View Full Version : Tattoo?

24-Feb-09, 01:55
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. I would quite like a medium sized M on my right wrist in a fancy font.

As I have a wirst that is pretty much all skin and bone i'm wondering if it'll be mess up my wrist functions and jus how much will it hurt. I'm a wimp but feel this tattoo would be worthit;)

24-Feb-09, 08:25
I'm thinking of getting a tattoo. I would quite like a medium sized M on my right wrist in a fancy font.

As I have a wirst that is pretty much all skin and bone i'm wondering if it'll be mess up my wrist functions and jus how much will it hurt. I'm a wimp but feel this tattoo would be worthit;)
Take a lighted ciggy and hold it near your wrist,that will give you an idea of the pain.

24-Feb-09, 11:26
its really not that bad!!
ive had both my wrists done:)

24-Feb-09, 12:17
Had some done ages ago and they did hurt. However I had another one done a couple of years ago and it was no where near as painful. Dont know if it was just me or the more modern technology.

24-Feb-09, 12:18
Ill tell you what does hurt though, getting your nipples pierced :eek::eek::eek:

24-Feb-09, 12:31
I have one on my right wrist. It did hurt but it was bearable. I'm the same as bazeye, I found some tattoos hurt more than others. Eating just before you go in definitely helps with the pain. I had three sittings on my arm tattoo - first time was OK, second time I had to get her to stop as I thought I was going to pass out. I hadn't eaten anything in about 2 hours and wondered if that was the connection. Third time I had breakfast and literally finished it 10 mins before I went in. It hardly hurt at all this time, it was more of a discomfort than pain. So eat before you go!

It won't mess up your wrist functions and if you're 100% sure its what you want then definitely go for it. (I say "100% sure" as I've already had to have one covered up so make sure you definitely want it before you get it, its so much less hassle!!!)

24-Feb-09, 12:37
Wouldn't an "R" be more fitting?......;)

24-Feb-09, 13:38
am going for a new tattoo on my right wrist today already have one on my left it was sore but bearable hope its the same today :lol:

24-Feb-09, 16:04
Wouldn't an "R" be more fitting?......
Lol, you've given me another idea now.
But think i'll atick with a M. Can't go wrong with my first inital of my name;)

I have one on my right wrist. It did hurt but it was bearable. I'm the same as bazeye, I found some tattoos hurt more than others. Eating just before you go in definitely helps with the pain. I had three sittings on my arm tattoo - first time was OK, second time I had to get her to stop as I thought I was going to pass out. I hadn't eaten anything in about 2 hours and wondered if that was the connection. Third time I had breakfast and literally finished it 10 mins before I went in. It hardly hurt at all this time, it was more of a discomfort than pain. So eat before you go!

It won't mess up your wrist functions and if you're 100% sure its what you want then definitely go for it. (I say "100% sure" as I've already had to have one covered up so make sure you definitely want it before you get it, its so much less hassle!!!)

Ah cheers for the tips crashbandicot1979. I've thought about it for a while now and it's the fancy m that has stuck in my mind. Now all i need to do is to design it or to chose a font. :D
Having the guts to go and get it done is another thing though. :eek: i'll have t bring a friend with me.

Valerie Campbell
24-Feb-09, 17:06
I got my first tattoo in November last year. Like you, I was a bit unsure. But, the Org helped me make that final decision to go ahead and get it done. It only took me 10 years!! The thing is when it's getting done it's a bit like the sting from a nettle but fairly constant. It's not sore at all although I would say it's a bit scratchy. I'm delighted I finally did it. The tattooist will make you feel relaxed and talk you through it. They will stop at any time if you want them to. Good luck with it all and let us know how you get on.

24-Feb-09, 17:14
I dont know why, but i love the feeling of getting a tattoo. Im actually sitting designing my next one right now. To me personally the pain was just like a constant scratching on the skin. One of my tattoo's which took a few hours actually went numb after a while lol.

But just go for it Vistravi! U know it will be worth it in the end!

To be honest, i thought getting my ears pierced was worse pain than getting a tattoo! And thats saying something because i had my tongue pierced too! :eek:

24-Feb-09, 20:45
Welcome back to general section shelley. :)

Well if my tattoo will hurt less than getting my ears pierced then i'll def be getting it done. My third piercing in my ears hurt like mad. In the couple of seconds waiting in between ears the pain was kicking in from the first one and only made getting the second one worst. :~( But It'll be worth it when it stops bleeding and heals. my other two peircings took a year each one to heal properly and not hurt when changing earrings. :confused so much for 6 weeks lol

24-Feb-09, 21:10
I dont know why, but i love the feeling of getting a tattoo. Im actually sitting designing my next one right now. To me personally the pain was just like a constant scratching on the skin. One of my tattoo's which took a few hours actually went numb after a while lol.

