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Penelope Pitstop
18-Feb-09, 11:33
OK, I'm a bit rattled this morning - I had yet another disturbed sleep last night. Yip, you guessed the OH snoring !!:(

I give him a kick or an elbow in the rib ...that takes ages to wake him up (anoying)...and after all that all I get is "I wasn't snoring".

Would be interested to hear your funny stories and "remedies". Mind your P+Qs though in case your OH reads this!!

I'm now resorted to wearing my standard issue ear plugs....but I can still feel the fibrations through my pillow....:roll:

Can't attach a golf ball to the back of his PJs - he doesn't wear them - but he might get a golf ball in the back of the neck one of these nights when I chuck it at him...LOL

Doubt very much if he'd wear those expensive paper tape things that go on your nose to keep your airways open...!! (I might just try a bit of duck tape though!!)

Anyone got a magic wand.....not to wave ...but to hit him with???[lol]

18-Feb-09, 11:44
Laugh and the world laughs with you - snore and you sleep alone...

I would recommend the SnorBan - unlike all the nose strips, nasal sprays, throat sprays, herbal pillows (which don't fit up your nose btw) and so on, this was the only thing that reduced the problem.

OK, it's a bit on the steep side at £45.00 but it does have a 30 day money back guarantee. It can take a bit of getting used to and isn't recommended if you suffer from TMJ (temporomandibular joint disorder).


18-Feb-09, 11:48
I understand fully what you're going through. I don't know your own personal circumstances but snoring can be linked to weight gain or obesity. One of the available stealth tactics to cure your problem could be just simply getting both of you on a more healthier lifestyle, eating less fat and exercising more. If you're the main cook in the household then you may have all what you need to cure your problem.

18-Feb-09, 11:51
He isnt pregnant is he? I am snoring like a freight train and it only happens when im pregnant!!!!! What with that and the dreams of being a superhero i wake up exhausted from saving the world whilst snoring in the morning!

Hormones :roll:

18-Feb-09, 12:02
Having a partner who's a really loud and insistent snorer can be both funny and infuriating, but I hope you won't mind if I post something a bit more serious on the topic.

Really bad snoring can be a caused by the more serious health problem, sleep apnea -and that can be caused by underlying health problems.

My OH drove me to utter distraction by his snoring as he got older. What we didn't realise was that this was a symptom of more serious health problems. He died apparently very suddenly of a stroke at the age of 58 -but in fact this sign of trouble had been there for a few years, if we had only known what it might mean.

Sorry, PP, to cast gloom over a potentially lighthearted thread. But sometimes really bad snoring can mean it's a good idea to have a check up at the doctor's. If this would save anyone else from the shock and distress I went through when I lost my hubby, my post will have been worthwhile.

Alice in Blunderland
18-Feb-09, 12:19
OOOOOhhhhhh I can so sympathise with you. We have quite a big bedroom and there is a sofa in it on the odd occasion I have bailed out to the sofa but alas its still too noisey.

I can now confess that I have been known to slap the flat of my hand down on hubbys nose and mouth when he is snoring :eek: ................ he splutters, coughs and wakes up [lol] ........no idea why he has woken up as he was sound when I belted him and of course to him I appear sound asleep ;) there is a few momments peace and quiet for me until he starts up again.

Penelope Pitstop
18-Feb-09, 13:20
I understand fully what you're going through. I don't know your own personal circumstances but snoring can be linked to weight gain or obesity. One of the available stealth tactics to cure your problem could be just simply getting both of you on a more healthier lifestyle, eating less fat and exercising more. If you're the main cook in the household then you may have all what you need to cure your problem.

Yeah, I thought it was only fat people that snored.....obviously not!!!

He's not overweight and we eat very healthily....nothing out of a packet or chip pan in oor hoose!!

Maybe what Angela suggests is that he has an underlying problem....:(

18-Feb-09, 14:28
Well my sleep was disturbed until about 5am this morning. Despite being really tired. My asthma yet again was keeping me up.

I kept tryin to wake the OH up cos i was bored and wanted to watch tv but the remote is on his side of the bed. Cudna get to it. Thought i had better not though! Lol!

But when i was pregnant i got told that a few times i would snore so loud that the wardrobe was shaking. OTT me thinks.

Does your partner have tonsils? Weird question i know because until i got my tonsils out when i was 15 i snored really loud! And i mean loud! [lol]

18-Feb-09, 15:45
holding their nostrils, elbow in the back etc does not work for long because you just lie awake (fuming silently) until the noise starts up again and it is a vicious circle!!!
Snore, hold nostrils,OH chokes awake, silence, silence, silence, just dropping of and then SNORE............

