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bt total broadband
30-Jan-09, 15:13
hi,just wondering if anyone knows a good tarot reader and if there is any on line.thanks[evil]

30-Jan-09, 17:55
ye can hev yer cairds read online for free - go til tarot.com ;)

30-Jan-09, 18:19
www.tabi.org.uk (http://www.tabi.org.uk)

do readings by real readers .. just go to the main page and request a free reading. Be careful, a lot of on-line readings are automated and you arent getting a real reading. TABI have a bank of readers to carry out your reading for you just as if you were there in the room with them.

(Tarot Association of the British Isles :D )

George Brims
30-Jan-09, 21:43
Be careful, a lot of on-line readings are automated and you arent getting a real reading.
And there would be a difference in accuracy?

celtic 302
30-Jan-09, 21:46
And there would be a difference in accuracy?

Couldn't agree more. Why you'd do this, and even worse pay money for it, i don't know. Can't you see it is just a rip off?

30-Jan-09, 22:17
Yes George, there is a difference.

and no it is not a rip off.

Each to his own though, you may not agree with Tarot but a lot of people get comfort from it... and the on-line readings are free.

31-Jan-09, 02:10
Yes George, there is a difference.Could you explain the difference?

Bear in mind that I am fairly expert in this area and I know that computers and expert personal card readers use exactly the same methods.

31-Jan-09, 11:13
Hi Crayola:D

When you are reading for someone (as you probably know) you take into account the cards in the spread as a whole, not just as individual cards. Each reader is different, but in context, cards can have multi layered meanings. There is no way that a computer can read like a human reader, these surely just churn out the "textbook" meanings of each card.

If I had the same cards for two different querents with two different questions the cards would not have the same meaning. The more cards there are in a spread the more complex the reading becomes. For example if court cards are present they can have a variety of meanings, from a person involved to the energies of the situation.

I cant go into it in greater depth here as I'd be writing an essay, but I hope this answers your question. You can always pm me if you want, I do know what I'm talking about from experience. Laying out a spread and churning out basic card meanings is not a real reading.

31-Jan-09, 11:52
Hi Crayola:D

When you are reading for someone (as you probably know) you take into account the cards in the spread as a whole, not just as individual cards. Each reader is different, but in context, cards can have multi layered meanings. There is no way that a computer can read like a human reader, these surely just churn out the "textbook" meanings of each card.

If I had the same cards for two different querents with two different questions the cards would not have the same meaning. The more cards there are in a spread the more complex the reading becomes. For example if court cards are present they can have a variety of meanings, from a person involved to the energies of the situation.

I cant go into it in greater depth here as I'd be writing an essay, but I hope this answers your question. You can always pm me if you want, I do know what I'm talking about from experience. Laying out a spread and churning out basic card meanings is not a real reading.
have pm'd you ;)

31-Jan-09, 14:24
Hi Crayola:D

When you are reading for someone (as you probably know) you take into account the cards in the spread as a whole, not just as individual cards. Each reader is different, but in context, cards can have multi layered meanings. There is no way that a computer can read like a human reader, these surely just churn out the "textbook" meanings of each card.

If I had the same cards for two different querents with two different questions the cards would not have the same meaning. The more cards there are in a spread the more complex the reading becomes. For example if court cards are present they can have a variety of meanings, from a person involved to the energies of the situation.

I cant go into it in greater depth here as I'd be writing an essay, but I hope this answers your question. You can always pm me if you want, I do know what I'm talking about from experience. Laying out a spread and churning out basic card meanings is not a real reading.Ok, from what you're saying may I assume you haven't seen some of the recent tarot reading software? It does exactly as you say, it doesn't look at single cards and simply put together their meanings. Rather it takes the whole spread and considers all the cards together in much the same way you or I would.

The main difference, and the one that really makes the difference, is that usually the computer picks the cards for you. That must be wrong surely.

It would be ok if you deal with real cards yourself and feed the results into the computer.