But just go for it Vistravi! U know it will be worth it in the end!

To be honest, i thought getting my ears pierced was worse pain than getting a tattoo! And thats saying something because i had my tongue pierced too! :eek:

Im the same, I look forward to the feeling. We are probably addicted to the anti pain hormones [lol]

Yeah you should def get it done Vistravi. I go to a lady in Inverness and she is really gentle. Her shop is called 2 Tone Tattoos. She is lovely herself and really cares about the look of your tattoo etc.

Check out her myspace http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewProfile&friendID=449265483

Good luck

25-Feb-09, 11:10
Hi Vistravi,

I had a tatoo on my wrist short ago...

Don't know how I ever managed til bring masel together 4 it :)
Petrified of needles etc....

I just sat down thought about it for a minute or 2 then said "Go 4 It, I'll b brave"

Was sore I thought but well worth it. :)

Key is If ur scared of the pain or the needle factor (which I was) put ursel in a frame of mind that u block out whats goin on and just picture ur nice tatoo.
I looked away and tried not 2 think about what was happenin.
It was over in no time.

Hope this helps u Vistravi

26-Feb-09, 00:25
Thaank you for all your posts and pms. I'm def going for it once i get our upcoming move done and dusted. I hate moving :(.
Can anyone recomend a good tattoist near inverness?

26-Feb-09, 00:31
Thaank you for all your posts and pms. I'm def going for it once i get our upcoming move done and dusted. I hate moving :(.
Can anyone recomend a good tattoist near inverness?

There are a few MJA, Inver Ink is one that i have heard alot about. Really good work, and they do walk-ins aswell. But im sure other folkies on here will guide u better since i have my own personal tattooist in the comfort of my own home! ;)

26-Feb-09, 00:52
There are a few MJA, Inver Ink is one that i have heard alot about. Really good work, and they do walk-ins aswell. But im sure other folkies on here will guide u better since i have my own personal tattooist in the comfort of my own home! ;)

One of my friends has been to inver ink and she did say they were good.
Not too sure bout colour for my tattoo. My two fav colours are deep purple and royal blue so not sure if i'll go with one of those colours or black yet. Mite google it tomorrow at some point and get a list and start from there.

26-Feb-09, 00:57
One of my friends has been to inver ink and she did say they were good.
Not too sure bout colour for my tattoo. My two fav colours are deep purple and royal blue so not sure if i'll go with one of those colours or black yet. Mite google it tomorrow at some point and get a list and start from there.

All my tattoos are black apart from one on my right wrist which has a wee bit o red. This is the only one i have colour in (this was taken 5 mins after it was done) (It is meant to be like a sword sliding into my wrist by the way)


26-Feb-09, 01:11
Does having colour instead of black hurt more/less or jus the same?

26-Feb-09, 01:14
Does having colour instead of black hurt more/less or jus the same?

I wouldna say it hurt anymore at all....but to me no tattoo i have had has actually hurt. I must be mad in the head but getting a tattoo really relaxes me. I dont mind needles, so i think that eases it MJA.

The only thing is, the colour on mine has faded a bit so im gonna get my OH to go over it again.

And eat something like chocolate or drink some coke (not diet) before hand. That helps alot of people apparently. I ate a sausage supper before mines i think [lol]

26-Feb-09, 01:22
I wouldna say it hurt anymore at all....but to me no tattoo i have had has actually hurt. I must be mad in the head but getting a tattoo really relaxes me. I dont mind needles, so i think that eases it MJA.

The only thing is, the colour on mine has faded a bit so im gonna get my OH to go over it again.

And eat something like chocolate or drink some coke (not diet) before hand. That helps alot of people apparently. I ate a sausage supper before mines i think [lol]

I don't really like needles even though I give blood, I have to look away when it comes to needles. When I had to have injections when I was younger the nurse always said that it won't hurt but I remember them always hurting. :confused

But saying that i did always say when i was yonger that i'd nevr give blood or get a tattoo. hmm that soon changed [lol]

Mmm if colour fades then i mite stick to black after all. My skin is so fair it'll stand out dramatically in black.

26-Feb-09, 01:28
I don't really like needles even though I give blood, I have to look away when it comes to needles. When I had to have injections when I was younger the nurse always said that it won't hurt but I remember them always hurting. :confused

But saying that i did always say when i was yonger that i'd nevr give blood or get a tattoo. hmm that soon changed [lol]

Mmm if colour fades then i mite stick to black after all. My skin is so fair it'll stand out dramatically in black.

