View Full Version : Forbes Family Name - Rumster

17-Aug-01, 10:52
I have started to research my maiden name -FORBES - some of whom I believe emigrated to California USA in the late 18th century from RUMSTER in Caithness. If anyone can help me I would be pleased to hear from them. I am planning a trip to Caithness in the Spring and would like to collate as much information as possible.

Also any recommendations for good self-catering accommodation would be appreciated -only one bedroom needed preferably overlooking the sea.

Thanks a lot.

19-Aug-01, 17:35
Hi Linda,

I'm a descendant of Isabella Forbes, who lived at Rumster at the time of her marriage on 6 Dec 1795. Her descendants came to California in 1884. Your dates of emigration seem a bit early for California, as it was ruled by Mexico at that time, but I'll be happy to share whatever info I have.

My sister and I came to Caithness this past July, and had a wonderful time. Be sure to plan enough time to visit the North Highland Archives in Wick.

Looking forward to your next post! -H. Wood

19-Aug-01, 19:25
I'm afraid I am still at early days in my research, following a split from my husband, so I was assuming, quite wrongly, that they must have come quite early to California where my family now stay. Where would the likely port of landing have been and where do you think they might have sailed from? Are there any shipping records available for this period?

I would also be pleased to hear where you and your sister stayed and whether it could be recommended.

After reading Carlene's"CaithnessImpressions" in the general section I am really quite excited about coming over to Scotland.

20-Aug-01, 04:01
Hello Linda,

Can you tell me the names of your Forbes ancestors, and the approx dates they were at Rumster? When you come to Caithness, you could check the census records for Latheron parish, beginning in 1841, to see how long they remained in Caithness. You can also email me directly at [email protected], if you prefer.

There are very few shipping records from the 18th century for California. Both Alta and Baja California belonged to Spain until the 1820's when Mexico gained its independence from Spain and took control of the Californias. In the 1800's, the sea voyage from New York to California took about 4 months, having to go around the tip of South America. So your Forbes kin would have needed a very good reason to go on such a difficult and expensive trip in the 18th C.

Where are you in California? I am near San Francisco. -Helen

20-Aug-01, 11:53
It looks as though this is going to be a big job! Most of the work to date has been done by father and he still holds most of the records. I am moving back to my parents for a short while next week following the sale of our house in Los Angeles. I had a word with my father by telephone and he says they left Scotland about 1820 - so I got my centuries all mixed up!

I think it best if I wait until I have gone over the records with him and then establish the best place to start.

Thanks ever so much for your help in the meantime I really appreciate it. I'll e-mail the details in a couple of weeks time hopefully.


20-Aug-01, 17:34
Hi Linda,

This is great news, and we're very excited about exchanging information. It seems likely that we are of the same Forbes family. Rumster is not a village, it is a single farm. I could mail you a copy of the British Ordnance Survey map that shows it. (I can also recommend places to stay in the area.) There should be all kinds of parish records available for the early 1800's. Yes, its a big job, but SO satisfying! Very much looking forward to your reply. -Helen

21-Aug-01, 15:16
Rumster is no long a farm estate, there are several small crofts in the rumster area, however rumster is now owned by the forestry commission.

I would recommend you stay in the Lybster area, there are several holiday cottages to rent around here, or there is the Portland Arms Hotel, Bayview Hotel and Commercial Hotel, all of which with very good rates. The Bayview commands the best views of the sea however, and has a very friendly atmosphere with plenty of local chat. You would probably find the locals very helpful in finding you any information you may need.

[Edited by macc on 21-08-2001 at 02:16 PM GMT]

22-Aug-01, 12:25
Thanks macc. Everyone is being very kind and helpful. I shall make enquiries about accommodation in Lybster when I finalise my trip.

I am moving house next week following a split from my husband. Unfortunately we are arguing about who gets the computer!! - so unless I win, I may be off line for a while until I get another one.

I shall certainly make contact with the locals and anyone else around who has been of assistance to me.

