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23-Jan-09, 21:27
Should red wine be restricted to women only? I always feel a bit uncomfortable around men who drink the grape.

23-Jan-09, 21:33
I myself enjoy the odd glass of red wine and in fact find that it is a better class of person who can enjoy this sociable past time unlike the beer swilling majority

I suppose that would be you dook the kind of chap who expects his dinner in the table when he gets home

23-Jan-09, 21:38
Hmm I presumed dook was a wummin.

23-Jan-09, 21:40
Apoligies mame I have made a school boy error of assumtion.Mabey of you called yourself Mary or something like that I would have been less confused

23-Jan-09, 21:40
Definitely not,my husband has enjoyed red wine for years and chosing the one to accompany a special meal is always a joy.
Having been in the wine trade for some 25yrs, red outsold white by 3 to 1 and the majority of purchasers were male.
However the red wine offered in most public houses and restaurants often leaves a lot to be desired and I would be worried about either males or females drinking it, sorry if that seems elitist but it is not meant to be.
If you are put off by men drinking red wine,how do you feel about a woman with a pint in their hand?

Salad Fingers
23-Jan-09, 21:41
Should red wine be restricted to women only? I always feel a bit uncomfortable around men who drink the grape.

I'm more of a rose wine drinker. I find the red a bit harsh on the tongue as they are usually very woody. I am not one for having the taste of wood in my mouth.

I find white quite watery and is only good when adding to my sauce for inside my vol-au-vents.

The rose has a refreshing crisp taste on the pallete and I could drink it by the bucket. Though I wouldn't be seen drinking this in public, I only touch the heavy.

23-Jan-09, 21:44
my hubby likes red wine, i cant stand it, but love white or rose..

23-Jan-09, 21:47
Give me a 25 Year Old MacAllan Single Malt any day, but if I am pushed I will partake in a Glass of Red Wine. :D

23-Jan-09, 21:50
Definitely not,my husband has enjoyed red wine for years and chosing the one to accompany a special meal is always a joy.
Having been in the wine trade for some 25yrs, red outsold white by 3 to 1 and the majority of purchasers were male.
However the red wine offered in most public houses and restaurants often leaves a lot to be desired and I would be worried about either males or females drinking it, sorry if that seems elitist but it is not meant to be.
If you are put off by men drinking red wine,how do you feel about a woman with a pint in their hand?

Women with a pint in their hand. I suppose it all depends on the occassion. Next well be letting the kids go to school BEFORE they sweep the chimneys.

Salad Fingers
23-Jan-09, 21:54
Definitely not,my husband has enjoyed red wine for years and chosing the one to accompany a special meal is always a joy.
Having been in the wine trade for some 25yrs, red outsold white by 3 to 1 and the majority of purchasers were male.
However the red wine offered in most public houses and restaurants often leaves a lot to be desired and I would be worried about either males or females drinking it, sorry if that seems elitist but it is not meant to be.
If you are put off by men drinking red wine,how do you feel about a woman with a pint in their hand?

It's fine as long as they are holding for me until I get back from the toilets;)

23-Jan-09, 22:05
I myself enjoy the odd glass of red wine and in fact find that it is a better class of person who can enjoy this sociable past time unlike the beer swilling majority

I suppose that would be you dook the kind of chap who expects his dinner in the table when he gets home

It could be worse. I could get my wife to drive 100 miles just to do my washing!!! Some guys up here haven't even heard of the Sufragette movement? Thought it was a cure for constipation!

23-Jan-09, 22:07
I can't think of anything better than a nice glass of red wine to go with a top, aged, Scottish steak!

Alice in Blunderland
23-Jan-09, 22:15
It's fine as long as they are holding for me until I get back from the toilets;)

You had better watch out the Handbag brigade are going to be baying for your blood :lol: and will salute your demise with a nice glass of .................redwine or beer.

23-Jan-09, 22:24
Red wine is the usual alcoholic drink of choice at home, but when out for a night out (which isnt often) the choice of wine in the pubs has a lot to be desired unless you like drinking something that resembles vinegar!!

Salad Fingers
23-Jan-09, 22:26
They say men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it’s up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.

23-Jan-09, 22:31
They say men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it’s up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.

Women should be experts in wine. They do it enough........oh oh

Alice in Blunderland
23-Jan-09, 22:31
They say men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it’s up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.