You will be fine! the needles for a tattoo look huge in the packet, but once they are in the gun they look tiny cos remember its just the tip of them the tattooist uses. You will be amazed at how little they hurt honestly.

When black tattoo's are fresh done they look so dark and that, but once it has scabbed over and healed they are a bit lighter. But still stands out grand!

Question for anyone else, has anyone ever had a tattoo on their hands???

27-Feb-09, 18:01
tattoos arnt all that sore tbh ... the most nippy part, is when you are getting the initial outline done, nothing drastic . then the shading i find is less sore!

... total agree with what a couple people said before, make sure you eat well before! it does take alot out of your body! ... if you do find it sore - take your mind of it, keep a conversation on the go with the tattooist! i find that works best!:)

02-Mar-09, 15:57
Me and best friend Have decided to go together and get a tattoo in august as part of our 21st. We've decided to get the first letter of our name in chinese writing with 21 underneath it. I'm gettign mine on my wrist and she hasn't decided where she'd like hers, but she can't get it on her wrist due to her work.
We've decided that as we're both wimps and we'd chicken out if we went by ourselves, that we're going to together and we'll get it done if the other does.
Is there any good tattooist in inverness or very near it other than the two tone on and inverlink? We want to have the full list so we can research it fully.

03-Mar-09, 00:51
Me and best friend Have decided to go together and get a tattoo in august as part of our 21st. We've decided to get the first letter of our name in chinese writing with 21 underneath it. I'm gettign mine on my wrist and she hasn't decided where she'd like hers, but she can't get it on her wrist due to her work.
We've decided that as we're both wimps and we'd chicken out if we went by ourselves, that we're going to together and we'll get it done if the other does.
Is there any good tattooist in inverness or very near it other than the two tone on and inverlink? We want to have the full list so we can research it fully.

Just make sure you know exactly what the symbol is before you get it done.:eek:

03-Mar-09, 12:45
There are a few MJA, Inver Ink is one that i have heard alot about. Really good work, and they do walk-ins aswell. But im sure other folkies on here will guide u better since i have my own personal tattooist in the comfort of my own home! ;)

was the one on your wrist done at home? who does them for you?

03-Mar-09, 13:46
I'm having one of mine redone/finished this Saturday, will post a pic of the finished tattoo.

When getting a tattoo on your wrist it's best to avoid the areas that naturally crease as over time your tat will blur on any area that is constantly wrinkling up. I have one wrist done and planning the other wrist soon, my best pal and I are having matching birthday tattoos.

03-Mar-09, 19:47
Just make sure you know exactly what the symbol is before you get it done.:eek:

Aye will do. We've decided on august as it's between both our birthdays. mine is in july and hers is in september.
So got lots of research to do before then.

04-Mar-09, 00:51
Got my 1st one when I was 17 years old in 1942, It was the globe & anchor of the U.S. Marine Corps on my left fore arm. Since then I got 4 more. I now have 2 on each forearm and 2 on each upper arm above the elbows. I finished with one on my chest. If I had it all to do over again I would have none.

04-Mar-09, 01:29
Got my 1st one when I was 17 years old in 1942, It was the globe & anchor of the U.S. Marine Corps on my left fore arm. Since then I got 4 more. I now have 2 on each forearm and 2 on each upper arm above the elbows. I finished with one on my chest. If I had it all to do over again I would have none.

Unlike you oldmarine, if I had to do it over again then I'd still have the same, even though I have my ex-wife's initials tattooed quite visibly. For a lot of people, getting a tattoo signifies a part of their life or a coming of age, some choose to express how they feel about another, as I did, some just for the love of the tattooist's artwork, but for whatever reason I'd reckon the number of people who regret it to be quite small.

04-Mar-09, 01:38
I've been considering for quite a while now of getting a face tattooed at the top of my arm but worried it may not be as good as I hope. Has anyone had one done that they could recommend the tattooist. Ideally Inverness area and I can make an appointment next time I'm up there.

07-Mar-09, 23:44
A face on your arm would look cool Joxville:D

08-Mar-09, 00:15
A face on your arm would look cool Joxville:D
I'm also considering a very large one on my back instead but not many people would see it.

08-Mar-09, 01:13
Has anyone had one done on their ankle/lower part of the leg? What likes the discomfort level getting it done there?

