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percy toboggan
24-Feb-09, 12:14
recently arrived fron Guantanamo Bay this Ethiopian who arrived here in 1994 then left for Pakistan some years later and tried to return on a false passport was referred to as 'Binman' this morning in the press.

He's not of course, although he might well be tempted to take up a form of employment very soon rather than set himself up as some half baked celebrity victim.

I'm mystified as to why he has been allowed to return here. Rather than preparing himself for the media circus which will willingly engulf him until summat or someone more interesting turns up he needs to keep himself to himself, get a job or ship out.

24-Feb-09, 13:25
I will bet you a £1 to a pinch of merde that within the month he will have the compo payout and within another month the imbeciles in Brussels will double it.
It never ceases to amaze me the excuses some of these people come up with for visiting Pakistan/Afghanistan, this one went to sort out his drug problem !. He is absolutely nothing to do with G.B. and if he had to have a private Gulfstream jet to bring him 'home' then 'home' it should have been, and not here. How many false passports do you need to wave about before the clowns who are running this country say enough is enough ?

24-Feb-09, 15:37
If I were a few years younger Id be leaving this pathetic country

percy toboggan
24-Feb-09, 18:58
If I were a few years younger Id be leaving this pathetic country

I know exactly what you mean. We have become the depository for most of the waifs and strays - the disaffected and the afraid - the opportunists and the criminal elements merchants looking for streets of gold.... not only do we take 'em in we give them benefits and shelter, freedom of worship and more liberties than ever they could have hoped for and still some of them are not happy. He took himself off looking for a muslim state. If he lives long enough he'll have one here the way things are shaping up. God bless all the hard working and settled immigrants though, who want to be British...(I'm English). And top marks to all who have settled here since 1945 and also despise the way things have gone.(there are plenty of them)....the disaffected in their ranks should clear off.

The country is a basket case. May the forthcoming Euro elections reveal strong dissatisfaction with the idiots who are in charge. Look for conduits for protest like UKIP and one or two others.

Don't despair though Baz...Cumbria's not so bad is it? We're up to have a look at bits we don't know soon - might retire there 2016 instead of Scotland.

24-Feb-09, 19:06
The country is a basket case.

You've never been to: Angola; Ivory Coast; Nigeria; Columbia; Eritrea; etc. ?

I agree that at times it seems a bit crappy here, but having experienced first hand (not briefly enough) those mentioned above, as the man once said, "We ain't had it so good."

That doesn't mean we must be complacent, but we are part of a long cycle here that represents the decline of the West. Many nations have had their go at world domination and our time at that is on the slide, and has been for a while.

24-Feb-09, 19:28
You've never been to: Angola; Ivory Coast; Nigeria; Columbia; Eritrea; etc. ?

I agree that at times it seems a bit crappy here, but having experienced first hand (not briefly enough) those mentioned above, as the man once said, "We ain't had it so good."

That doesn't mean we must be complacent, but we are part of a long cycle here that represents the decline of the West. Many nations have had their go at world domination and our time at that is on the slide, and has been for a while.

Accepted that our time of world domination is long gone and thats the way things have always been even going back to Egyptian/Roman/Greek etc etc civilisations.
To my mind, call me a moaning old fart if you wish, our problems come from within. There has been no morality in Government for several years and this has quickly filtered down to Joe Public. We are a dumping ground for the detrius of the world, be they murderers/rapists from Eastern Europe or fanatical terrorists from the East - our streets seem to be paved with gold for them. There are areas of the Inner Cities that are not policed as such but run by drugs gangs. Criminal sentencing is a bad joke - I will get a bigger fine in court for speeding than for mugging some old .orger wifie collecting her pension. The list of failings at the top is endless. What really had me laughing or crying in despair was when our leader T.B. Liar set out his 'Respect' programme - how in the hell will people have respect for anything when those who tell us to do those things are proven liars and thieves themselves ?.
Better go and take my calming doon pills cos I really got excited there.

24-Feb-09, 19:43
I know exactly what you mean. We have become the depository for most of the waifs and strays - the disaffected and the afraid - the opportunists and the criminal elements merchants looking for streets of gold.... not only do we take 'em in we give them benefits and shelter, freedom of worship and more liberties than ever they could have hoped for and still some of them are not happy. He took himself off looking for a muslim state. If he lives long enough he'll have one here the way things are shaping up. God bless all the hard working and settled immigrants though, who want to be British...(I'm English). And top marks to all who have settled here since 1945 and also despise the way things have gone.(there are plenty of them)....the disaffected in their ranks should clear off.

