View Full Version : Thurso High School?

15-Feb-06, 10:36
A daft question I know, But does anyone know of an email address for the school, or don't they have one?

Valerie Campbell
15-Feb-06, 10:59
Try [email protected] as that's the address in the school brochure.

15-Feb-06, 11:07
Thanks Valerie :D

15-Feb-06, 15:30
I believe the new heidie has banned all extra-curricular sport on the run up to the exams.
Is it just sport or has she banned everything?

weezer 316
15-Feb-06, 21:51
Your joking!

When i was doing my exams, exercise was a great stress relief. Now thats banned, i wouldnt be surpised if we ended up with no after school sport if you have homework!

Think this nation would be better served by encouraging people to play sports and keep themselves fit rather than working a nice job for 20 years and collapsing with a heart attack because they didnt get a good habit of keeping fit. And im sure one or 2 teachers at the high school would have benefited from this sort of thing when they were younger.

15-Feb-06, 21:53
I believe the new heidie has banned all extra-curricular sport on the run up to the exams.
Is it just sport or has she banned everything?

Is this true or has SweatyBetty had a hot flush?????

16-Feb-06, 00:50
That's absolutely ridiculous if she's done that. Surely not! Mind you, I wouldn't put it past her...

The Pepsi Challenge
16-Feb-06, 01:25
There no need for such drastic measures. In my day, you were faced with one simple scenario: if you didn't stick in hard at school, you'd be stuck in Thurso for the rest of your life. Considering that Thurso High's teachers, in the main, were kakk, I'd say a lot of the pupils there deserve a lot of credit for making sure they learned their lessons and got the hell out. That's not a slight on the town, of course... Ahem...

16-Feb-06, 17:38
The head of the school does not have the power to stop you doing anything after school. I think she has gone a bit power crazy

16-Feb-06, 17:54
Has this gone through the school board.Has she got absolute power to do this?[evil] We're suppose to be actively supporting healthy living and that includes sport.Does the powers that be know she's done this:roll:

16-Feb-06, 18:19
I believe the new heidie has banned all extra-curricular sport on the run up to the exams.
Is it just sport or has she banned everything?Hmm SweatyBetty, it appears you have sent the Thurso rumour mill into overdrive. A little elaboration might be a good idea -- if only to stop the lynch mob from getting out of control...

16-Feb-06, 20:02
Hmm SweatyBetty, it appears you have sent the Thurso rumour mill into overdrive. A little elaboration might be a good idea -- if only to stop the lynch mob from getting out of control...

Sweaty to the rescue..............

In many cases, because of the distances involved, it is normal practice for teams to leave early for evening games or use a school day to go down to play a team doon sooth.

I heard that the heidie had issued an edict stopping pupils from being invovled in any sport other than curricual sport during the school day. I was curious if this related only to sport or if it meant that for music or drama or anything else, the same rules applied. Mainly for the reasons cuddlepop mentioned above.

There, there, kiss it better :grin: