View Full Version : budges of blingery farm watten

27-Aug-01, 18:47
Can anyone help me i am trying to trace blingery farm watten. my 2nd grt grandfather william budge married a christina munro on 29 dec 1843 marriage registered in watten and at some point lived on a farm called blingery farm. they had several children including my grt grandfather william budge who moved to inverness he was a stonemason and married an annie mcdonald in 1882 he was one of the masons who built the inverness town house. does anyone recognise any of these names or where blingery farm is situated or has it been renamed.


27-Aug-01, 18:58
The only Blingery farm that I know of is situated near Tannach which is on the road that links Haster & Thrumster. Haster lies 3 miles west of Wick & Thrumster lies 3 miles south of Wick. When growing up in the 70's in Wick Blingery was owned by Robert Robertson, ex RAF type chap who bred good quality sheep dogs...& sheep I would imagine.

I am quite sure that if you can find an Ordnance survey map of Caithness you will be able to locate Blingery.

Hope this helps

John Page
28-Aug-01, 02:47
Check the MAPS on Caithness.org, Wick area, shows Blingery.

John Page
28-Aug-01, 02:51
Forgot to mention, scale of map must be at least 50,000 to show full detail.

12-Oct-01, 12:04
Yeah Blingery i thought i recognised the name

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: J_Miller on 12-Oct-2001 1:23pm ]</font>

02-Jan-07, 18:52
I am a new member so maybe I am too late to reply but William was my mother-in-law's uncle