The country is a basket case. May the forthcoming Euro elections reveal strong dissatisfaction with the idiots who are in charge. Look for conduits for protest like UKIP and one or two others.

Don't despair though Baz...Cumbria's not so bad is it? We're up to have a look at bits we don't know soon - might retire there 2016 instead of Scotland.

No, youre right it isnt too bad here yet. Unfortunately, because of that people here have their heads buried in the sand and when you point out whats happening to the country you get branded the usual racist/nazi/bigot etc. Because of our geographic location, when it does get bad here it will be too late as it will have spread through the land as here and other isolated places such as Caithness will be the last places to be "enriched". Shariah law...coming to a town near you.

24-Feb-09, 20:04
Percy, please.please, please retire in your beloved Cumbria.
Not in Scotland, not in Caithness.
We in the North have done nothing to deserve this.

24-Feb-09, 20:08
Percy, please.please, please retire in your beloved Cumbria.
Not in Scotland, not in Caithness.
We in the North have done nothing to deserve this.
Wait a minute Rich, your in deepest Ontario Canada, not Caithness, nor Scotland [lol] and Caithness is 58'30" North Toronto is only 43'30" North

percy toboggan
24-Feb-09, 20:15
[quote=TheOldByre;508690]You've never been to: Angola; Ivory Coast; Nigeria; Columbia; Eritrea; etc. ?


No I haven't. As one fortunate enough to have been born in England on the Great British mainland I have no need or desire to visit such places.
Neither do I judge my own situation against rag bag African states or South American drug-ocracies.

The fine people who live there know little different yet somehow manage to smile through, bearing their adversities bravely in the face of corrupt regimes. They know no better. Maybe it's the weather!

I do know better, thankfully. I only have to cast my mind back to the dreadful days of Margaret Thatcher's 'reign' to see a time better than the chaotic present day.

percy toboggan
24-Feb-09, 20:17
Percy, please.please, please retire in your beloved Cumbria.
Not in Scotland, not in Caithness.
We in the North have done nothing to deserve this.

Go say a prayer.
You never know , it might even work.

24-Feb-09, 20:18
Has anyone , apart from Percy,actually read the UKIP paper? They have an excellent - by their lights - publication. But enough is enough. We are being subjected to the UKIP Digest - a relentless "news" barrage directed at Caithness.
I cant recollect such a remorseless write in from the Lid/Dems or the Conservatives or even from the Scottish Nationalists.
Perhaps that's because they have been up here and can see that the discrimination card does not play well here. UKIP is facing the wrong way when it prosletyses in Caithness, surely.
Or can we compare the ORG to a pirate radio station of the far right?
At any rate the weekly dose of UKIP via Percy is a bore and tedious in the extreme.
Is it political correctness to ask him to go away?
The majority of Caithnessians would sooner be trading sellag stories....

percy toboggan
24-Feb-09, 20:28
Is it political correctness to ask him to go away?

I don't often mention UKIP - in fatc it can only be the once or twice. To suggest I give weekly updates is a calumny. Just what are you on? Besides God?

I have mentioned the BNP on five or six ocassions - also as a legitimate outlet for protest votes.

You'' remember I did ask you a few months ago to find five orgers with more than a hundred posts to ask me to leave and I'd be off like a shot. You couldn't get a posse together Rich, though the offer still stands.

You're a strange one. I think you might be suffering from an allergic reaction: to me...one of those fleshy creepy things mentioned on another thread ' people who make yer skin crawl'. Yer like a kid on a hot summers day - can't resist havin' a pop at poor old Perce.

I can take it Rich....it's just so laughingly obvious that your Christian ideals don't mean jack when you're up against it. You're as small minded and bitter as yer average bible bashing fanatic.

24-Feb-09, 20:47
From AOL News:-

"More than 66,000 people, including failed asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and foreign criminals, were removed from the UK or left voluntarily last year, according to Home Office statistics.
Some 66,275 people with no legal right to stay in the country were removed or left in 2008, up 5% from 2007 when 63,365 people left, the Control and Immigration statistics show."


