View Full Version : Omg!!?? / 13 Year Old Dad

13-Feb-09, 07:48
OMG again and again, read it for yourself. (I checked its Friday the 13th and not April Fools day)
Another "family" for the state to look after.


13-Feb-09, 09:21
omg.. that just about had me bawling...just looking at him.. hes barely out of nappies himself!
sam is only 8 years away from that age... and to think.. im horrified!
as parents (responsible adult parents) it is our responsibility to make sure that our children are safe and protected.. we never think of things like this though!
i think its seems worse because of how small he is... he does look like hes about 8-9 years old.
i really dont know what to think...
as a parent im devestated this has happened to the kids, that they in essence have ruined their chance at a normal childhood. i boggles the mind..
on the other hand... i am anti-abortion as well...
and im glad that they didnt abort the baby.
its hard because her family is on benifits, they have 5 other children in the home and the baby is not geting the best start in life.
i will take aguess that granny will actually be playing mum in the long run, and mum and dad will just be playing house until they get bored of it, or fed up with the sleepless nights, sickness, not being able to play games and hang out with friends.
at least the parents on both side are being supportave, as its obvious both kids were terrified and afraid of telling their mum and dads.
lets just hope that they practice safe sex from now on... or better yet no sex, until they are a little bit older!

13-Feb-09, 09:43
Maisie Roxanne says everything. :roll:

13-Feb-09, 13:31
Something that came to my mind is WHY is a 14/15 year old sleeping with a 12 year old?! especially when he looks like a child, she looked about 16/17

If it were the other way around, she was a boy and he was a girl, people would be crying statutory rape!

13-Feb-09, 13:42
A few years ago I would have been shocked at that. Nowadays Im not.

Valerie Campbell
13-Feb-09, 15:38
A few years ago I would have been shocked at that. Nowadays Im not.

I agree. Not very much shocks me these days. Something like this should, but it just doesn't.

13-Feb-09, 15:46
Dad at 13, well how about this one a Young Mum who had a Baby at 15 is Pregnnant again at 17 but this time with Triplets :-



13-Feb-09, 15:50
This issue was discussed on the Wright Stuff. I am not shocked although I wish I was. I am pro-choice...and yes it was her choice to have the baby but still think all their lives are at a stand still.

There was also the issue brought up on the Wright Stuff that doctors are being given incentives to encourage teenage girls to use long term methods of contraception. Do not agree with the incentive elemenet but do agree with the long term type of contraceptives being given out. Great idea.

As an aside, it looks the boy and the baby are the children of the girl. Very odd situation.

13-Feb-09, 15:54
I know we are going through a recession, but it says a lot for society when the first reaction to this story is not for the welfare of all involved but the fact that its 'yet another lot we have to support'.

Have we become so self absorbed that what happens with our taxes is more important than the welfare of a couple of kids, or in this case 3 kids.

13-Feb-09, 16:35
saw this thismorning and just couldnt believe it ,cant tell me in this day and age that at 14 the lass didnt know what she was doing or what could result , and why sleep with some one that looks 8 even if he was 12 at the time , also wonder what his mum is thinking letting him frequently stay over at the girlfriends house , that would have been alarm bells going off for me just at the suggestion!
Good luck to them both in bringing up their child, at least they have the support of their families (although given the circumstances they dont have much choice )
I hope the novelty of having a baby doesnt wear off too quickly given their ages.

13-Feb-09, 17:22
at least they have the support of their families

They might have the emotional support of their families but guess who'll be paying for the financial support? Anybody else think the mother bears an uncanny resemblance to a younger Karen Mathews?

13-Feb-09, 17:32
I feel really sorry for them all. He just looks so young.

There was a guy who got his 16 year old girlfriend pregnant when we were in school, he was just 14 when the baby was born.
That was over 30 years ago.

13-Feb-09, 18:52
I just think babies having babies is a very sad state for the world to be in. Children need a chance to grow up before having such a massive responsibilty thrust on them.
It is good to see both families supporting them but in all honesty it would have been far better if the families had drummed into them that babies can be created even on the first time having sex.

13-Feb-09, 22:43
just read that story and words just cant begin to describe this.... an utter disgrace that this was allowed to happen...them kids may have the we'll be great parents attitude now...but what happens a few months down the road and they decide they want to be kids again....