True but as with grapes there are a few rotten ones out there which spoil the bunch...................... :lol:

23-Jan-09, 22:54
I am well into my claret years and I never go anywhere without a cork screw.
I have lost several to airport security...
But the ideal way of securing ones vintage is to have an old fashioned screw cap. That is the word from the wine columnists so who am I to get in a row with them?
Anything beats those artificial corks the Australians use.
I drink three quarters of a bottle and think I'll keep what's left for salad dessing or to combine with garlic fried mushrooms and dump it on my steak and then I cant get the thing back into the neck of the bottle.
So I end up with the bottle wedged between my thighs while I wrestle it into submission.
It is not good. There have been disasters. I have scars.....
The finest wine I had recently was an Ontario product from Ontario grapes called Night Raider. (An unpretentious pretentious little rouge...)
The label featured a racoon. (In Toronto we have a war with racoons every summer because they spill our garbage and set up home in our roofs). So why should we commemorate the critters? Well at least it wasn't a skunk.
Tle bottle containing Night Raider was made of recycled poyseter. This was wonderful for the Lake Ontario sailing community because there is nothing worse than broken glass in a boat.
Also you could throw bottles about which is fun to do when you are bobbing around in a lake.
My consultant friend at the liquor board tells me they have stopped making Night Raider.
It's a shame, really. God knows I drank enough of it!

24-Jan-09, 00:23
started on the wine after reading this thread, spelling, grammer and whatsit called..typing..thats it!.. getting hard to do.

percy toboggan
24-Jan-09, 10:50
Should red wine be restricted to women only? I always feel a bit uncomfortable around men who drink the grape.

Is this a joke?
If not please feel free to feel a bit 'uncomfortable' around me or better still...
go away.

24-Jan-09, 11:00
Is this a joke?
If not please feel free to feel a bit 'uncomfortable' around me or better still...
go away.

Take a look at his org status Percy...'suspended' for good reason, yesterday seemed to be 'wind-up the orgers' day, most of the posts have been removed though, this one just slipped through the net.

percy toboggan
24-Jan-09, 16:43
Take a look at his org status Percy...'suspended' for good reason, yesterday seemed to be 'wind-up the orgers' day, most of the posts have been removed though, this one just slipped through the net.

Almost a shame.
We could do with a few more nutters and agitators on 'ere.

24-Jan-09, 22:02
Right talking about Red Wine any one taking Resveratrol? otherwise known as the Golden Bullet. This is the substance in the grape skin which does all the good and is available without presription.

It is a very powerful antioxidant, regulates blood sugars, and slows down the metabolism and slows down the ageing process. I have a colleague doing some research on it andis interested in finding out if people have had any benefits from it.

24-Jan-09, 22:16
Almost a shame.
We could do with a few more nutters and agitators on 'ere.

Nah...not these egits, just a couple of dumb kids being aggressive and abusive.

And why would we need anymore nutters and agitators when we have you? ;)

24-Jan-09, 22:55
Nah...not these egits, just a couple of dumb kids being aggressive and abusive.

And why would we need anymore nutters and agitators when we have you? ;)

No forgettin u 2 Gizmo! lol!

I cant stand wine! I remember when i was 17 (underage i know) but me and my mates bought wine and i drank it like water...it came back up like water an hour later! [lol] Since then i have never drank wine! Did not really like the taste anyways!

I am more a Morgans and coke lass....3 cubes of ice! lol!

But dont see anything wrong with men drinking red wine! My uncle and auntie often serve red wine with meals....they say the flavour of the wine helps bring out the flavour of the meal! I will never know! lol!

24-Jan-09, 23:07
I had a bottle of Red there, on boxing night , followed by another & another with a couple of Old Pulteney liquers thrown in & a 2 or 3 house drams of Bacardi. Boy was I thirsty on the Saturday!!!

Id prefer to drink white wine but nothing specific as it depends on the mood

25-Jan-09, 00:28
No forgettin u 2 Gizmo! lol! I am more a Morgans and coke lass....3 cubes of ice! lol!

I loved Morgans & Coke, it was the only spirit that i could drink, it had to be ice ice cold, loads of ice and Coke (not pepsi or any other muck), fantastic tasting drink, too damn tasty really, i would sink doubles like they were going out of fashion, i always thought it just tasted like vanilla coke....dammit Shelley...all this talk of M&C...you're nearly sending me off the wagon...:lol:

25-Jan-09, 00:49
I like a good Gin and Tonic, I also like Wine, pink TBH. My good fella drinks a pisssy weak beer like bishop's finger or summat then he goes onto red wine and he's all mannn...;)

wee sparkle
25-Jan-09, 02:51
They say men are like a fine wine. They begin as grapes, and it’s up to women to stomp the crap out of them until they turn into something acceptable to have dinner with.