24-Feb-09, 20:50
Golach, your point is well taken. There may still be Arctic climes where Percy's sermons will not penetrate. Let us hope so

24-Feb-09, 20:54
From AOL News:-

"More than 66,000 people, including failed asylum seekers, illegal immigrants and foreign criminals, were removed from the UK or left voluntarily last year, according to Home Office statistics.
Some 66,275 people with no legal right to stay in the country were removed or left in 2008, up 5% from 2007 when 63,365 people left, the Control and Immigration statistics show."


This is all very well and probably as valid as any statistic from the present Government . BUT the same Government admits that they do not know how many illegal immigrtants are in the country at the moment and they do not tell you how many have been granted asylum or the right to stay here over the past few years.
Another statistic apparently shows that 9% of the working population are of non-British origin - that covers those who are here legally only.

24-Feb-09, 21:07
Wait a minute Rich, your in deepest Ontario Canada, not Caithness, nor Scotland [lol] and Caithness is 58'30" North Toronto is only 43'30" North

It's well known that all the best "experts" on a region NEVER actually live there ;)

24-Feb-09, 21:15
Has anyone , apart from Percy,actually read the UKIP paper? They have an excellent - by their lights - publication.

Err? I assume YOU have read it then. That would answer your question. Not sure how viable an organ with only two readers is though. Which one of you two does the BBC go to when they want an opinion from the readership.

ps Does the paper carry Horse Racing tips?

25-Feb-09, 00:04
There is nothing wrong with this country!!!!
By that I mean it is the lunatics who are in government who are the problem.
We need MP'S who are not there just to feather their own nests, to get out of the EU, amend the Human Rights Act to help the innocent and not the guilty, make the punishment fit the crime, and tighten our borders against illegal immigrants to name but a few.

25-Feb-09, 00:08
amend the Human Rights Act to help the innocent and not the guilty

Yes, someone once said that if we are to have a Human Rights Act then we should also have a Human Responsiblity Act.

And make it a condition that you can't claim anything under the Rights Act if you have violated anything in the Responsibility Act.

25-Feb-09, 00:28
Someone else once said, "I'm all in favour of Human Rights but first they have to show that they have Human Values and Human Respect. If they cannot demonstrate that they have respect for others and demonstrate basic values of right and wrong then they should forfeit any "Human Rights"."

25-Feb-09, 04:44
What I find puzzling is that his sister has just been on the radio tearfully saying how happy she was to see him after seven years. Nothing strange in that you might think and I would agree.

My understanding is that he fled here, as a 15 year old, with his family around 1994, later tried to claim asylum as a refugee and was turned down, but was give leave to stay until 2004. Hence the careful avoidance by the media of calling him anything other than either a British Resident or more correctly, a former British Resident.

The puzzle I refer to is just why he has been brought here and not sent to his own Country of Ethiopia. Oh yes, his family fled from there and he sought asylum as a political refugee, presumably claiming there was a danger there for him and his family. And that is where the sister comes back into the story.

It seems that in order to greet him on his return here she had to take a flight from, wait for it, Ethiopia.
I wonder if that is the same Ethiopia or a different Ethiopia to the one which his family were supposedly so desperate not to be returned to?

25-Feb-09, 10:33
What I find puzzling is that his sister has just been on the radio tearfully saying how happy she was to see him after seven years. Nothing strange in that you might think and I would agree.

My understanding is that he fled here, as a 15 year old, with his family around 1994, later tried to claim asylum as a refugee and was turned down, but was give leave to stay until 2004. Hence the careful avoidance by the media of calling him anything other than either a British Resident or more correctly, a former British Resident.

The puzzle I refer to is just why he has been brought here and not sent to his own Country of Ethiopia. Oh yes, his family fled from there and he sought asylum as a political refugee, presumably claiming there was a danger there for him and his family. And that is where the sister comes back into the story.

It seems that in order to greet him on his return here she had to take a flight from, wait for it, Ethiopia.
I wonder if that is the same Ethiopia or a different Ethiopia to the one which his family were supposedly so desperate not to be returned to?

You could not make it up if you tried!

25-Feb-09, 15:31
Scorrie - here is the URL for the paper.


25-Feb-09, 15:35
I couldn't find any decent sports coverage. All I could find was some anxious coverage of the Olympic Games and some sort of threat to them from the EU.
The more I read this publication the better I felt about the EU!