13-Feb-09, 22:50
Maisie Roxanne says everything. :roll:It could have been, "Daisy, Lee, Cletus, Clayton Beaver - Patten?[lol]

14-Feb-09, 00:33
It could have been, "Daisy, Lee, Cletus, Clayton Beaver - Patten?[lol]

You forgot Asbo.

14-Feb-09, 01:03
I saw this story on the news tonight. A reporter asked the boy

"how are you going to support them financially"

He replied

"what is financially?"


14-Feb-09, 23:20
Did anyone see this on the news?

A 13 year old boy has become a dad, the mother is 15 years old.

What shocked me was the boy only looks about 8 and when asked by the interviewer how they would cope financially he answered 'what's financially? followed by fits of giggles by the girl.

They are obviously getting a wad of money from The Sun who did the interview but I really don't think they have a clue.

14-Feb-09, 23:22


But yeah i saw it on the news again enight. Its mental that he is a dad. He looks no older than my OH's 7 year old son! :confused

14-Feb-09, 23:23
They are only children themselves - I found it quite shocking!

14-Feb-09, 23:25
Sorry, didn't see the other thread, did have a quick look but didn't realise that one was about the same thing.

14-Feb-09, 23:33
I hope the powers that be keep a close eye on this juvenile family, what I'd like to know is if they did not have the support of family would they be allowed to care for the baby at their age?

14-Feb-09, 23:58
How does the law stand on this?, i can't help thinking that if the girl had been 12yrs at the time of conception (which the lad was) and the boy 15yrs old this would have been reported with a whole different perspective, i assume it's still against the law for 2 juveniles to have sex, shouldn't this girl be prosecuted? as i'm sure if it was the other way round the lad would be labeled a peadophile and prosecuted.

15-Feb-09, 00:15
There are mutterings elsewhere that this is a publicity scam and looking at the interview tonight I got the feeling that the young lad had hardly reached puberty and would be biologically incapable of becoming a dad.

15-Feb-09, 00:46
my god i have a 8 year old daughter that looks older than him, this is a disgrace no other word for it.

15-Feb-09, 01:01
There are mutterings elsewhere that this is a publicity scam and looking at the interview tonight I got the feeling that the young lad had hardly reached puberty and would be biologically incapable of becoming a dad.

It did cross my mind too. Without a DNA we only have their word for it. As we recently saw from the Sharon Matthews case, people will do anything for money.

Anne x
15-Feb-09, 01:28
words can not comprehend what I feel about this case if it is at all real my first thoughts were god I wanna look after that wee boy (the father ) the so called mother to me looked a bit scary the look she gave him when he answered Whats Financial was one of disbelief
mind you tongue in cheek I wanted to adopt Chesney off Coro when he first appeared on screen real life or fiction
It simply does not bear thinking about Out of the mouths of babes so to speak I am lost for words for once

15-Feb-09, 01:57
It would seem that a sister of one of them has previously had a baby at the same age.

With respect to his parents having allowed him to stay at his girlfriends house there is a bit more to it than that. It seems that they regularly stayed at one another’s houses and were allowed to sleep together by their parents.

15-Feb-09, 02:11
This whole matter is now getting a bit out of hand (http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/177665/Richard-Goodsell-Im-the-real-daddy-Alfie-and-I-want-a-DNA-test-to-prove-it.html).

As usual, I blame the parents.

Anne x
15-Feb-09, 02:15
[quote=Metalattakk;503155]This whole matter is now getting a bit out of hand (http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/177665/Richard-Goodsell-Im-the-real-daddy-Alfie-and-I-want-a-DNA-test-to-prove-it.html).

As usual, I blame the parents.[/quot
I thought the mother looked a bit scary !!! and perplexed Jeremy Kyle Show next for a free DNA

