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13-Feb-06, 16:07
My sister has been quoted £800 to get an exhaust replaced on her car. I think that the end bitty has been corroded a bit (the technical term), so the garage may look to fix it rather than replace. I think the price she has been quoted is a bit of a rip off, but not knowing anythin bout cars............. can anyone advise if this is a right enough sorta price or ...... ????
Thankin you

13-Feb-06, 16:14
what kind of car is it and how old is the car?

13-Feb-06, 16:15
omg 800 quid a performance exhaust would only cost 400! what make and model of car is it?

13-Feb-06, 16:17
sorry i wil answer the question,yes its a complete rip off the end bit u refer to is a backbox and are not 800 pound to reaplce,i would be interested in what garage gave you that quote?

13-Feb-06, 16:19
Thats very expensive that. Try Caithness Tryes, George Street, Wick. Very reasonable prices!

13-Feb-06, 16:22
far to expensive infact its not even a realistic price!!!

13-Feb-06, 16:23
Pure rip-off i'm interested to hear what garage quoted you that price.

13-Feb-06, 16:26
sorry for the delay peeps, had to find out the model etc.
Peugeot 206gti 180, 53 plate, Dec 03.
the garage at Kildarry has mentioned this price, tho the car has to go and be looked at yet, so it may not be as much as this, but I was just curious as to the sorta prices we could be lookin at.
Thanks for the input so far.

13-Feb-06, 16:26
Take it to SaxoVTR - he'll weld a straight through pipe on it for yah. Probably for free, just to annoy us sensible folk....

13-Feb-06, 16:31
sorry for the delay peeps, had to find out the model etc.
Peugeot 206gti 180, 53 plate, Dec 03.
the garage at Kildarry has mentioned this price, tho the car has to go and be looked at yet, so it may not be as much as this, but I was just curious as to the sorta prices we could be lookin at.
Thanks for the input so far.

Ken's of kildarry little wonder they priced you that i have had bother with them in the past, im awaiting my credit card to be refunded for a mucked up job, 4 months have passed and i'm still waiting. stay well clear.
try phoning Patty Campbell at Caithness tyre co, 019556077 he will quote you over the phone very nice and genuine guy.

13-Feb-06, 16:33
cheers for that peeps, I will pass the info on to ma sister and she can make up her mind wot she is doin then.

13-Feb-06, 16:34
cheers for that peeps, I will pass the info on to ma sister and she can make up her mind wot she is doin then.

Hope its no settle for that quote and hand over £800

13-Feb-06, 16:34
mad pict ur getting personal now eh,shame welding stick only sticks to metal!!! jings im afraid that is the going rate for a 206 gti 180 exhaust straight from peugeot i just phoned and asked my m8 has the same car i cnt see how ur exhaust is rusting already they r a lifetime guaranteed exhaust from the factory!!!

13-Feb-06, 16:37
mad pict ur getting personal now eh,shame welding stick only sticks to metal!!! jings im afraid that is the going rate for a 206 gti 180 exhaust straight from peugeot i just phoned and asked my m8 has the same car i cnt see how ur exhaust is rusting already they r a lifetime guaranteed exhaust from the factory!!!

Really! wow! im amazed must have some exhaust on it.

13-Feb-06, 16:42
aye it's some exhaust, costs 800 snots to get sorted!!
Yikes. well, will check into it further methinks.
Again, ta for the info

13-Feb-06, 16:49
the backbox is the width of the car!!!! massive!! if ur car is under warranty and the exhaust is lifetime guarantee then i would phone kens up and ask where you stand i really cannot see a 03 plate car having a real rotten exhaust unless its a skoda or the likes off! and 800 quid is unbelievable i duno how people get away with charging crazy prices kens will be making a few bob out of it,why dont you try dingbro or CTC in wick they wont be taking in genuine parts jus cheap imitation which does the same job really

13-Feb-06, 16:54
We were told that the exhaust wisny covered by warranty, it hasny done that many miles either.

13-Feb-06, 16:56
We were told that the exhaust wisny covered by warranty, it hasny done that many miles either.

If you bought the car less than a year ago it will be still within its warranty.

13-Feb-06, 17:00
Naw, December 2003 it was bought.
Could finance a revolution in a small country for that price tho.