25-Feb-09, 18:29
..just what are you on? Besides God?...you're a strange one. I think you might be suffering from an allergic reaction: to me...one of those fleshy creepy things mentioned on another thread 'people who make yer skin crawl'. Yer like a kid on a hot summers day - can't resist havin' a pop at poor old Perce. I can take it Rich....it's just so laughingly obvious that your Christian ideals don't mean jack when you're up against it. You're as small minded and bitter as yer average bible bashing fanatic.
What a post Percy. Normally I wouldn't care two hoots for your posts - some I can agree with and some I care not to. But c'mon - look at that post - what's it like, eh? A pop at poor old Percy?? Crying out loud - if there's anyone on here that has a pop at anyone or anything it's you mate. And where you're not, or no-one is having a pop at you, you fish for the biggest spoon in the drawer and post on a theme it can stir.

You're a laugh but you and Rich in one ring and you would just simply have to stomach each other - as we do with the rhetoric being pumped into posts like the above. There may not have been five names gathered by Rich to get you off here but believe you me there are five out there I'll bet - don't be so bold as to threaten to do something that at some point may just come about! I'm not one for the record - I think you're posts are extremely valid at times and very representative of a number of folks who "think" what you think but don't "say" what they think like you do.

I remember the org when it was like that - what a belter of a wapple we would get ourselves into! Eh Jaws?? But I think you have been working with the pencil sharpener for that post above Percy! (old boy!.....) Oops - sorry, forgot you told me not to call you that again - slip of the typewriter......my spoon back in the drawer (for the time being!)

WBG :cool:

25-Feb-09, 18:30
And before anyone thinks I was having a pop at Percy - he's bang right on this subject. The history of this points to the place the man should have gone "home" to. And that's not here.

WBG :cool:

25-Feb-09, 18:35
Personal .org vendettas apart I am saddened to see that yet another 3 of our British servicemen have died in Afghanistan.
Will our leaders soften the blow by laying on a private Gulfstream jet to bring them 'home' at a cost of £160,000 ?.
I fear not, they will arrive in Brize Norton, unheralded, mourned only by their familes and friends, in the usual R.A.F. cargo hold when a flight is scheduled and not before.

Melancholy Man
25-Feb-09, 19:23
Percy, please.please, please retire in your beloved Cumbria.
Not in Scotland, not in Caithness.
We in the North have done nothing to deserve this.

Come now, Rich, it could be much worse. Imagine Bishop (sic.) Richard Williamson (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/faith/article5800802.ece) visiting his brother monks (http://papastronsay.blogspot.com/") on Papa Stronsay.

percy toboggan
25-Feb-09, 19:32
There may not have been five names gathered by Rich to get you off here but believe you me there are five out there I'll bet - don't be so bold as to threaten to do something that at some point may just come about! I'm not one for the record - I think you're posts are extremely valid at times and very representative of a number of folks who "think" what you think but don't "say" what they think like you do.

WBG :cool:

Thanks for the 'representative' tag WBG . I sometimes wonder why I remain in this forum -as might others - and use it as an outlet for my sometimes troubled, sometimes comical (he claimed) mind. I do not live in Caithness although I once harboured hopes...I have admitted I have no particular affinity for the county and yet this is an appealing message board. I 'meet' allsorts...including your goodself.

Looking at the feedback I get I realise there are people who sometimes support my views and some who don't. If I was rubbing up too many the wrong way then I would (really) leave. I only ever instigate subjects or offer opinions on subjects I'm concerned about or have an affinity with and don't deliberatelly try to antagonise folk.

Rich matters not one jot to me really and no doubt if we were shipwrecked together on some desert island he'd soon be reading me stories from his Bible before I used it for the fire. We'd then argue long into the night and I'd be longing for a companion with a sharper sense of humour and a more open mind ( nee cuddlin' up like) :D

We must all speak our minds without fear of upsetting others, so long as the language used is civilised and violence and 'hatred' are neither threatened, incited or implied. After all...it's the law. Life is to short to take any of this too seriously anyway.

Melancholy Man
25-Feb-09, 20:00
On the subject, as I understand it Binyan Mohamed has been accepted by the this country as a reciprocal arrangement to speed up the closure of Gitmo; as have certain other countries.