15-Feb-09, 11:03
oh dear lord, after reading that last article about all the other boys... im not suprised at all she ended up preg. im suprprised she hasnt got anything else or given anything else...and think that something should be done (if what is being said is true) that all these boys were staying over with her mums knowledge and evidently approval! what kind of home life can those kids have?
basically, her mother has condoned her being a slut.
im not pointing a finger at this child for her promiscuity...
but im most def. pointing it at her parents...
yes shes old enough now to know better... but when it all began...
and we have no idea.. when it did begin!
with parents that allow what has gone on, to go on.. well... what can you expect.
im just surprised social services have not taken mum and baby into care.
i know back home that it happens quite often, that when a young girl has a baby, with circumstances like this they will remove both mother and baby from the home put them into foster care together, and try to place them with a family that will help both of them, to get councilling for young mum and to help her make choices on wheter to keep baby or not.. (depending on age) and how to cope and take care of a newborn.
cause lets just face it.. the physical side of taking care of a baby is easy.. its the emotional side that will rip you apart.. and very few young teens can handle it...
on the dad side of the story.. it just makes me angry seeing that little boy holding that baby.. there is absolutly no emotion or caring in his entire body for that baby.
you can tell he has been handed the baby and told to hold it..
he has been told to kiss it and cuddle it.
there is no love or caring at all to him.. he could have been holding a doll for all the love he shows.
i hate to be upity, but i was always fussy with who i would let hold my babies when they were new born, and i would never have left their care to a young teen.
god, what is the world coming to?

15-Feb-09, 11:25
He looks more likely, the other one does not look old enough, however his dad is certainly making money out of the story.

15-Feb-09, 11:25
Now we have a queue of them wanting to join the circus and be the Daddy. The list is at 8 today and will probably grow to 12 or more by the end of the week.

Richard aged 16 wants a DNA test to prove he is the Dad and no doubt the media will be falling over themselves in the race to provide one. His Mum, Barbie-Jayne, thinks the baby has his eyes. :roll:

The only sensible statement in all of this has come from possible Dad number 3, 14-year-old Tyler. He said “I hope it’s NOT me. All my mates have been teasing me about it but this isn’t funny, it’s serious.”

The whole situation is turning into Shameless - Take Two - The Reality Show and those involved hope they are going to be laughing all the way to the bank. As to the adults involved in all of this, as the saying goes "there's wiser eating grass". If they are the parents what hope is there for the future of all the children involved, because that is what
they still are. I shudder to think.:(

15-Feb-09, 11:42
Youd have thought The Sun would have demanded a DNA test to confirm that Alfie was the father before printing the story. But then again what do you expect from that rag. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

15-Feb-09, 11:45
There are mutterings elsewhere that this is a publicity scam and looking at the interview tonight I got the feeling that the young lad had hardly reached puberty and would be biologically incapable of becoming a dad.

i am thinking EXACTLY the same....the boy does not seem capable of this.i think perhaps a money making scheme...also DNA tests should be done.
god help the wee baby.

15-Feb-09, 12:00
so sad!

all I can say is that I hope that the "mother" is persuaded to get either the coil fitted or contraception injections to prevent her from falling pregnant again. She obviously is confusing sex for love, probably because this is missing from her home life

15-Feb-09, 13:07
it just makes me angry seeing that little boy holding that baby.. there is absolutly no emotion or caring in his entire body for that baby.
you can tell he has been handed the baby and told to hold it..
he has been told to kiss it and cuddle it.
there is no love or caring at all to him.. he could have been holding a doll for all the love he shows.

Aw c'mon now Brandy...he's 13yrs old and involved in a media circus, the poor lad is bricking himself, he's just a scared little boy in the media headlights.

15-Feb-09, 15:34
nope.. stand by my post on this one.. the child shows no emotion what so ever when holding that baby. he says he wants to be a dad, but he doent have a clue what the word means..
even a big brother would show more care than this kid when holding an infant.
i understand he is being led by the hand, as is prob. scared spitless and not a clue what is going on.. but love is basic.
you hold your new born baby in your arms and you LOVE it... it becomes your world, your whole universe stops and rearanges itself around that tiny being and nothing else matters.
that is what it means to be a parent.
here is a 15 year old who evidently really likes to have fun with the boys, and a barley 13 year old who has been told.. here you go, your a dad...
15 year old is like ... oh wow a baby, i get to play house and 13year old going.. umm well.. if you say so.. ill do what im told.
ive known 13 year old girls to have babies and be good mums, they were scared and didnt have a clue what they were doing... but they had a maturity beyond their years and an overflowing of love for that chlild that meant they would do anything in the world they could for that baby.
and sadly ive seen grown women and men who are suppose to be responsible adults pop out babies left right and center, and could care less for them. and be selfish irresponsible parents.
each situationalways comes down to the individual... and in this case.. i just dont see the love and caring that should be there for this precious little baby.

15-Feb-09, 15:59
You have no idea what is going through that lads mind at the moment so you really cannot make a judgement call like that, i understand where you are coming from, but without knowing the lad or being the lad you really have no idea about his level of emotion.