13-Feb-06, 17:02
that dosnt sound rite is it the blue 1 with lexus lights?sits out at spring park same age as my m8s cnt c that being rotten who told you it was?or is it making a noise,peugeot put a lifetime guarantee on it

13-Feb-06, 17:08
red one, looked up the possiblities of it makin the noise it is making and it could be corroded, tho haveny had the "official" take on it, as it hasny been "properly" looked at.

13-Feb-06, 17:20
can i recommend going to ormlie garage and they wil give you a straight answer on what you need,sounds like you need a honest opinion not a mechanic tryin to make a pound out of something that does not need replaced,but when i say that my m8s car sounded like it was burst wen he first bot it just didnt sound rite,i would go to the ormlie garage it wudnt cost to just have a look to see what is wrong.alwyas shop about dont go by 1 persons word sods law u wont need an exhaust or if you do it wont be 800 quid!!!

13-Feb-06, 17:25
Aye, will be checkin around for sure. Sis has had Peugeots for a fair few years now wi no problems, but we'll see how it goes.
thanks again all

13-Feb-06, 17:44
Ken's of kildarry little wonder they priced you that i have had bother with them in the past, im awaiting my credit card to be refunded for a mucked up job, 4 months have passed and i'm still waiting. stay well clear.
try phoning Patty Campbell at Caithness tyre co, 019556077 he will quote you over the phone very nice and genuine guy.

A friend of mine had problems with ken of kildarry she was ripped off and they promised to refund her credit card as well, that was over a year ago and she is still waiting.

13-Feb-06, 18:36
Exhausts are not usually covered by warranties if you buy used cars.

An aftermarket system, rather than an original Peugeot part would come much cheaper. Shop around.

Just an aside but exhausts can rot even more quickly on a car that does very little mileage.

13-Feb-06, 18:38
How is that then? I mean, that exhausts can go quicker on cars with lower mileage?

13-Feb-06, 18:55
How is that then? I mean, that exhausts can go quicker on cars with lower mileage?

Its all about the chemicals that are produced within and then left to do their evil work. Sometimes the extra heat involved in a longer runs blows the gunge thru' quicker. As cars are stood the moisture also gets to work on the metal with the unburnt chemicals . I'm no expert and this is probably overly simplistic but I speak from experience, and anectdotal evidence 'n all.

I've no doubt someone with wider knowledge might blow up my exhaust and leave egg on me face.

13-Feb-06, 19:07
ha ha, i was going to say that (honest) or words to that effect. Ah well, when she gets it sorted she'll have to give it a good blooter then.ta

13-Feb-06, 19:36
I know nothing about the cost of these things but I personally think the best garage around is Thrumster.
Get a few more quotes, you've got nothing to lose.

13-Feb-06, 20:41
My sister has been quoted £800 to get an exhaust replaced on her car. I think that the end bitty has been corroded a bit (the technical term), so the garage may look to fix it rather than replace. I think the price she has been quoted is a bit of a rip off, but not knowing anythin bout cars............. can anyone advise if this is a right enough sorta price or ...... ????
Thankin you

I'd want the catalytic converter made out of platinum for that sort of money.

13-Feb-06, 20:44
Jings, the easiest thing for your sister to do is phone some of the big Tyre and Exhaust firms. They will usually be able to give her a price over the phone.
If they know the make and model etc they will have a standard price. If there isn't one nearby then any place will do, provided you don't tell them you live half a days journey away and they know you will never use them.
If your sister prices a full exhaust then she will at least have an idea of the top sort of price she should be paying. If it needs anything less than that then she's on a bonus.

800 pounds is the sort of price you would be looking at for some sort of luxury car or exotic sports car not a normal mass produced production car.
At that price I would want it gold plated!

14-Feb-06, 00:31
The price of the exhaust will probably be mainly down to peugeot, although kildary are not the greatest.Most cars nowadays have 3 year warranties, and on any make ive had the exhaust is covered up to 3 years old.MG over never covered exhausts in the 2nd and 3rd years though, but they are not here now,maybe pug is the same? A stainless one will probably be loads cheaper and will have a lifetime warranty.The OE peugeot system will definatly not have a lifetime warranty.

16-Feb-06, 01:05
Panic for nothin, they welded a bit on, and it cost the grand total of 23 squid.
Thanks again for everyone's input.