31-Jan-09, 14:47
ok you talking about the Orphalese Tarot or something else? If there have been new developments im intruiged.

I know people who use computerised systems as a form on bibliomancy, believing that the cards that come out randomly on a computer must have a deeper meaning than a random event, but at the end of the day a computer cant get the nuances of the cards - a program is just a program.

What I dont like is people who are not readers themselves think they are getting a real reading from these sites. They arent and its what give readers a bad name (ok I know there are those out there and even on this forum who will give a dig at that one!) A lot of people use computerised readings for fun, but other people may not realise that they are just programs.

And anyway...why would you pick out the cards yourself then get a computer to read for you? If I want a serious reading I'll ask another tarot reader, as you know its difficult to read for yourself, but if its just a quick reading its better to use your own intuition and knowledge of the cards.

31-Jan-09, 14:57
I'm not sure which software I'm talking about to be honest, I'll have to ask. I only saw a demo presentation at a gathering last year.

The cards that come out on a computer are not really random at all. Even when the program starts at a random point the ensuing sequence is actually predetermined by the program. That's what I object to.

I didn't mean that you or I would do our own readings, I was thinking of an ordinary person choosing the cards and feeding them into a computer for the reading. Sorry for being unclear here.

31-Jan-09, 15:19
thats ok, I've yet to hear of a proper automated tarot software, Orphalese is more for readers to do easier on-line readings, but doesnt actually do the reading for you.

It's best all round to steer clear of automated readings anyway...AT had a thread a while back about people putting in for readings and getting the same cards again and again. All software like this runs to scripts whether "randomised" or not.

Real readers are the only way to go :grin:

celtic 302
31-Jan-09, 19:25
And no it is not a rip off.

Each to his own though, you may not agree with Tarot but a lot of people get comfort from it...

Of course it's a rip off. As I have said somewhere else, I am a big fan of Penn & Teller: Bullshit!, and they did an episode on this. They took one man, and made him look like a tramp and then made him have a reading. The women doing the reading basically said "your life is crap... no money for you..." etc etc etc... Then they got this same man. Dressed him up in a suit and had him sound like he was talking about an important business decision when he went in for a reading with the same women. This time she said "your life is good... you're going to be very succesful..." etc etc etc... This shows just how unscientific it is, and how it is just a scam.

And the "comfort" line is just a load of crap. I have debated with many Christians about their faith, and a lot of them have said it exists for them because it is a comfort. So? That isn't an argument for it's reliability or its accuracy. That just shows that you are willing to be lied to make you feel better, and you are willing to pay for these lies. This doesn't make it good or accurate. It is a scam. Open your eyes.

31-Jan-09, 19:47
I wont get into a slagging match

Live and let live, I dont need to feel better about anything as Im secure enough not to have to ridicule others.

celtic 302
31-Jan-09, 19:56
I wont get into a slagging match

Live and let live, I dont need to feel better about anything as Im secure enough not to have to ridicule others.

I'm not ridiculing you, I'm trying to make you see that you are being ripped off. But feel free to keep your head in the clouds. For all the good it will do you...

31-Jan-09, 20:22
But feel free to keep your head in the clouds. For all the good it will do you...

ats a rether nerrowminded statement til make celtic bhoy...

choost cos ye mayna be able til make heid nor tail o'ed disna mean ithers cana.
i for one take great comfort an joy fie readin ma cairds, an i do for any pal that asks. i always get some inspiration from ma readins an they allow me til see things from different perspectives. it dis me a great deal o' 'guid' in ma opinion. guid for ma brain waves ;)

everyone is different an hes different lifestyles an opinions. what disna do ye any guid, may do someone tremendous amount o' guid for someone else.

ye wid do weel til remember 'at....think diversity ;)

celtic 302
31-Jan-09, 20:24
ats a rether nerrowminded statement til make celtic bhoy...

choost cos ye mayna be able til make heid nor tail o'ed disna mean ithers cana.
i for one take great comfort an joy fie readin ma cairds, an i do for any pal that asks. i always get some inspiration from ma readins an they allow me til see things from different perspectives. it dis me a great deal o' 'guid' in ma opinion. guid for ma brain waves ;)

everyone is different an hes different lifestyles an opinions. what disna do ye any guid, may do someone tremendous amount o' guid for someone else.

ye wid do weel til remember 'at....think diversity ;)

All well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that tarot reading is a scam, and falls apart under scientific testing.