Gitmo has been a badly handled mistake. Even though the great many of the inmates were captured on the battlefield, ex jure institutions such as this do run the risk of holding innocent men, and that gets me annoyed. I assume there is insufficient evidence to convict Mohamed. That some of those previously released have gone on to be recaptured, or even kill civilians, suggests that it is best not to release him to Ethiopia where he'd be able to slip back into armed groups. This smells bad, but I am more comfortable with his being monitored here.

Anyone claiming he was wholely innocent should be very careful in view of what transpired with the Tipton Three (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tipton_Three#Lie_Lab). Namely that they had almost certainly done everything they were accused of. See also the reports, particularly unsettling after Davie's post, of British soldiers encountering Taleban speaking with Brummie accents. If these individuals are not captured or killed on the battlefield, it's a virtual certainty that they'll return to the comfort and security of this country after raising Cain amongst Afghan peasants; like viscious man-children who wish the best of both worlds.

25-Feb-09, 20:07
At last a sensible post without resorting to personal emnity.

percy toboggan
25-Feb-09, 20:12
Indeed...thank you Melancholy Man for bringing reason , sanity and objectivism back to this thread.

25-Feb-09, 21:40
Here, here! Or - there, there! Whichever,..... Melancholy Man - that was a great post! Objective is the word Percy right enough. I didn't see it from that point of view. Gitmo is a bad mistake - an afront to democracy but when you know the culprate who nicks the cookies out of the cookie jar but can't catch them with their hand in it, it becomes impossible to slap their hand - should we not just bang them up because we simply "know" they are guilty but can't prove it in terms of what the democratic state allows us to charge the accused by - namely evidence??

WBG :cool:

25-Feb-09, 21:51
I see what you mean about Papa Stronsey. Where are the Vikings when we need them...

Melancholy Man
26-Feb-09, 00:26
Thankie Percy and Wee Boy. There've been the inevitable remarks about sharia law in this thread, as if penal law will ever be imposed in Britain. Nonsense. It'll be only civil law, would cover only family and financial law amongst Muslims, i.e. precisely those which disadvantage women. Here (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/england/south_yorkshire/7909510.stm) is a man who advocates the imposition of such civil law which, for instance, would require the payment of approximately eight years salary of non-Muslims killed by Muslims.

I should add, Rich, that your namesake is a deep embarrassment to many, if not most in the Society of St. Pious X, and I have no reason to think the monks either on Papa or whichever garage agree with his grotesque lies about the Holocaust. Its excommunication was remitted for separate reasons, but there will be a hard-core who hate Jews for the most traditional of reasons.

26-Feb-09, 01:51
Here, here! Or - there, there! Whichever,..... Melancholy Man - that was a great post! Objective is the word Percy right enough. I didn't see it from that point of view. Gitmo is a bad mistake - an afront to democracy

WBG :cool:

What Democracy is that then, surely youre not meaning the UK ?

26-Feb-09, 14:31
I fear not, they will arrive in Brize Norton, unheralded, mourned only by their familes and friends, in the usual R.A.F. cargo hold when a flight is scheduled and not before.

Not quite "unheralded" - the good folk of Wooton Bassett and many ex service personnel turn out for returning flights.
The hearses with one coffin in each draped with the Union Flag are now given a Police escort. The imminent arrival of the hearses is notified by the tolling of a single church bell. The cortèges stop at the War Memorial for one minutesʼ silence; Standards are dipped and all veterans and service personnel salute.

A petition was started to highlight the lack of any 'escort' for these repatriations.

26-Feb-09, 18:50
I pinched this Aussie slant on the situation from elsewhere on the web :

B. Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from Newcastle, New South Wales (NSW), was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought of the allegations of torture of the Iraqi terrorists.

While his reply prompted his ejection from the studio, it also earned thunderous applause from the audience.


'If hooking up a terrorist's nuts to a car's battery cables
will save just one Australians life, then I have just three things to say;'

'Red is positive, Black is negative, and Make sure his nuts are wet.'

26-Feb-09, 23:17
I pinched this Aussie slant on the situation from elsewhere on the web :

B. Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from Newcastle, New South Wales (NSW), was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought of the allegations of torture of the Iraqi terrorists.

While his reply prompted his ejection from the studio, it also earned thunderous applause from the audience.


