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View Full Version : Bird Behaviour

06-Feb-06, 19:04
Weve just come back from Wick...........on the way back we were mesmerised by a flock of birds putting on the most amazing display. I vaguely remember someone else writing in a few weeks/months back with regards to this strange phenomena. I wish I had the camera with me. Ive never ever seen this type of display before.........wondering if anyone else has and if they know why it occurs. It was around Skitten that it happened...........it was totally amazing watching it, my husband reckoned there was a bird of prey in the middle of it all and that the birds were starlings............looking further back down the road towards Wick maybe around Killimster there was another flock putting on a display. The shapes they were making were superb, some looked like a whales tail, others looked like a big bird, at one point some of the birds broke away from the main group and formed a perfect circle, some of the shapes were like a big cigar, some were like a twister, other shapes were a bit like one of the desktop windows on windows xp one of these squiggly things that twists and turns. All the time some birds were leaving the group while others were flying in to join the main group. Does anyone know why or is this quite a common occurence. It was totally awesome:o)

06-Feb-06, 19:08
It is a common display....I think its part of what is called "roosting" and it most likely was starlings......it makes quite a noise as well if you're up close......very impressive!

06-Feb-06, 19:50
I agree that it was probably starlings. I have seen them do this many times and it certainly is an amazing sight!

06-Feb-06, 22:08
Thanks SAVEY and laguna2............cant quite believe Ive been on the planet for quite a few years now and never seen it before. It was mesmerising!:eek:

07-Feb-06, 00:01
Ive been thinking a lot about these birds:confused:What is it that makes them all fly in synch with one another????????? How do they know where to go???????? who or what decides their every move in flight????????Why dont they smash into one another???????One minute they all blend in with the sky the next they all change and its one big black mass?????????What guides them?????????Is it the Earths EMF?????????Is it their instincts????????Or is it something else????????Anyone know:confused:Or is it just one of those amazing natural phenomenas that defies explanation????:confused:

07-Feb-06, 00:13
Weve just come back from Wick...........on the way back we were mesmerised by a flock of birds putting on the most amazing display. I vaguely remember someone else writing in a few weeks/months back with regards to this strange phenomena. I wish I had the camera with me. Ive never ever seen this type of display before.........wondering if anyone else has and if they know why it occurs. It was around Skitten that it happened...........it was totally amazing watching it, my husband reckoned there was a bird of prey in the middle of it all and that the birds were starlings............looking further back down the road towards Wick maybe around Killimster there was another flock putting on a display. The shapes they were making were superb, some looked like a whales tail, others looked like a big bird, at one point some of the birds broke away from the main group and formed a perfect circle, some of the shapes were like a big cigar, some were like a twister, other shapes were a bit like one of the desktop windows on windows xp one of these squiggly things that twists and turns. All the time some birds were leaving the group while others were flying in to join the main group. Does anyone know why or is this quite a common occurence. It was totally awesome:o)

On our way back from Thurso on Saturday afternoon we witnessed the same amazing display over a barn at Skitten. It lasted for ages - we stopped the car and just watched. What precision. There seemed no purpose. I wonder if it was purely for the fun of it!!http://www.arkive.org/species/ARK/birds/Sturnus_vulgaris/more_info.html#Range

07-Feb-06, 02:15
Its the starlings playing and dancing in the sky. today saw starlings and crows all flying and dancing together, wonderful to watch.

07-Feb-06, 14:37
Ive been thinking a lot about these birds:confused:What is it that makes them all fly in synch with one another????????? How do they know where to go???????? who or what decides their every move in flight????????Why dont they smash into one another???????One minute they all blend in with the sky the next they all change and its one big black mass?????????What guides them?????????Is it the Earths EMF?????????Is it their instincts????????Or is it something else????????Anyone know:confused:Or is it just one of those amazing natural phenomenas that defies explanation????:confused:

This site offers an explaination.....though brief


07-Feb-06, 15:27
it was totally amazing watching it, my husband reckoned there was a bird of prey in the middle of it all and that the birds were starlings............

I recently saw a Peregrine Falcon causing havoc in amonst a Starling flock but I didnt see it catch anything.
It is not uncommon to see one trying to catch a meal in amongst them.

07-Feb-06, 15:29
I recently saw a Peregrine Falcon causing havoc in amonst a Starling flock but I didnt see it catch anything.
It is not uncommon to see one trying to catch a meal in amongst them.

Was this in Caithness Kas?

07-Feb-06, 16:18
Yeh it was at Scrabster. Firstly I saw the Peregrine going for small groups of Starlings that were heading to their roost at dusk. Then about a week later I saw the Peregrine attacking a displaying flock off of Holborn Head. Although I did see the second sighting through a telescope.

07-Feb-06, 16:20
Wow, I never knew there was peregrines up here!
Excellent.....I'll keep an eye out for them when I'm up round thay way again...

