolute favourite has to be the recently coined "toxic debt" to describe the awful problems faced by our poor misunderstood bankers.

What a great piece of terminology, just wish that I could have claimed ownership of such a gem. Persistent, unquantifiable and deadly poisonous substances lurking beneath calm, unruffled waters just waiting to bring ruin and despolation upon innocent bystanders and honest citizens! The charm is in the unquantifiable threat of disruption and ruination or even the Gaelic equivalent (providing of course there is no preset delete or contributor distruct mechanism in operation by the ORG and Caithness councillors) "Mo Creich s'thanig" The cattle raid is upon us!

Anyway, beware anyone who might engage in verbal communication this bit of terminology is on the tip of my tongue just waiting to be dropped into the pool of conversation at the first opportunity. That is until it is replaced by the next "bon mot" or becomes totally worn out by overuse. Does this happen to anyone else?

27-Feb-09, 17:24
Words or expressions, even footballers or celebrity names can sometimes have the annoying habit of taking hold in your mind and then proceed to swim into your conscious thoughts at totally unexpected times of the day. Catchy tunes or tele adverts, what could be called "virus" tunes can do the same thing even though there can be absolutely no reason to be interested in what they sell or represent.

Sometimes the connection is with your imagination. Examples like "web browser" which I've heard a lot of recently conjure up the image of a black and white Freisian cow grazing a roadside verge but my absolute favourite has to be the recently coined "toxic debt" to describe the awful problems faced by our poor misunderstood bankers.

What a great piece of terminology, just wish that I could have claimed ownership of such a gem. Persistent, unquantifiable and deadly poisonous substances lurking beneath calm, unruffled waters just waiting to bring ruin and despolation upon innocent bystanders and honest citizens! The charm is in the unquantifiable threat of disruption and ruination or even the Gaelic equivalent (providing of course there is no preset delete or contributor distruct mechanism in operation by the ORG and Caithness councillors) "Mo Creich s'thanig" The cattle raid is upon us!

Anyway, beware anyone who might engage in verbal communication this bit of terminology is on the tip of my tongue just waiting to be dropped into the pool of conversation at the first opportunity. That is until it is replaced by the next "bon mot" or becomes totally worn out by overuse. Does this happen to anyone else?

Now I realise why there were no replies...

27-Feb-09, 17:42
Now I realise why there were no replies...

Enlighten us! Yer seemin awful keen to give yer acerbic opinions!

27-Feb-09, 17:47
Enlighten us! Yer seemin awful keen to give yer acerbic opinions!

I was make a light-hearted remark about how "wordy" his post was. I am sure Erogie realises that I was just making a teeny weeny joke, and I have to hope that you realise it as well, and are just being annoying.

27-Feb-09, 17:59
I hope Errogie realises this as I did notice that yer first post on the Org was to make a teeny weeny joke at his expense. May I suggest that you calm down Alan and reign in yer teenage exuberance.
(Note to Errogie:- I am not answering on yer behalf just makin an observation!)

27-Feb-09, 18:03
You may suggest, and it is my prerogative to ignore you. As I will do. Being funny or poking fun at someone isn't going to kill anybody. Unless you use a knife...

27-Feb-09, 18:21
You lot ought tae wind yer necks in a wee bit. :D

27-Feb-09, 18:45
You lot ought tae wind yer necks in a wee bit.

Jox, my dear chap, I am a happy bunny! :D I am merely expressing my opinion as is my right on here! I do believe we have royalty in our midst tho :eek: or perhaps it is a new invasion! :roll:

27-Feb-09, 18:49
I don't recall telling you I had blue blood coursing through my veins. Did I ever tell you I invented Turn 5 at the Nurburgring racing circuit? :D

27-Feb-09, 21:03
I was referring to prerogative!!!

We are hi-jackin this thread but no, Jox! :)

27-Feb-09, 21:40
I nearly always have to rein in a tempatation to be jocular and irreverent, so it's a surprise to have a contribution condsidered too weighty but then I remember some of the mighty debates of the past from the ORG.
Anyway if no one else has these moments with the poetry of words and expressions or can't maintain an attention span that's fine by me, just let the pedants rule.