'If hooking up a terrorist's nuts to a car's battery cables
will save just one Australians life, then I have just three things to say;'

'Red is positive, Black is negative, and Make sure his nuts are wet.'

You have hit the nail on the head.

27-Feb-09, 01:08
I pinched this Aussie slant on the situation from elsewhere on the web :

B. Bechtel, a part-time City Councilman from Newcastle, New South Wales (NSW), was asked on a local live radio talk show, just what he thought of the allegations of torture of the Iraqi terrorists.

While his reply prompted his ejection from the studio, it also earned thunderous applause from the audience.


'If hooking up a terrorist's nuts to a car's battery cables
will save just one Australians life, then I have just three things to say;'

'Red is positive, Black is negative, and Make sure his nuts are wet.'

If it is OK for "Us" to use torture to extract information, we can NOT condemn the same methodology being employed by the other "side".

I would far rather put an end to the phoney wars, than advocate torture by either side. If studio audiences were allowed to run the world, we would soon be back in the Dark Ages.

More brains in a Rocking Horse than this Aussie Drongo. His logic would seem to be:-

"Hit it hard. Not working? Hit it harder"

As Stephen Fry said, of The Davinci Code, on QI:- "Utter Arse Gravy"

27-Feb-09, 01:13
WOW Scorrie, thank goodness you have posted, I saw on the Pets Forum that you had been neutered, my eyes watered for a moment or two, but then I thought, Scorrie, will survive

27-Feb-09, 01:32
WOW Scorrie, thank goodness you have posted, I saw on the Pets Forum that you had been neutered, my eyes watered for a moment or two, but then I thought, Scorrie, will survive

I am sure MY eyes would have watered more!!

Quick Roll Call in Brief Barracks:-"One...here!!, Two....here!!"

"All present and correct, Fall Out!!"

Memo:-"Buy tighter boxers" ;)

27-Feb-09, 02:35

I usually avoid the org as I was told it was a meeting ground for 'small minded, inward looking, back slapping racists'

Try reading through the posts above and run the words through your mind with the accent of the Rev Ian Paisley.

I'll be sure to stop by for a laugh more often from now on.

27-Feb-09, 03:13
Thankie Percy and Wee Boy. There've been the inevitable remarks about sharia law in this thread, as if penal law will ever be imposed in Britain. Nonsense. It'll be only civil law, would cover only family and financial law amongst Muslims, i.e. precisely those which disadvantage women.I take it you are including laws covering matrimonial matters under the heading of Civil Law.

27-Feb-09, 03:34

I usually avoid the org as I was told it was a meeting ground for 'small minded, inward looking, back slapping racists'

Try reading through the posts above and run the words through your mind with the accent of the Rev Ian Paisley.

I'll be sure to stop by for a laugh more often from now on.

Thank you for that link Hirsute one!
At last a sense of reality of this poor man's sufferings.:confused
Stick around, I like your style!

27-Feb-09, 05:46
For somebody who didn't have a passport of his own with which to leave Pakistan he seems to have had no difficulty leaving this Country and getting all the way to Afghanistan without one.

His own version is that he went to Afghanistan in 2001, the same ear he converted to Islam, when it was already a war zone, in order to kick his drug habit and to get away from his old haunts in London. He also wanted to see if wanted to see whether Afghanistan was a good Islamic country under the Taliban.

Personally I can think of plenty of places to go to get away from London and also to kick a drug habit before heading to a totally dysfunctional country which was in the middle of an extremely violent war.
As for going there to see how good an Islamic country it was I can think of several other Islamic Countries I would have thought were far better and safer options in that respect.

It would be interesting to see what damage was done to his wrists whilst he was hung by them for a week, an allegation for which we have only his word. As for the alleged scalpel cuts, I would think that even the most inept torturer would know far more effective methods of inflicting pain than using an instrument as sharp as a scalpel.

I still recall the Tipton Three and their pleas of innocence and only having ended up in a war zone because they got in a taxi which unfortunately strayed into it. I don't know of many taxi drivers who stray "accidentally" into local war zones.
It seems that once the media frenzy had subsided they later admitted that the version of the string of misfortunes they suffered which led to them ending up where they were captured was, to say the least, ever so slightly inaccurate.

27-Feb-09, 12:16
Whatever he did or didnt do, he was an illegal and should not have been allowed in the UK. End of story.