I was listening to a vantriliquist (please excuse the spelling) the other day who was talking about ageing. He started talking about his wife, and said that she aged like 'fine wine'. :lol: It was really quite funny, then they started talking about people who aged like milk, but thats a whole different story :lol:

25-Jan-09, 02:51
(not pepsi or any other muck)

Damn tooting, boy.

I loved Morgans & Coke, it was the only spirit that i could drink, it had to be ice ice cold, loads of ice and Coke, fantastic tasting drink, too damn tasty really, i would sink doubles like they were going out of fashion, i always thought it just tasted like vanilla coke....dammit Shelley...all this talk of M&C...you're nearly sending me off the wagon...:lol:

You should try Morgan's and Fresh Orange. Tastes like liquid Kola Kubes. Dead gen.

In fact, no, in retrospect don't try it. Just take my word for it. ;)

25-Jan-09, 11:56
I loved Morgans & Coke, it was the only spirit that i could drink, it had to be ice ice cold, loads of ice and Coke (not pepsi or any other muck), fantastic tasting drink, too damn tasty really, i would sink doubles like they were going out of fashion, i always thought it just tasted like vanilla coke....dammit Shelley...all this talk of M&C...you're nearly sending me off the wagon...:lol:

Sorry Giz....:(

I have not had a morgans in a while! dont seem in the mood to ever sit and have one! Not enough hours in the day for me! lol!

I used to drink Vod and blackcurrent but it would give me one heck of a hangover! I can down a bottle o Apple Sourz tho! LOVE that stuff! Lol!

All this talk of red wine though i might be tempted to try some! But not for a while!

25-Jan-09, 12:10
Damn tooting, boy.

You should try Morgan's and Fresh Orange. Tastes like liquid Kola Kubes. Dead gen.

In fact, no, in retrospect don't try it. Just take my word for it. ;)

Dammit!...that's information i could have done with a couple of years ago, not had them in years, but i loved Kola Kubes as a kid.

Doug Country
25-Jan-09, 12:53
I am not one for having the taste of wood in my mouth.

Methinks the lady doth protest too much!

Or so I've heard.

25-Jan-09, 16:59
As for me.... I'll drink anything with alcohol in it (in moderation, I hasten to add). I enjoy a glass of red in the evening, but am partial to a pint at times when I am out. Then again, I do enjoy a dram as well. ;)

26-Jan-09, 00:58
You should try Morgan's and Fresh Orange. Tastes like liquid Kola Kubes.

Hmmm, just tried one and can't agree - not disgusting but definately not cola cubes :D. I'll stick to having it with Coke...

26-Jan-09, 01:08
I was at my dads house tonight for dinner and he was drinking red wine, i had a stella instead! Cudna bring myself to try the wine!

Im just not ready! Lol!

26-Jan-09, 01:18
Hmmm, just tried one and can't agree - not disgusting but definately not cola cubes :D. I'll stick to having it with Coke...

Did you have it with ice?

26-Jan-09, 01:34
LOL no - dinna have any, but the fresh orange was straight from a cold fridge...

26-Jan-09, 02:10
Ah ha...I think I understand. Was it Fresh Orange out of a wee Schweppes/Britvic bottle, as sold in pubs for extortionate prices?

26-Jan-09, 10:39
At those prices are ye daft lol! Naah it was outta a carton bought from Tess Cosis-Cheaper (http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=bk9SOrtsEDA) (OMG that is still one of my faves)!

26-Jan-09, 11:09
See, there's where you went wrong! It has to be Britvic/Schweppes fresh orange. The addition of ice also spoils the effect, if I remember correctly.

26-Jan-09, 11:49
As for me.... I'll drink anything with alcohol in it (in moderation, I hasten to add). I enjoy a glass of red in the evening, but am partial to a pint at times when I am out. Then again, I do enjoy a dram as well. ;)
Ricco, like you I enjoy a glass of wine, be it red, white or rose, with a meal. When out I enjoy a pint, and whilst sitting in my armchair I been known to enjoy the odd Cuban Libre (Bacardi & Coke) [lol]

26-Jan-09, 15:07
im a beeg (beeg) reid wine fan ;)

i do lek til buy an slightly dearer bottle as i feel i deserve it efter ma long hard days work.

iv bin interested in joinin a wine club since christmas but planin a different one fie ma auld cheil as we'l hev great fun comparin.

can anyone recommend a guid aine?

i am very partial til a few jamesons also, especailly if i hev a few fowlk in.

lager is guid too but choost too damn fat'nin....!