27-Feb-09, 21:45
Errogie I have to tell you I have been wrackin my tiny brain to come up wi something to add to yer starter for ten but I truly can't! Jingles for ads and such do stick in my brain even if I hate the product but I have no clue why! Toxic debt does come to mind tho but you have more than covered it - I do see pool of luminous green goo but that is cos my son has a Batman game called Toxic chill and there is lots of luminous green goo in it! :D

27-Feb-09, 22:17
I've really taken to "easing your lower digestive transit" but am finding it a bit difficult bringing it into normal day to day conversation.:roll:

27-Feb-09, 22:23
Weapons Of mass destruction, credit Crunch?:eek:[lol]

27-Feb-09, 22:23
You mean you need to increase your faecal transit time!

27-Feb-09, 23:23
Does this happen to anyone else?
It happens to me in other ways but I think that's what makes those catchy tunes and phrases catchy. It's a cleverness inherant in human beings that connects with something deep in their socks that no one really understands. I saw some paintings in a gallery in London by an American guy (Jackson Pollack) and he used squiggly lines to connect with the seme cleverness. His paintings were big and the caption beside the painting said it was some kind of description of unconscious brain activity that science was later able to describe using modern neuro science research and whatever electrical machinery they have at their disposal. That elusive 'bon mot'may be on the tip o your tongue Errogie but as the mannie said spit it oot on the wall and we can all read it lol.
Or maybe you've just had a bad day.

27-Feb-09, 23:23
Right that is it I am fair takin the huff here - this morning someone told me my avatar looked like a glass bum - confirmed also by another orger who suggested it also was wearing a thong!!! :eek: Now I find that a thread I have subscribed to is bandying about words like "lower digestive transit" and "faecal transit time" - should I start using my WOMD (thanks TBH)?

27-Feb-09, 23:33
Right that is it I am fair takin the huff here - this morning someone told me my avatar looked like a glass bum - confirmed also by another orger who suggested it also was wearing a thong!!! :eek: Now I find that a thread I have subscribed to is bandying about words like "lower digestive transit" and "faecal transit time" - should I start using my WOMD (thanks TBH)?
It does look like that drawing which could be a lightbulb but also a lady bending over washing her feet?[lol]

27-Feb-09, 23:36
It does look like that drawing which could be a lightbulb but also a lady bending over washing her feet?[lol]

I have to say since I was informed of the thong bit I can see the bum now - peachy! [lol]

Sorry Errogie - I am makin a mockery here! :o

27-Feb-09, 23:47
I have to say since I was informed of the thong bit I can see the bum now - peachy! [lol]

Sorry Errogie - I am makin a mockery here! :oNo Mockery, remember the song, "Peaches". Walking on the beaches looking at the peaches has become a well known phrase.

27-Feb-09, 23:49
No Mockery, remember the song, "Peaches". Walking on the beaches looking at the peaches has become a well known phrase.

I have never heard that phrase but I like it! Not that I do it! :eek: [lol]

28-Feb-09, 00:24
I think it's bang out of order that wifie's avatar is being mocked. No wonder she is cracking up.:)

28-Feb-09, 00:30
I think it's bang out of order that wifie's avatar is being mocked. No wonder she is cracking up.:)A builder would be well chuffed to have such a Cracking Avatar.

Anne x
28-Feb-09, 00:45
A builder would be well chuffed to have such a Cracking Avatar.

what with a builders troosers pose lol

28-Feb-09, 00:46
You lot just have no appreciation of art whatsoever! I am truly disgusted! [disgust]

28-Feb-09, 00:49
You lot just have no appreciation of art whatsoever! I am truly disgusted! [disgust]
You mis-spelt a word wifie. Remove the 't' in art and add 'se'.

28-Feb-09, 00:59
You mis-spelt a word wifie. Remove the 't' in art and add 'se'.

LOL! You seem to have a good appreciation of them you moonies!