16-Feb-06, 19:50
Does anyone know how geese decide who should lead one of those big V's in the skye? They sometimes seem to take it in turns and quite often I've heard the conversations from up there or maybe it's an arguement not just gossip.

Mother Bear
02-Mar-06, 12:19
Yes, it is interesting to see birds in flight, and wonder how it is they organise themselves! Some of the larger birds, i.e.swans, geese, often travel in the familiar V formation. This is entirely an energy efficient way for them to cover large distances, as the leading bird creates uplift and reduces wind friction for the others [racing cyclists also do this].
The lead bird is usually an experienced adult, and will take it in turns with others to avoid becoming exhausted.
The gathering of flocks is mainly for finding food, avoiding attack by predators, and migrating. Fast moving flocks operate on the principle that each individual bird is able to maintain its own 'personal space'...rather like a mini-territory that no other bird may enter They have the instinctive appreciation of the distance they must keep from the bird in front and those on each side, even when moving at high speed. They are able to take evasive action if these birds deviate from thier course or slow down. This produces th e 'twisting and turning' effect seen in vast flocks, where the flock appears to behave virtually as a single organism.
You could liken it to a 'mexican wave!'... as one bird on the edge of the flock turns the bird next to it turns a split second later and so on. A 'wave' can move thro a flock in less than 15 milliseconds appearing to our eyes almost instantaneous!
Another amazing feat of Mother Nature!

02-Mar-06, 13:52
There was a flock of starlings in a field near me a little while ago and I was fascinated watching them wheeling across the sky, landing in a field all together and again taking off as if at a signal. Amazing communication and co-ordination.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
02-Mar-06, 23:10
With the bird behaviour theme,I saw a sight today that I thought I would never,ever see in Wick.I saw a large crane on the Wick Bridge today.

02-Mar-06, 23:43
I saw a large crane on the bridge today too[smirk] we must have both been there at the same time ha ha ha[lol]

03-Mar-06, 04:55
With the bird behaviour theme,I saw a sight today that I thought I would never,ever see in Wick.I saw a large crane on the Wick Bridge today.

Go back to sleep like candyfloss:lol:

07-Mar-06, 17:01
Weve just come back from Wick...........on the way back we were mesmerised by a flock of birds putting on the most amazing display. I vaguely remember someone else writing in a few weeks/months back with regards to this strange phenomena. I wish I had the camera with me. Ive never ever seen this type of display before.........wondering if anyone else has and if they know why it occurs. It was around Skitten that it happened...........it was totally amazing watching it, my husband reckoned there was a bird of prey in the middle of it all and that the birds were starlings............looking further back down the road towards Wick maybe around Killimster there was another flock putting on a display. The shapes they were making were superb, some looked like a whales tail, others looked like a big bird, at one point some of the birds broke away from the main group and formed a perfect circle, some of the shapes were like a big cigar, some were like a twister, other shapes were a bit like one of the desktop windows on windows xp one of these squiggly things that twists and turns. All the time some birds were leaving the group while others were flying in to join the main group. Does anyone know why or is this quite a common occurence. It was totally awesome:o)

Sorry to dredge this up from so far back but for anyone who likes watching these birds there should be a spectacular display in Bill Oddie's wildlife programme on BBC2 tonight 8.30 according to RT.

07-Mar-06, 17:03
Thanks Badger!
Did anyone see Planet Earth on Sunday night, very impressive!

07-Mar-06, 17:09
When I was in Wick earlier there was 20+ people with binoculars/scopes/tripods etc all dressed up and heading towards the bridge from Somerfield carpark. Wondered were they bird watchers. Maybe they heard about the crane. ;)

07-Mar-06, 18:59
Thanks Badger!
Did anyone see Planet Earth on Sunday night, very impressive!

Recorded but not watched yet. Better get on and do it.

misty woman
07-Mar-06, 20:14
Thanks Badger!
Did anyone see Planet Earth on Sunday night, very impressive!I seen planet earth on sunday night,it was amazing.It is definately worth watching.

Cedric Farthsbottom III
08-Mar-06, 17:28
When I was in Wick earlier there was 20+ people with binoculars/scopes/tripods etc all dressed up and heading towards the bridge from Somerfield carpark. Wondered were they bird watchers. Maybe they heard about the crane. ;)

Read your post but I hadn't heard.......BUT.....today is another day,heard that a very rare bird to Caithness,naw!!!....it wisnae Kate Moss,2littl2late,but a redhooded something or other.I should have really listened better,but as soon as I heard red hooded I instantly thought of a ned trying to avoid the CCTV cameras.

But this bird was spotted on Wick River and the bird enthusiasts went out to see!!!!:)

08-Mar-06, 18:06
Anyone know what the bird is?????

16-Mar-06, 16:05
There was a flock of starlings in a field near me a little while ago and I was fascinated watching them wheeling across the sky, landing in a field all together and again taking off as if at a signal. Amazing communication and co-ordination.

Just been watching a similar display. Really beautiful. Loads of different shapes.