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View Full Version : WOW Zoe Keating, What a Musician !!!

22-Feb-09, 12:41
I had a Twitter from Will Wheaton and he sent this Link to me and it was about Zoe Keating Playing the Cello.

I watched the Video and I was mesmorised but her playing, it is fantastic. This video is just a fraction over 7 minutes long and I think you will enjoy the experience.

Let me know if you like her style of music, after all it will not suit everybody, buy I think she is really talented.



22-Feb-09, 12:45
She's certainly talented but I found it annoying after 2 minutes.

22-Feb-09, 13:04
Agree with Jox here - aye, she can play the cello.

But the techniques she uses are no different from the techniques Les Paul was using 30 years ago (albeit somewhat updated for the modern age - Les would use reel-to-reel tape).

And I don't know if I could listen to much more of it. Interesting though, if not mind-blowing.

22-Feb-09, 13:20
I thought it was excellent and listened to all of it. She's very talented. It's wonderful to see someone actually playing an instrument. I thought that had gone out of fashion now.

22-Feb-09, 16:22
yeah she,s very good kodiak:D

22-Feb-09, 16:29
I listened to it all it was very enjoyable could listen to it for ages.