Thanks again

22-Aug-01, 17:16
Hi Linda, Good luck with your move, and hope you get the computer. (You could probably use a computer at your local library too.) Very much looking forward to exchanging information on your Forbeses. It's another piece of the puzzle fitting into place. For places to stay in Caithness, I can also recommend Reisgill House near Lybster. Regards, Helen

23-Aug-01, 09:22
Thanks for your good wishes Helen - it looks as though Sunday will be my last day online for a while as I seem to have lost the battle for the computer. Perhaps just as well as it seems to be developing a nasty fault...which I'll probably forget to mention :)

I am checking out the various accommodations at the moment and hope to get some responses before I go. Can't wait to see that coastline and all these old Castles. What are the best ones to see? as I won't have enough time to see them all. Are there any Forbes Castles there - does anybody know?

There seems to be a timeless beauty about the place.

23-Aug-01, 18:30
Hi Linda,

Before you give up the old computer, you could go to http://www.hotmail.com and create a free email account. Then you can pick up emails remote from any computer, including your new (faultless) one.

I'm not aware of a castle specific to Forbes, but maybe someone else will know. You are right about the timeless beauty of Caithness, there is something truly special about it. Thank your Dad for me, for doing the Forbes research, and I look forward to hearing from you later. Regards, Helen

24-Aug-01, 03:47
Linda, I am Helen's sister, and am also very happy to meet you. It will be fun to share notes and learn more about the Forbes clan. Isn't it a small world? Cindy

[Edited by sassylass on 24-08-2001 at 02:49 AM GMT]

24-Aug-01, 13:59
There is a Castle Forbes on the River Don, near Alford, Aberdeenshire in Scotland. It is the home of the Clan Forbes, and was built by Lord Forbes in 1815. It is still occupied by his descendants, and you can even stay there! Find out more about this by clicking on Castles in the 2nd box on the right of Caithness Org. homepage. That brings you to Caithness Castles, but there is also a link to other castles there.

I seem to remember reading somewhere about the ruins of a much older Forbes Castle in Aberdeenshire, but could not find that listed.

[Edited by Kay Wilson on 24-08-2001 at 07:31 PM GMT]

24-Aug-01, 19:08
Thank you everyone who have been so kind and helpful on this wonderful site. I look forward to meeting you all some day. I shall shortly be out of circulation for a while but I shall be back soon God willing and hope to complete my quest into the beautiful land of my ancestors which is Caithness.

13-Oct-01, 17:23
Hi Linda,

I hope all is going well with your move and finding a new computer. Just wanted to say hi. My family is quite excited to hear whatever information you have on the Forbeses of Rumster. Hope to hear from you soon. -Helen

22-Oct-01, 16:20

Hi Helen,

It's THRUMSTER not Rumster !! So sorry about that, but my Dad gave me the information over the phone and I thought he said Rumster.

I'm sorry I havn't been in touch but my Dad isn't too well at the moment and I'm still trying to sort myself out - find a place of my own etc... I haven't had a proper chance to go through the family tree properly yet - but there is a lot of info there - none of it on computer unfortunately.

I've got the new PC now though .. and my ex is having terrible problems with the old one.....so sad !! :grin:

Sorry about the Rumster connection - I can't see any links going there, but once I start rummaging about and getting things properly organised - who knows.



27-Oct-01, 22:03
Hi Linda,

So glad to hear from you. Congrats on the new computer! and boo hoo hoo of crocodile tears for your ex having probs with the old one.

Thrumster is not that far from Rumster, so we are still VERY interested in whatever info you have. Forbes is not the most common name, and you never know what puzzle piece will complete the picture.

Please feel free to email me directly at [email protected]. Hope your Dad is feeling better, and tell him thanks from us for doing the research. How is your trip shaping up? Regards, Helen

<font size=-1>[ This Message was edited by: htwood on 27-Oct-2001 10:10pm ]</font>

19-Nov-01, 22:53
Hi Linda & Helen

Not sure if we're talking about the same family but my partners maternal line of the Oags inter married with the Forbes clan several times, the most likely to be connected with yours are Margaret daughter of Andrew Forbes and Ann Sutherland born about 1820, she married William Oag. Then I've got anoth Margaret born about 1811 daughter of James Forbes and Isabella Miller who married 24/2/1809, this Margaret married James Oag.

They all lived in Thrumster, Latheron and the surroundinng area.

Drop me a line if this looks likely

Kath ;)