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View Full Version : How old for the Org?

21-Feb-09, 13:54
Is there a minimum age for forum membership?

21-Feb-09, 14:15
Hopefully not-the kids will probably speak more sense than the adults. [lol]

21-Feb-09, 14:21
there's nothing in the rules about age when you're signing up to the Org so assume any age can join

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21-Feb-09, 14:24
I thought you had to be over 14? Not sure why I think this, maybe I am thinking of somewhere else.

21-Feb-09, 14:25
As long as anyone can reach the Keyboard and is of a age to be able to read and type, I would have have thought that would mean they were old enough to sign up for .org.

21-Feb-09, 14:26
I thought it was 13, but maybe that was another forum I joined where I had to 'admit' to being 'at least 13' lol........ :confused

21-Feb-09, 16:29
I am the Admin of at least 4 other Forums. What we have there when you register is this

You have a choice of two boxes to tick, One that says "I am exactly 13 years old or Older than 13 Years" or two "I am under 13 years old" If you tick the under 13 years old box then you need to get a Parent or Guardian to say that it is OK to Register.

Even though all ages are accepted in my forums, main reason is that they are forums for OnLine Games.

21-Feb-09, 18:17
i thought it was 13 as well.. not sure why.. just seems like i remember it from reg.

21-Feb-09, 18:19
I think its a case of whether or not someone is mature enough or not-regardless of age-there are a lot of 12/13 year olds out there that would put older posters to shame-especially some of the newer nitwits we have had recently :roll: x

22-Feb-09, 05:37
It would be interesting to know the age of the oldest orger!!??

22-Feb-09, 06:06
Fran, I think we have at least one who is well into their 80s. I can't be certain about that but I think it had been mentioned sometime in the past.

As for the minimum age for joining, I don't think there is a specific age set. I suspect that there is no particular need for one because the general subject matter and the nature of the posts would be enough to send the average 10 or 11 heading for the nearest games console after a couple of minutes.

22-Feb-09, 09:52
It would be interesting to know the age of the oldest orger!!??

I think Tighsonas4 is one of the oldest at 83.

22-Feb-09, 10:18
Scaraben, is another Octogenarian

22-Feb-09, 10:31
Hopefully not-the kids will probably speak more sense than the adults. [lol]
Some of the adults act like kids with thier petty squabbling and sulking.

22-Feb-09, 10:59
Regardless of minimum age for joining I don't think there is anything on this forum that would be of any interest to 99% of school age teenagers or younger.

22-Feb-09, 15:45
alot of teens are more mature than adults and its always good to have the next generations view.IMO

22-Feb-09, 23:38
It would be interesting to know the age of the oldest orger!!??

oldmarine is 83 years, 6 months. Surely there's some one older than him.

23-Feb-09, 03:09
That is great. It is so nice that our senior citizens can get enjoyment from their computers. Wish my mum would get one. there should be a prize for the oldest orger.

23-Feb-09, 12:49
Going by username, maybe Auldtimer is in the running for this coveted title? :) 'fraid ('@fraid) I'm just a whipper snapper compared to oldmarine..........:(