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18-Feb-09, 18:48
What would you find difficult to give up or swap for a cheaper brand?

Oh just loves Gold Blend coffee and where posible I'll buy it but there have been times when I've bought a cheaper alternative , he just knows its not the real McCoy,even if I cheat.;)

I love Galaxy chocolate.:D

18-Feb-09, 18:55
Theres no bean like a hienz bean!

18-Feb-09, 18:59
Hi Cuddlepop,I used to love gold blend too,but I have found that Tescos own brand gold version is every bit as good,it may be worth a try if you havent already! x

Alice in Blunderland
18-Feb-09, 19:00
Andrex toilet roll ......................:eek:
It has to be said one likes ones little luxuries..................:lol:

18-Feb-09, 19:12
Hi Cuddlepop,I used to love gold blend too,but I have found that Tescos own brand gold version is every bit as good,it may be worth a try if you havent already! x

The next time I'm away I'll buy some in Tesco.s but I have my doubts.:roll:

18-Feb-09, 19:14
HEINZ spagetti hoops have tried lidls anes but kids ken e difference straight away & tomato sauce got to be HEINZ

18-Feb-09, 19:19
Beanz Meanz Heinz lol ;)

I've tried various own brands but they're just not the same. :(

18-Feb-09, 19:21
Me and the OH is mad about Douwe Egberts coffee! Luckily this week it is on offer, a large jar for £3.99. So i have purchased 2! :)

But usually the small jars are about £3.14. And we go through a small jar in about 5-6 days easily!

I drink alot of coffee!

But can definetely tell the difference for cheaper brand coffee.

Also dont like cheaper brand toilet roll, i like andrex. And as the OH says its like little duvets to wipe your...lol! Also like good brand washing powders too.

18-Feb-09, 19:53
Heinz Tomato Ketchup, Heinz Beanz, anything else justs tastes boggin'

One thing i used to buy that has a cheaper alternative that tastes just as good is McVities Chocolate Digestives, i bought the Tesco discount brand by Oatland and you can't really tell the difference, and they are nearly half the price.

18-Feb-09, 19:57
Lurpak Spreadable!

18-Feb-09, 20:05
Def Lurpak spreadable.

Supermarket own brand vodka does the same job as the well know brands

ASDA own brand choc chip digestives, once opened, hard to stop!!!

18-Feb-09, 20:25
[quote=garble;505121]Def Lurpak spreadable.

Supermarket own brand vodka does the same job as the well know brands

ASDA own brand choc chip digestives, once opened, hard to stop!!!

Lurpak spreadable is another favourite of mine ,especially on toasted plain bread.:D

18-Feb-09, 20:26
im a stork person! Weird i know because people say its for baking. But i do love the taste.

18-Feb-09, 20:31
im a stork person! Weird i know because people say its for baking. But i do love the taste.

Shelly why does that not suprise me.:lol:

18-Feb-09, 20:34
Shelly why does that not suprise me.:lol:

Because u have come to learn my ways and know that i am a rather weird person?

Im sure i have it right..............:Razz

18-Feb-09, 20:34
Mine would be Hotel chocolate. It is divine - take a look at their website, and you may find a shop in somewhere like Edinburgh.

18-Feb-09, 20:42
Foodstuff: Heinz beans, Nescafe and Hovis.

Luxury item: My mirror. [lol]

18-Feb-09, 20:43
Luxury item: My mirror. [lol]

Are u vein or do u just love urself? :Razz

18-Feb-09, 20:47
Because u have come to learn my ways and know that i am a rather weird person?

Im sure i have it right..............:Razz

My mother use to say that god cracked the mould when he made her but I'm having my doubts.:lol:

18-Feb-09, 20:53
im building and olny have a genny

18-Feb-09, 20:55
im a stork person! Weird i know because people say its for baking. But i do love the taste.

Also handy for bringing babies too. :D

18-Feb-09, 20:56
My mother use to say that god cracked the mould when he made her but I'm having my doubts.:lol:

haha i will take that as a compliment.........i think! ;)

18-Feb-09, 21:00
haha i will take that as a compliment.........i think! ;)

If you'd have known my mother you would see it as a compliment, she was how could I say "a charactor":D

18-Feb-09, 21:03
If you'd have known my mother you would see it as a compliment, she was how could I say "a charactor":D

Ah right ok! Well i have to say i have been called alot worse! [lol]

18-Feb-09, 21:09
Me and the OH is mad about Douwe Egberts coffee! Luckily this week it is on offer, a large jar for £3.99. So i have purchased 2! :)

But usually the small jars are about £3.14. And we go through a small jar in about 5-6 days easily!