08-Mar-09, 02:20
I have a spiders web tattoo across my neck which my best friend gave me whilst we were both serving remand together. I have ACAB on both sets of knuckles, I am fairly proud of my tattoos.:)

08-Mar-09, 02:22
Rheg you are hilarious :lol:

08-Mar-09, 02:41
i have a tattoo but i regret it.when i was in hospital for the youngest a lady came in to visit someone in the next bed to me and she had a knife with a snake wrapped round it on her forehead,i couldnt stop staring at her!why o why would anyone put one on their face......

08-Mar-09, 13:33
i have 4 tattoos, all done when i was 18 and 19 (am now 20). they are a dragon on my right wrist, ma name on ma lower back, little miss giggles on ma rite shoulder and the 1 that im most proud of, you'll never walk alone on eh back of ma neck.

08-Mar-09, 13:41
Vistravi I was going to get one done on my our wrist, over the bone but the tattooist said it would hurt alot. So I chose to get it on my forearm instead, this way it can be covered easily or I can show it off. Your wrist is very visible, just think how it will look in a job interview etc..

08-Mar-09, 13:47
Vistravi I was going to get one done on my our wrist, over the bone but the tattooist said it would hurt alot. So I chose to get it on my forearm instead, this way it can be covered easily or I can show it off. Your wrist is very visible, just think how it will look in a job interview etc..

I have a tattoo on each wrist, but im a sucker for pain! im weird...but anyway, i love the feeling of getting a tattoo, i dont find them painful. But probs for a first tattoo it might be best to avoid a "boney" area. :Razz

Never see my tattoo's either. My jumpers usually cover them. :D

08-Mar-09, 13:54
I have a spiders web tattoo across my neck which my best friend gave me whilst we were both serving remand together. I have ACAB on both sets of knuckles, I am fairly proud of my tattoos.:)
This is a wind up, ain't it ?? :eek:

08-Mar-09, 14:30
s it true that the most painful part of the body to get a tattoo is the sole of your foot?

08-Mar-09, 14:50
s it true that the most painful part of the body to get a tattoo is the sole of your foot?

I dont know but i would rather not find oot! :eek:

08-Mar-09, 14:53
Has anyone had one done on their ankle/lower part of the leg? What likes the discomfort level getting it done there?

I found that one of the least painful areas of my body to be done :) then again my ex found it really bad and nearly passed out! i suppose it's down to the individual.

08-Mar-09, 15:28
I was told the black was more painfull than the colour, but I did find it all abit painfull. On saying that maybe it was ma tough old skin....... daft things you do before one turns 50 :confused

08-Mar-09, 15:35
s it true that the most painful part of the body to get a tattoo is the sole of your foot?

I've had injections there and it was absolute agony!! :confused

08-Mar-09, 17:30
This also helps me decide about the tattoo that I want, although it is currently in design. I'm after a dragon tattoo on my left wrist.

It's not the pain of the tattoo that worries me... its the pain of the clout on the ear I'm destined to receive as part of it from my mother!

08-Mar-09, 17:39
This also helps me decide about the tattoo that I want, although it is currently in design. I'm after a dragon tattoo on my left wrist.

It's not the pain of the tattoo that worries me... its the pain of the clout on the ear I'm destined to receive as part of it from my mother!

Keep it hidden until it heals, then when she asks when u got that just say "what that old thing" lol.

Or maybe sneakily whisper it in amongst a conversation, then when u get it done you can actually say "i did tell you" [lol]

08-Mar-09, 18:19
I have a tattoo on each wrist, but im a sucker for pain! im weird...but anyway, i love the feeling of getting a tattoo, i dont find them painful. But probs for a first tattoo it might be best to avoid a "boney" area. :Razz

Never see my tattoo's either. My jumpers usually cover them. :D

Ach well that's my wrist out of the window then shelley. My wrist is all skin and bones. :confused it's the annal wrist unfortunatly.

08-Mar-09, 18:23
This also helps me decide about the tattoo that I want, although it is currently in design. I'm after a dragon tattoo on my left wrist.

It's not the pain of the tattoo that worries me... its the pain of the clout on the ear I'm destined to receive as part of it from my mother!

My friend who i am getting a 21st tattoo with mother is the same. She wants a tattoo but has to hide it from her mother untill she's had it for a while.:roll:
Whist my mother is a different story as she thinks that if its what i want then i should go for it. :D

08-Mar-09, 21:24
I was told the black was more painfull than the colour, but I did find it all abit painfull. On saying that maybe it was ma tough old skin....... daft things you do before one turns 50 :confused
Goodness gracious me, thought it was all the daft teeny boppers who subjected themselves to such pain in order to show off their bodies......well well[lol]

09-Mar-09, 00:27
Well catran it was a daft thing to do and my hubby did'nt believe me when I said I was gettin it done...he did'nt speak to me for a week and still refers to it as that dirty mark on ma shoulder

09-Mar-09, 02:07
I notice in reading these entries the young people are happy and enjoy their tatoos. Most of the older folks like me seem to regret tatoos after they fade and the colours are not so bright. I wonder how the younger people will react when they get older and their tatoo colours fade and the skin gets wrinkly and the tatoos don't look as well as they did when younger?