15-Feb-09, 23:04
I have to agree that the little laddy, daddy doesn't seem to be through puberty...........DNA will reveal who the real biological father is.
The young mother has obviously had no parenting and perhaps her parents should be brought to task for neglecting their daughters well being and welfare..... as we all know being a good parent isn't just feeding and putting clothes on our childrens backs...................

16-Feb-09, 00:11
Feel for them both and the poor baby in the middle of it all , I was surprised that he was mature enough to father a baby to be honest guess time will time x

16-Feb-09, 00:32
You have no idea what is going through that lads mind at the moment so you really cannot make a judgement call like that, i understand where you are coming from, but without knowing the lad or being the lad you really have no idea about his level of emotion.

No no, I disagree. The kid obviously doesn't care a fig for his own child - it's obvious from those few photographs on the internet. Incontrovertible evidence, my good man.

Hanging is too good for him. He should be burnt at the stake, flayed then skinned alive and hung, drawn and quartered, in that particular order.


16-Feb-09, 01:13
look back and think if it wasent for ur goverment and social services leting kids away with every little thing this wouldent occur

Anne x
16-Feb-09, 01:28
look back and think if it wasent for ur goverment and social services leting kids away with every little thing this wouldent occur

OK Fine so its the government and social services fault now I just wonder where were the Parents of those children producing a child
Leading by example me thinks poor kids
so very sad

16-Feb-09, 09:18
Metalattakk, i think i may not have got what i was saying across properly.
im not blaming the kids or saying that he or she is a bad person.
i was saying that the kid dosent have a clue about what it means to be a parent.
he has been handed a baby and said here you go your a dad.
and from the video and papers, the impression that i personally am getting is the poor boy
is completly lost without a clue.
that he dosent have that usually natural built in ... this is blood of myblood.. flesh of my flesh cave man protective/love that most men have when they hold their baby.
basically because hes not a man, he is a little boy.
im not in any way angry at the boy, or the girl.. but the situation... and very angry at her parents exspecially that this has been allowed to happen.
from all reports this was not two teens sneaking around and getting off with each other in some little hidden location, like we all did at one point or another.
this is a parent, a mother allowing her 14 year old daughter have sex in her room with mothers full knowlege. why is a 12 year old allowed to stay over at a girls house?
the whole situation is just horrible...

16-Feb-09, 11:23
look back and think if it wasent for ur goverment and social services leting kids away with every little thing this wouldent occur

i disagree it is to do with government....it is down to PARENTS!!

16-Feb-09, 11:26
OK Fine so its the government and social services fault now I just wonder where were the Parents of those children producing a child
Leading by example me thinks poor kids
so very sad

my very thoughts,anne.it is too easy to blame absolutely EVERYTHING on the government.it is down to DISCIPLINE AND PARENTS doing a better job and devoting more time with the children they have chosen to have.that is the bottom line for me.:roll:

16-Feb-09, 12:16
Its down to discipline, parenting and society too.

Where do parents learn to be good parents from? Their own parents. How is a 13 year old boy going to know how to love and nurture a child if he wasnt loved and nurtured? How is a 15 year old girl going to value her own body and be particular who she shares it with if those around her, her mother, her friends, her family dont value theirs and promiscuity follows her everywhere she turns? In years gone by if you were a rubbish parent then there was always your mum, sister, brother, aunt uncle cousins who would put you right or support you or simply take over and provide the thorough grounding children need, but not today. Today it seems parents condone their daughters and sons having a sexual relationship and they dont seem to be interested whether they are taking precautions or not. Abortion is a word that seems to throw people into polarised views but is abortion more abhorrent than seeing a child having a baby?

Society's role should be to protect children and ensure they are safe. How much are we doing as a society to protect children like these? Because these children surely need protecting, from themselves, from their own parents, from the media hype surrounding stories like this, from being called sluts and wasters by people on newspaper comment boards who seem to forget that we are talking about CHILDREN. CHILDREN who we as a society have failed, with our lack of parenting classes for their parents, with the social isolation of poverty and deprivation which allows children to wander aimlessly around without goals or hopes, labelled as unlikely to get anywhere from early stages, with our nannying state which prevents discipline in schools and within the home, with our entertainment which discourages children from being children, encourages them to stay up and watch all sorts of rubbish on TV and provides role models who's only "talent" is to take their clothes off and sleep with as many partners as possible.