I drink alot of coffee!

But can definetely tell the difference for cheaper brand coffee.

Also dont like cheaper brand toilet roll, i like andrex. And as the OH says its like little duvets to wipe your...lol! Also like good brand washing powders too.

I also like Douwe Egberts coffee and hate the cheaper brands, I ken straight away if a cup o coffee is a cheap brand.... I also hate cheap toilet roll, Andrex all the way and I always use Persil Non-Bio... Good for the little ones skin.... I ken there are cheaper items out there but it's what your used to using, I couldn't change the stuff I have always used..... :Razz :Razz

18-Feb-09, 21:42
It's just got to be Nescafe and I mean the real British version. Those cheaper versions from Singapore and Brazil are terrible, just open a jar and take a sniff ~ they smelly foosty!
For tea it has to be Tetly drawstring.

18-Feb-09, 21:55
Lurpak Spreadable!

mine too...;)

19-Feb-09, 00:17
Lurpak spreadable .......... currently on offer in co-op £1.85 cheaper than Lidl at £2 !!

Cadbury chocolate

Heinz beans

Bold soap powder......... liked the yellow one best but hardly ever see it now.

19-Feb-09, 00:23
I also like Douwe Egberts coffee and hate the cheaper brands, I ken straight away if a cup o coffee is a cheap brand.... I also hate cheap toilet roll, Andrex all the way and I always use Persil Non-Bio... Good for the little ones skin.... I ken there are cheaper items out there but it's what your used to using, I couldn't change the stuff I have always used..... :Razz :Razz

Douwe Egberts all the way! :Razz

Anne x
19-Feb-09, 00:35
Heinz Beans
Lurpak Butter
Napolina chopped tomatoes
Amoy Soy Sauce
Helmans Mayonaise
go on go on go on I could
quality every time no substitute

Clarks Shoes
LV Handbags (tongue in cheek )
the list is endless

19-Feb-09, 12:32
Douwe Egberts all the way! :Razz

Yip, it's really the nicest coffee that I have tasted..... :D When I was pregnant both times with my little girls, any coffee that I drank tasted like it had metallic in it and Douwe Egberts was the only one that didn't, so I have stuck with it ever since..... :Razz

19-Feb-09, 12:39
Yip, it's really the nicest coffee that I have tasted..... :D When I was pregnant both times with my little girls, any coffee that I drank tasted like it had metallic in it and Douwe Egberts was the only one that didn't, so I have stuck with it ever since..... :Razz

Well coffee used to make me sick, before i actually found out i was pregnant one day i just decided to try coffee, loved it! Then a week later was when i found out i was pregnant! Lol.

Towards the end of my pregnancy i went off coffee though. But then liked it again. And dont buy anything but Douwe Egberts! Worth the money.

mums angels
19-Feb-09, 13:50
Heinz salad cream , ketchup beans etc
Andrex toilet paper
Persil washing powder ( can't use anything else)
Teatly tea bags (can taste the difference straight away)
and the kellogs cereals , cheaper brands seem to taste like cardboard .

19-Feb-09, 21:47
Fairy non bio and comfort pure are the only stuff that I can use on my clothes as the rest make me itch and my skin break out!

19-Feb-09, 21:57
Mine would be Hotel chocolate. It is divine - take a look at their website, and you may find a shop in somewhere like Edinburgh.

Me and my boss were down in Reading about 6 months ago on a training course and found a Hotel Chocolat shop in the shopping centre. Between us we must have emptied the free trial size boxes that were dotted around the shop & the Caramellow Slab is to die for!!!

anyway i'm heinz beans & Lurpak spreadable too.

19-Feb-09, 22:03
Has to be Uncle Bens Long grain rice. I have tried every other brand but it just doesn't cook up the same. Ariel washing powder cos anything else makes my washing machine hum and apart from that I am not really a brand person, will give anything a go to see what it is like. Oh, forgot, Mackies ice cream - can't beat that!! And Heinz tomato soup. So maybe I am a brand person after all.....