Anne x
26-Jan-09, 15:13
www.justreds.co.uk (http://www.justreds.co.uk)
www.warehousewines.co.uk (http://www.warehousewines.co.uk)
www.laithwaites.co.uk (http://www.laithwaites.co.uk)

we use this ones trix there is another one we use more often but name escapes me just now memory going :lol: Something to do with the red wine maybe !!!

26-Jan-09, 15:40
thanks anne x

il hev great fun checkin them oot an decidin, 'ats what il do enite ;)

thanks for 'at babe!

now i...must....must....get some study done :roll:

took a few days off til get ma heid roond 'iss new supervisors course (that lasts 5 months) an iv done nothin but yarn til ye's guys :lol:

27-Jan-09, 00:54
I like good red wine, malt whisky, and also, a good beer. Hmmmmmmmm, there are many other drinks I like as well, perhaps I'd better say no more.

27-Jan-09, 21:27
Im at a bit of a loss on what to drink when out now... dont really like drinking spirits, dont do alcopops, soft drinks get a bit sickly and boring after a while and not too keen on lots of beer or lager...used to like long vodkas though!

27-Jan-09, 21:44
Im at a bit of a loss on what to drink when out now... dont really like drinking spirits, dont do alcopops, soft drinks get a bit sickly and boring after a while and not too keen on lots of beer or lager...used to like long vodkas though!

If you are at a Loss of what to drink when out, why not experiment with a Cocktail. Here are a few that I like.

White Lady
Real Bloody Mary
Rusty Nail

Or if you are Driving try one of these Alcohol Free Cocktails:-

Parsons Pleasure
Shirlet Temple

What ever you drink enjoy all your Nights out. :D


27-Jan-09, 22:48
do the pubs in thurso know how to make them:lol:
whats the ingedients??

27-Jan-09, 23:09
do the pubs in thurso know how to make them:lol:
whats the ingedients??


1 Third Creme De Menth
1 Third White Creme Cacao
1 Third Cream

Shaken through Ice, strained and served with a Cherry

White Lady

1 Dash Lemon Juice
1 Dash of Sugar Syrup
1 Measure of Gin
1 Dash od Cointreau
1 Dash of White of Egg

Shaken through Ice, strained and served with a Cherry

Real Bloody Mary

1 Dash of Lemon Juice
1 Dash of Tabasco Sauce
3 Dashes Bitters
1 Sprinkle of Black Pepper
1 Measure of Vodka
Tomato Juice

Half fill a Tall galss with ice and all ingredents except the Tomato Juice, Stir together. Then top up glass with Tomato Juice and gently stir.

Rusty Nail

Half Fill a Large Whisky Glass with Ice.
Add in 1 Measure of Blended Whisky and 1 Measure of Drambuie.
Stir Gently.

Hope this helps.

28-Jan-09, 03:32
does anyone know how to make coffee eclipsso,and how do you get the cream to float on the top?

28-Jan-09, 14:40
does anyone know how to make coffee eclipsso,and how do you get the cream to float on the top?

Never heard of eclipsso (except for the super hero) coffee but to get the cream to float you must whip it and pour slowly over the back of a tea spoon (make sure the tip is just touching the surface of the coffee)

28-Jan-09, 14:45
does anyone know how to make coffee eclipsso,and how do you get the cream to float on the top?

Do you mean calypso coffee?

If so, I think you add Tia Maria to the coffee and then put the cream on top the way youoldduffer described

29-Jan-09, 13:57
Do you mean calypso coffee?

If so, I think you add Tia Maria to the coffee and then put the cream on top the way youoldduffer described

yeah ,tia maria thats it,thanks folks:D

29-Jan-09, 15:50
One of my friends let me try their Morgans and cranberry juice - it was lovely, certainly one to try next time I get out the Morgans. I used to drink Morgans and bitter lemon - looks a bit like a cloudy pee sample, but tastes good ;)

Trix - my sis used to get wines from Pieroth Wines - I think they are organic wines or something. www.pieroth.com (http://www.pieroth.com)

29-Jan-09, 20:59
We get wine from pieroth, giodanio, laithwaites and the sunday times wine club...... obviously not all at the same time:lol:
just depends on who has the best deals on the wine we want at the time!

30-Jan-09, 00:00
I got some Pieroth Whites once - a mixed case of 12 bottles - but was dumbfounded when the bill came to over £160! It was nice but not worth £13+ per bottle IMO!

01-Feb-09, 00:55
I was out last night and as soon as I was out the door did I not forget the cocktail names and ingedients..... stuck to diet coke all night but come this morning wish I had, had the voddie in the coke as it would have explained the headache and general feeling of yuck I had all day!:lol:
Should have made a list!