We all have a role to play in preventing this sort of tragedy because thats what it is. A tragedy for all concerned especially that poor wee baby.

16-Feb-09, 12:23
What a fantastic post Squidge x

16-Feb-09, 13:09
Was watching TV News over the weekend and it seems that the 13 Year Old Boy might not be the Father.

Three other Boy's have come forward claiming that they could also be the Father. All the other Boy's are 15 years old.

So the Partents of the 13 Year Old have asked for DNA testing to see if he is the father or not.

So it goes on and only time will tell if he is the Father or not.

16-Feb-09, 13:11
Baby-faced Alfie Patten may not be a father at 13 after all amid allegations that the mother has had several other sexual partners, it was reported.

Alfie Patten may not be a father at 13, reports suggest

The case of Alfie - who was just 12 when the baby was conceived - has already provoked a fierce political debate over the high rate of teenage pregnancies in the UK and the sexualisation of children.
But two other teenagers believe they may have fathered six-day old Maisie, whose mother Chantelle Steadman is herself just 15.
Richard Goodsell, 16, told the News of the World that he also shared a bed with the teenager at her home in Eastbourne, East Sussex, at around the time she became pregnant.
Richard, a trainee chef, said: "I know I could be the father. Everyone thinks I am. My friends all tell me that the baby has my eyes - even my mum thinks so. Even Chantelle's mum asked me if I was the father. If I am the father, I have the right to know."
Richard, who told the paper he slept with Chantelle with the consent of her parents and without using any contraception (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/fc/abortion-contraception.html), said he plans to demand a DNA test is carried out to find out the truth.
Chantelle lives with her mother, Penny, and father, Steve, in a council house on the Old Town estate.
Tyler Barker, 14, also told the paper he could have fathered Maisie, born at the Eastbourne District General Hospital last week. He said he slept with Chantelle around nine months ago, again in her own bed. Realising the gravity of the situation, he added: "I hope it's not me."
Both boys and their parents are reported to have made sworn statements in front of a solicitor detailing their encounters with Chantelle.
The situation has provoked outrage from politicians and charity workers who said it exemplified the "complete collapse" of parts of society. Former Tory (http://uk.news.yahoo.com/fc/conservative-party.html) leader Iain Duncan Smith, who runs the Centre for Social Justice think tank, said the birth highlighted another case of "broken Britain" where "anything goes".

16-Feb-09, 13:17
Do the words... "Centre for social Justice" and "tory" really go together???? Didnt they break it in the first place???

16-Feb-09, 13:26
Three other Boy's have come forward claiming that they could also be the Father. All the other Boy's are 15 years old.

So the Partents of the 13 Year Old have asked for DNA testing to see if he is the father or not.

So it goes on and only time will tell if he is the Father or not.

So now we have a selection of fifteen year old vying for the dubious accolade of being this baby's father. Its ridiculous, Fame at any price eh?

Kevin Milkins
16-Feb-09, 13:43
I see the 13 year old dad has joined the "Fathers for Justice".

At a press interview the new parent said he" Joined because he already has a Spiderman costume";)

16-Feb-09, 14:18
So now we have a selection of fifteen year old vying for the dubious accolade of being this baby's father. Its ridiculous, Fame at any price eh?

It is ridiculous, if i was one of the lads that had been tootin' that chav princess there is no bloomin' way i'd be admitting it :p

16-Feb-09, 14:19
I see the 13 year old dad has joined the "Fathers for Justice".

At a press interview the new parent said he" Joined because he already has a Spiderman costume";)

:lol: brilliant Kevin, i tried to rep you for it but i have spread it around a little first...a bit like the mother in this story seems to have been doing :D

Beat Bug
16-Feb-09, 15:26
I agree it's the parents of both children who are basically to blame. But I also feel that if sex education was not taught in schools at such an early age, they wouldn't experiment! Then this sad situation may not have arisen.

16-Feb-09, 16:05
Sad its ridiculous and as of last night 2 other tenns have come forward stating they may be the father, so this poor child will have to go through DNA to establish which if 3 teens are the father. The parents should be ashamed for letting this girl sleep with so many boys, but then not something you share with your parents, but the money from the sun will do nicely sir.

16-Feb-09, 16:26
Surely money from the Sun will cause that family to stop receiving benefits? I hope thats looked into pretty quickly. There are far too many families receiving benefits when they should be supporting themselves and fairly often far too many offspring!