31-Jan-09, 20:44
All well and good, but it doesn't change the fact that tarot reading is a scam, and falls apart under scientific testing.

but 'e difference is....i know what its lek til no understand tarot an i know what its lek til understand tarot....im able til make an educated opinion, based on ma own experience of course.

ye only ken fit its lek til no understand tarot...so basically yer opinion counts for....eh...no much in ma opinion :lol:

in relation til 'iss subject lek...;)

31-Jan-09, 21:21
choost realised 'e dude above hes bin suspended....

seems his opinion didna count for much - full stop :lol:

31-Jan-09, 21:39
.......oh dear! I hope it wasnt because of this "conversation"

31-Jan-09, 23:16
No he has been spreading his joy around!:lol:

01-Feb-09, 00:05
phew, that makes me feel better, thanks Liz :D

01-Feb-09, 00:38
good on you trix and sage for standing up for what you believe in and no rising for an arguement with celtic.;)

01-Feb-09, 00:53
i would like a tarot reading but i am a little apprehensive o what i will be told.many years ago an old lady did a face reading on me .when she beckoned me to come closer so she could see my face i was thinking this is gonna be rubbish.boy was i wrong.everything she told me came true within a week and was so precise .one of the things she told me was i would recieve white china with a blue butterfly on it,my fiance gave me that that night as a birthday gift.i was gobsmacked and have been ever since.she also said i was pregnant and i found out later that i was.still think about it even now

01-Feb-09, 03:53
There are a few good trrot card readers in Caithness. I have tarot cards but dont know what to do with them...i must read the instructions one of these days.

01-Feb-09, 12:04
Butterfly, I wouldnt be apprehensive :D

Some Tarot readers are psychic and dont really need the cards to tell them things, then there are folk like me who who dont claim to be psychic and just read the cards and say what comes to us. Nothing is set in stone, these days, its much more likely that a reader will read for guidance only and not use the cards for fortune telling. Like I said in another thread a while back....its like you are walking a path and the cards can help you see what is likely to happen if you move down the path you are on at the moment...take a decision in the other direction and the future is altered. And NO reader should tell you bad things are going to happen and if you ever feel uncomfortable you have the option to stop the reading.

Fran learning the cards is a long process, you will probably learn better with someone rather than on your own. There are a few courses out there in internet land. :)

01-Feb-09, 15:11
theres a guid 'tarot workbook' oot ayre fran...its by juliet sharman-burke.

its great, iv recommended it til a few interested people. ye can get it fie amazon for less than a tenner ;)

its actually a follow on fie anither tarot book that she wrote, 'beginners guide to tarot' ye also get a set o' cairds wi her first book.

01-Feb-09, 17:52
yes, her books are supposed to be good!

03-Feb-09, 23:15
I went a good few years ago to a palm reader on Great Yarmouth beach and it was uncanny how many things she came out with that were true of my situation at the time, not things which could have been generalised or guessed.
It was only last year that I decided to go and see a woman to do my cards locally and I was expecting the usual general comments about my life but she also came up with a lot of things that only I knew and no one else could possibly have guessed. Private matters and again I was surprised at how accurate she was.
As has been said before, there was a story to the cards I picked from the pack and it is something I would have done again in the future.
I think the reality is that everyone has their own belief systems and that it up to them. I wanted my cards done. I am open to the idea that there might be some path for us all and she didn't guide me but gave me insight into where I had been and how she percieved the current situation.

04-Feb-09, 11:01
Sounds like a good reader you got there Scottygirl :)