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View Full Version : Packaging I can't open

07-Feb-06, 12:45
How do other people do it? Am I being completely stupid or what? Why do I so often have to get out the toolbox to get at my food etc. The peel back on the sardine tin stops half way and the loop thing breaks off. I need scissors to get the cellophane off CDs. I can't open the toilet duck and have to cut into the lid so it won't close again. Worst of all are bubble packs made of thick strong plastic. I need batteries urgently but can't get at them. Bought a torch the other day in Inverness and needed to open it on the bus to light my walk home this end. Realised too late it was the dreaded bubble pack and I had no sharp tools except a teeny screwdriver out of a cracker which I keep in my purse. Made it eventually but only after nearly tearing my fingers to pieces. How do you do it? Please help me. [mad]

07-Feb-06, 13:01
Hi Badger, yes i know what you mean, LOL but after years of not having any nails ive now grown them and am quite surprised how useful they are !!

07-Feb-06, 13:25
or carry a pair of strong nailclippers and a sharp file.

07-Feb-06, 13:35
Small pocket knife is always handy.

07-Feb-06, 13:44
Thanks for the suggestions. I do have a very old pair of folding scissors so maybe they'll go back in my bag. But why? Is all this stuff really necessary? How do people with arthritic hands or impaired sight manage? Grrrrr.

07-Feb-06, 13:54
If all else fails, use your teeth.

07-Feb-06, 15:44
If all else fails, use your teeth.

Can't afford that - not at my dentist's prices!

07-Feb-06, 15:56
The worst of the worse is the plastic packaging around computer and electronic pieces. I buy my printer ink in a package of 3. It takes more than good old teeth or the fold up scissors from my purse to get into those things. And once you cut into the plastic, you have to be extremely careful that it doesn't cut you as you try to wrestle the stuff out of its protective grasp. There are a few downsides to this wonderful life we enjoy in the twenty-first century!