18-Feb-09, 15:50
Penelope it may be wise to get your partner to go to the doc and get checked out,it may be something simple like a polyp(SP?) that can be sorted,if it is apnea he needs to be checked out anyway so may as well go for it now and see what happens,in the meantime kick him into the spareroom [lol] x

18-Feb-09, 20:53
I don't have a problem with snoring. In fact, I'm very good at it.[lol]

18-Feb-09, 21:03
~I find a baseball bat at the side of the bed works, failing that seperte rooms would be good.

Penelope Pitstop
18-Feb-09, 22:07
~I find a baseball bat at the side of the bed works, failing that seperte rooms would be good.

I'll be heading to the sports shop first thing tomorrow for one [lol]

Penelope Pitstop
18-Feb-09, 22:09
holding their nostrils, elbow in the back etc does not work for long because you just lie awake (fuming silently) until the noise starts up again and it is a vicious circle!!!
Snore, hold nostrils,OH chokes awake, silence, silence, silence, just dropping of and then SNORE............

Me thinks your well versed on this LRM [lol]

18-Feb-09, 22:15
I've been sleep deprived for the last three years or so, mainly due to being pregnant and the subsequent night feeds that followed, for nearly two weeks I have been able to sleep properly and what a difference. I honestly didn't think lack of sleep bothered me but now if my sleep is disturbed I feel tired most of the day, I never realised until now just how tired I actually was. BTW when I do snore it's loud, annoying and inconsistent, punctuated with teeth grinding, talking, silence, giggling and holding my breath! :lol:

18-Feb-09, 22:27
I've been sleep deprived for the last three years or so, mainly due to being pregnant and the subsequent night feeds that followed, for nearly two weeks I have been able to sleep properly and what a difference. I honestly didn't think lack of sleep bothered me but now if my sleep is disturbed I feel tired most of the day, I never realised until now just how tired I actually was. BTW when I do snore it's loud, annoying and inconsistent, punctuated with teeth grinding, talking, silence, giggling and holding my breath! :lol:

Your problem is easily solved-don't get pregnant. :)

18-Feb-09, 22:33
OMG! snoring so cracks me up. My OH is pretty good at it, exceptionally good at it when he has had a good feed and some booze on top of that. But only once have I given up and gone to the spare bedroom! That night I really thought that roof was coming down.

I am sure he snores for no other reason than he is about 3 stone overweight!!

18-Feb-09, 22:56
Penelope, get your significant other to the doctor - fast. Snoring as loudly as your partner does means he is at high risk of stroke or heart disease caused by high blood pressure. Ideally he should spend a night in a sleep clinic to be monitored. It is absolutely classic that the partner sounds the alarm in this and the result is laughter (uneasy).

18-Feb-09, 23:14
I've had a sleep study done in Inverness, that was a barrel of laughs trying to sleep resembling spaghetti junction. Thankfully the study confirmed that I was indeed snoring while asleep. [lol]

19-Feb-09, 00:03
Penelope, put all the effort and energy that you put into his snoring into your own sleep, and you will soon be snoring away yourself;)

19-Feb-09, 01:26
It is now after midnight and I am listening to the roof timbers rattle as my oh lies snoring his face off...........I am in the living room and he in the bedroom. I swear that one morning he will wake with his nose sticking out the back of his head having sucked it clean through his own skull.
Going into town tomorrow and plan to buy earplugs in the vain hope they will muffle the deafening rumbles allowing me to get a nights sleep!!:eek:

19-Feb-09, 01:30
I am sitting here...wide awake. Watching corrie which was recorded from earlier. The OH is on night shift tonight. House cleaned, bottles made, washing done.

And i know i wont sleep if i go to bed! :confused

19-Feb-09, 01:55
Shelley when your oh have comes in, he can take over and you can turn into a snuggle bug and catch up on your sleep........:)

19-Feb-09, 02:01
Shelley when your oh have comes in, he can take over and you can turn into a snuggle bug and catch up on your sleep........:)

Haha hardly! Have to get up with e bairn, go down the street, then back home. Then the wee man has his jabs tomorrow afternoon. No rest for the wicked!

Will be headin to bed in a minute though. Will just watch a movie in bed! :Razz

19-Feb-09, 04:05
This may be of interest! Written by a Caithnessian as well.



19-Feb-09, 19:07
My partner snores so tremediously loud he keeps everyone awake wherever we go. Not me though i'm used to it now:lol:

He's been to see specialists bout it but theres nothing they cna do cos appartently he has narrow airways and that's why he snores. It's a genetic problem cos his mum snores jus as bad and his dad's parents snored tremidously loud too.