27-Feb-09, 12:27
No - if you are a sandal wearing, treehugging, queer, Guardian reader then ALL these 'asylum seekers' should be welcomed to the UK.
btw - The Aussi with the car battery method also has a cousin in Canada, USA & GB - me thinks its one of these urban myths but some mug always bites

27-Feb-09, 15:26
I don't know of many taxi drivers who stray "accidentally" into local war zones.

You should have been with me in London last year. The driver hadn't got a clue where the Natural History Museum was. A large map and an hour later finally got us there!!

Melancholy Man
27-Feb-09, 15:29
I want to have Jaws' babies.

His own version is that he went to Afghanistan in 2001, the same ear he converted to Islam, when it was already a war zone, in order to kick his drug habit and to get away from his old haunts in London.

This does not surprise me. A wholly disproportionate number of those arrested for terror plots in this country have been converts to Islam, and from backgrounds of petty crime and/or violence or of reduced intellect (e.g. Nicky Reilly (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/crime/article5619151.ece).

I don't think their adopted religion has necessarily caused the violence. Instead, they lack the grounding in the tradition over their lives and from family members, and the particular aggressively proselyting confessional which has acquired them makes full use of their violent tendencies and lack of intellectual challenge. Nor am I excusing them; they remain free agents and, as with neo-Nazism or animal libbers ten years ago, it appears such Islamism attracts violent individuals.

This is not to say that perps from Muslim backgrounds aren't there. Remember Omar Khayyam who attended a protest in London against the Motoons wearing a fake suicide vest? It turned out he was a convicted drugs dealer (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4686410.stm). I have great difficulty accepting moral outrage from such individuals.

I don't know of many taxi drivers who stray "accidentally" into local war zones. It seems that once the media frenzy had subsided they later admitted that the version of the string of misfortunes they suffered which led to them ending up where they were captured was, to say the least, ever so slightly inaccurate.

Not quite. It was *due* to their effectively admitting their guilt that the media attention subsided. In the link I provided, two had been hooked up to a functional M.R.I. unit which monitored brain-activity, which cannot be faked unless one has a different neuro-structure (as opposed to being a lying little toerag).

What I reckon is that after being feted and treated as de facto innocent parties, they became cocky and thought this was another game in which they'd be hooked-up to one of those shoe-boxes seen on cop shows. They were wrong and, when rumbled, gigglingly admitted to it like, yes, vicious man-children.

They and, almost certainly, Mohamed willingly went into a war-zone with the intention of engaging in combat (and not in pursuit of any higher purpose). As far as I'm concerned, they should count themselves lucky they weren't killed.

27-Feb-09, 19:45
His own version is that he went to Afghanistan in 2001, the same ear he converted to Islam,

Was it just the one ear he converted to Islam then?

28-Feb-09, 01:55
Was it just the one ear he converted to Islam then?Ear, ear! I missed that one. :lol: That will teach me to rely too much on the spell checker.

12-Mar-09, 14:40
Guantanamo inmate joins Taleban

I wonder if 'our' ex-detainee mentioned on this post wil be moving on? - seems 52 from Guantanamo have already returned to terrorism..

"The Taleban have confirmed that a former Guantanamo detainee has become their senior military commander in southern Afghanistan.
Taleban sources told the BBC that Mullah Abdullah Zakir had led the fight against British forces stationed in Helmand province.
They say he now leads the insurgency in that province and across the south.
Mullah Abdullah was held in Guantanamo until December 2007. He was then handed over to the Afghans and later released.
Last month, UK government officials told the BBC he was now closely involved in planning attacks on British and other Nato forces in Afghanistan.
The officials said Mullah Abdullah was operating with impunity from the Pakistani city of Quetta.
The BBC's Martin Patience in Kabul says senior Taleban officials say Mullah Abdullah Zakir's release after six years is a huge success for the movement.
Mullah Abdullah is originally from Helmand province, where the majority of British troops are based.

The Pentagon says more than 10% of 520 Guantanamo inmates released so far have returned to what it calls terrorism.
It says this complicates efforts to release and repatriate those still being held.".


percy toboggan
12-Mar-09, 18:24
Encourages one to think they should stop taking prisoners.

12-Mar-09, 18:43
Aye Percy - better still - let them all go and allow a have-at-them policy.

WBG :cool: