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11-Feb-09, 18:27
To the lads in Nicholson Street. It's probably not the best time to throw snowballs at strangers cars when they are reversing between other cars and keeping an eye on a kid on a bike.

I'm all for a good snowball fight but there is a time and a place and both parties should agree to it.

wee sparkle
11-Feb-09, 18:32
When i was out this morning for my driving lesson, the car was hit by snowballs, which were actually more like iceballs!, and it was rather distracting, since i was trying to do a 3 point turn. This was opposite the south school. These boys knew what they were doing though, was no accident....[disgust]

11-Feb-09, 18:39
What annoy's me is that every time we get snow, the amount of Snowballs that hit our Living Room Window. OK the glass is strong and it is Double Glazed so it should not break, or at least I hope not, but each time it happens I nearly jump out of my skin with the sudden BANG on the window.

It is not done by accident either as whoever does it goes down the street and each window in every house gets hit at least once.

11-Feb-09, 19:10
My livingroom window at the back got hit the other night! Scared the poop outa me! And the thing is...i have a rather large back garden, high fence and its garages at the back of me!!!

When i went and looked out the window kids were running away leaving my gate open!!! [disgust]

Im all up for a fair snowball fight but not throwing at windows and cars!!

Valerie Campbell
11-Feb-09, 19:25
I hate when kids throw snowballs the the windows. Like you I nearly jump out of my skin. It's a pointless exercise and it must be quite frightening for older folk. Wait til these kids grow up and get a house of their own and kids do it to them!!

11-Feb-09, 19:30
Getting used to the snowballs at the windows when the whole of the roof covering of snow slithered off and turned the room pitch black for a few seconds...........scarey moment.

In my youth snowballing was almost like a game of football, there were rules and boundaries, cars (few and far between as they were) and houses were out of bounds.

We used to make snowmen in all the gardens which helped clear the paths for the old folk, and the hot ashes went out from the open fires to stop us having slides on the pavements!

11-Feb-09, 19:46
What annoy's me is that every time we get snow, the amount of Snowballs that hit our Living Room Window. OK the glass is strong and it is Double Glazed so it should not break, or at least I hope not, but each time it happens I nearly jump out of my skin with the sudden BANG on the window.

It is not done by accident either as whoever does it goes down the street and each window in every house gets hit at least once.

I can assure you double glazing is no protection against snowballs, had mine broken a few years ago by the usual hooligans throwing them. Love the snow and how it makes everything look so clean but I'm terrified of the effect of snowballs. :mad:

percy toboggan
11-Feb-09, 19:48
This is not innocent fun. It's a dangerous menace.
It's also a sign of deteriorating behaviour which is all the more marked because it doesn't snow often - not down here anyway.

I have been anticipating stabbing incidents and murders arising out of snowball altercations.Fortunately this has not yet materialised. Throwing snowballs at moving vehicles should be an offence. Despite the risks of encouraging the behviour t.v. ads (remember public information films?) should be screened at appropriate times because frankly..some people are too dumb to realise the risks.

percy toboggan
11-Feb-09, 19:49

....In my youth snowballing was almost like a game of football, there were rules and boundaries, cars (few and far between as they were) and houses were out of bounds.....


Spot on poppett.

11-Feb-09, 19:59
Have you tried passing WHS at lunch time :roll:

Im all for a good snowball fight. Im no spoil sport!! But the kids really shouldnt throw snowballs deliberately at cars. It gives the driver a huge fright especially if they arent expecting it.!

A few years ago I got my roof dented when some yobs threw an "ice" ball at my car :mad:

Very expensive!!

11-Feb-09, 20:01
What annoy's me is that every time we get snow, the amount of Snowballs that hit our Living Room Window. OK the glass is strong and it is Double Glazed so it should not break, or at least I hope not, but each time it happens I nearly jump out of my skin with the sudden BANG on the window.

It is not done by accident either as whoever does it goes down the street and each window in every house gets hit at least once.

A good quality catapult and some nice jagged stones should solve the problem, that'll teach em :D

11-Feb-09, 20:04
At the end of the day we were all kids once and enjoyed a good snowball fight.
Im guilty!!! I used to hit cars but now i know that its not a good thing to do....

Kids will be kids..... When they grow up.. they will realise then.

Lucky its only snowballs and not stones... that when we should worry more lol..

Windows!!!!!!!!!!!!! mine is getting hit the whole time but mainly fae my kids lol
Just ignore them and they soon know not to both anymore and move onto the next house

11-Feb-09, 20:05
A good quality catapult and some nice jagged stones should solve the problem, that'll teach em :D

I do not think that is a Good Idea at all. Not only would it just make matters worse it would be totally illegal and I would be in the wrong then and I do not fancy a visit from the police.

11-Feb-09, 20:05
A good quality catapult and some nice jagged stones should solve the problem, that'll teach em :D
You cant do that to the kids in the Bronx,they would get their uzi's out and pop a cap in your ass!!!!:roll:

11-Feb-09, 20:05
I have been anticipating stabbing incidents and murders arising out of snowball altercations.Fortunately this has not yet materialised.

Not so Percy.


11-Feb-09, 20:10
I`m with you moonboots ,i too was young once and cars and windows were targets so if i get my own back i cant blame anyone else ,if only we had the willpower of all these other orgers who were very good when they were young !

11-Feb-09, 20:11
I do not think that is a Good Idea at all. Not only would it just make matters worse it would be totally illegal and I would be in the wrong then and I do not fancy a visit from the police.

http://img3.harmony-central.com/acapella/ubb/facepalm.gif...Good grief...i wasn't being serious

11-Feb-09, 20:16
I`m with you moonboots ,i too was young once and cars and windows were targets so if i get my own back i cant blame anyone else ,if only we had the willpower of all these other orgers who were very good when they were young !

You said it Scorpion!!! They must have all been goody 2 shoes [lol]

11-Feb-09, 20:27
You said it Scorpion!!! They must have all been goody 2 shoes [lol]
I was an angelic child so I am more tha qualified to slag the nippers off!!!!!.
I could walk and talk by the time I was 6 Months, I was also potty trained at 3 months and could recite The theory of Relativity by the time I was 1!!!!
This is all true by the way!!;)

11-Feb-09, 20:28
I too was young once :) and everything was a target, the more people reacted towards it the more snowballs they got!
I dont think too much has changed at all ! Kids will be kids !

11-Feb-09, 20:30
I too was young once :) and everything was a target, the more people reacted towards it the more snowballs they got!
I dont think too much has changed at all ! Kids will be kids !
This is very true mun,Kids will be kids doot.

11-Feb-09, 20:43
Throwing snowballs at passing cars is dangerous. The driver loses concentration and also loses control of the car and/or bowels. Both can be extremely messy. If caught you're in for a hell of a hiding. That's why I always wear a mask and can run fast. :D

11-Feb-09, 20:48
You may slip on the snow tho Joxville !! :~(

11-Feb-09, 20:54
Throwing snowballs at passing cars is dangerous. The driver loses concentration and also loses control of the car and/or bowels. Both can be extremely messy. If caught you're in for a hell of a hiding. That's why I always wear a mask and can run fast. :D

About 17/18yrs ago in my slightly gung-ho youth, my car was pelted with snowballs outside the high school, a few years prior it had been me throwing the snowballs so i should have known what to expect, but this snowball had a stone in it and nearly broke my drivers side window, i saw red, so i high tailed it after the lad on foot...all the way into the school canteen where i took him by the throat, pinned him to a dining table and gave him an ever so slightly stern warning about the dangers of throwing snowballs with stones in them.....eh...in hindsight i could have probably delt with the matter slightly better than that:eek:, but still....i never saw that lad throwing snowballs in my direction again :D

11-Feb-09, 20:56
You may slip on the snow tho Joxville !! :~(

I have good treads. And a Gizmo mask. [lol]

11-Feb-09, 20:59
I have good treads. And a Gizmo mask. [lol]

But at ur age........:roll::lol:

11-Feb-09, 21:00
A gizmo mask!

11-Feb-09, 21:02
But at ur age........:roll::lol:
Body age=almost 44
Mental age=almost 14 :D

11-Feb-09, 21:03
A gizmo mask!

It used to be a gimp mask but I kept running into lamp-posts. [lol]

11-Feb-09, 21:18
Body age=almost 44
Mental age=almost 14 :D

haha! hope u r a fit "almost 44" year old!!

11-Feb-09, 22:07
You said it Scorpion!!! They must have all been goody 2 shoes [lol]

Not a case of being a goody 2 shoes, we all threw snowballs as kids but we wouldn't dare throw at windows. The fear of what we'd get if parents found out had a very sobering effect, but that was also the times when kids would accept a telling off from ANY adult.

jock leith
11-Feb-09, 22:34
I too was young once :) and everything was a target, the more people reacted towards it the more snowballs they got!
I dont think too much has changed at all ! Kids will be kids !

Yes we were all young once,but the difference between now and then,is that if we were caught we were given a clip around the ear a kick up the a--- and if we ran home and told our parents,we got another hiding.if the same rules applied fair enough.but kids today would phone the police and say that they were assaulted.Most of them are too pampered .

11-Feb-09, 23:10
Yes we were all young once,but the difference between now and then,is that if we were caught we were given a clip around the ear a kick up the a--- and if we ran home and told our parents,we got another hiding.if the same rules applied fair enough.but kids today would phone the police and say that they were assaulted.Most of them are too pampered .

Alas this is true !
Just a threat of a kick up the behind was enough for me ! :eek:
My dad got big feet ! [para]

11-Feb-09, 23:58
had to laugh this morning.

when taking in my wheelie bin ( had been taken out my garden for some reason. a group of boys was passing my house just as i was entering the gate. One of them threw a snow ball at my kitchen window.... so i shouted "Hi" and he went red and the group just walked off.

I did do it occasionally when i was younger, never really saw the thrill.

They think they look big infront of their mates, but its only a window.

He didnt look that big when his face went beetroot LOL:lol:

12-Feb-09, 00:41
I would say that its "snow joke". Half the time it isnt kids messing, its adults who should know better.

12-Feb-09, 00:44
Yes we were all young once,but the difference between now and then,is that if we were caught we were given a clip around the ear a kick up the a--- and if we ran home and told our parents,we got another hiding.if the same rules applied fair enough.but kids today would phone the police and say that they were assaulted.Most of them are too pampered .

I'm a cynical 20 year old and i agree totally with you! Kids with snowballs throwing at cars and houses are brats. They think they're cool and have no respect or regard for other people's property. A good stern ticking off bout the dangers is due for all of them.
I gave my younger brothers and my partner a ticking off for throwing snowballs at my window jus the other day [lol] my partner was the ring leader of the group.:lol:

12-Feb-09, 02:30
Sometimes I've just wish I had machine guns mounted on the bonnet of my car! Certain areas I would give a wide berth to when it's snowing, avoiding children at all costs!

Next time they chuck their icy balls at me I will stumble out of my car and feign a heart attack on the street right in front of them! That should be good for a laugh [lol]

12-Feb-09, 13:08
Next time they chuck their icy balls at me I will stumble out of my car and feign a heart attack on the street right in front of them! That should be good for a laugh [lol]

That would give them something to think bout! [lol]

12-Feb-09, 15:37
canny be dieved wi the snowballs either. down town yesterday. seen a group o young lads firing snowballs at anyone who was walkin past, old folk included.
if they wanted to have a snowball fight themselves, lash on,, good fun. but only when all parties involved are agreeable.
and the buses....jeezo. goin up past the high school, a whole herd o lads in the playing field just waitin for the bus to go by....

12-Feb-09, 15:46
When I was a bairn I only chucked snowballs at those who would retaliate. It was far more fun that way - I can't see the fun in firing them at cars or at people walking past who aren't going to throw one back. The whole point was that it was a snowball FIGHT, therefore I wanted someone to throw them back at me, so I could try and beat them.

Beat Bug
13-Feb-09, 01:57
Kids in our village years ago used to throw snowballs at the gable end of our bungalow. One night I went out and told them I knew who they were (lying through my back teeth!) and said that if they did it again I would tell their parents and call the police. They never bothered us again!!