09-Mar-09, 03:28
I've posted this before on another tattoo thread, but maybe it might be worth repeating.
From a well respected scientist of Scots origin working in the US:-

"I'm not too concerned with the aesthetics of tattoos, it's the health risks which worry me...a tattoo is little more than a sterile needle injecting an unsterile metal oxide pigment under the skin...and, in my view, a nasty trick to play on an immune system. Putting a non-native substance into the body triggers an immune response...in rare cases it can trigger an _auto_immune response and then look out...autoimmune responses can't be turned off and they don't go away.

Moreover, most people don't know what questions to ask, such as "What carrier solution do you use for the ink?" Some of the "artists" use ethylene glycol or aldehydes instead of glycerin because the former spreads the ink better. The problem is that those substances...which are toxic/hazardous enough in and of themselves... when combined with the topical alcohol used to sterilise the skin, become synergistic biochemical promoters which can cause cellular mutation in tissues _other_ than the tattoo site.

Additionally, while the needles can be heat sterilised, the pigments themselves _can't_ be owing to their composition...Cadmium, Chromium, Cobalt, Lead, and Mercury are still used in some places and they can be seriously nasty customers...you don't need to be a chemist to know injecting any of them into the body (even subcutaneously) is probably not the most health conscious thing one can do.

People seem to think hepatitis or HIV are the primary risks in tattooing...they're not by a long chalk, they're merely the ones people understand easily...the _real_ danger lies in the less well-known biochemical, physiological risks. Every successful tattoo is a biochemical bullet dodged and every unsuccessful one is life forever changed. In my eyes, it's just not worth it."

kitty kat
09-Mar-09, 10:11
I notice in reading these entries the young people are happy and enjoy their tatoos. Most of the older folks like me seem to regret tatoos after they fade and the colours are not so bright. I wonder how the younger people will react when they get older and their tatoo colours fade and the skin gets wrinkly and the tatoos don't look as well as they did when younger?

was thinking of having a tiger cub and as the skin got bigger and wrinklier i could have a big tiger grrrrr [lol]

Celtic YNWA
11-Mar-09, 01:53
i have 4 tattoos, all done when i was 18 and 19 (am now 20). they are a dragon on my right wrist, ma name on ma lower back, little miss giggles on ma rite shoulder and the 1 that im most proud of, you'll never walk alone on eh back of ma neck.

im thinking about getting a tattoo on ma wrist saying Y.N.W.A. can you tell me if it hurt much [lol]

11-Mar-09, 23:59
Well Aald timer, I ain't no scientist but it is blatantly obvious that these foreign subjects can't be good never mind the sterile needles or whatever. Never mind the hepatitis factor whatever but the inks ect., makes one's skin creep, never mind the old crinkly skin either but what does it do to one's system???? ooh dearie me, nearly as bad as being addicted to painkillers.

12-Mar-09, 08:31
Lol, you've given me another idea now.
But think i'll atick with a M. Can't go wrong with my first inital of my name;)

Ah cheers for the tips crashbandicot1979. I've thought about it for a while now and it's the fancy m that has stuck in my mind. Now all i need to do is to design it or to chose a font. :D
Having the guts to go and get it done is another thing though. :eek: i'll have t bring a friend with me.

ive had 3 done and to be honest i dont even like needles so if i can get it done so can you

an ex of mine doesnt like pain and she had a tattoo was nervous but she was alright once in there

all i will say is go to a decent tattooist not dingwall well i suppose some of the more plain stuff can be done there but i wasnt impressed with all the stuff i seen he done

always check the previous work the artist has done on other people all decent tattoists will have a record of previous work and also go really early so you can have a good look through what the tattoist has to offer you will be surprised by some of the art work you will see and will likely change your mind several times also dont be afraid to ask the person doing the tattoo to do little changes to a tattoo you seen but would like it slightly different if the person cant make the changes then i suggest you find another artist as you dont want someone who just traces to be inking your skin for life you want a real artist to do it

David Banks
12-Mar-09, 10:10
No it's not me.
It must've been somebody else, was the pointed reply.
Stop needling me!