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View Full Version : Moanin Minnie - Binmen !!

14-Jan-09, 16:01
I thought I would let you orgers hear me havin a wee moan, its not life threatening or anything serious at all, but its damn well annoying. Nearly every other week when my bin gets emptied "the binman" (you know who you are) puts my bin in my neighbours drive and my neighbours bin, in my drive - sometimes the bin actually gets put away in my garage before we notice, it feels like I'm getting tested. Our bin has great big stickers with our house number, plus "the binman" has to actually come into my drive in the first place to get the blinking bin!! Anyway I felt the need to get this of my chest - moan over.

14-Jan-09, 16:05
well can i jump on the band wagon and have a wee moan about bin men aswell, why oh why do they insist in plonking the bins in the middle of the pavement, when i take my pram out it is like a obstacle course, sooooo annoying, just wish they would have a bit of thought and push the bins back to where they found them.[evil]

14-Jan-09, 16:07
Maybe the "binman" is hinting for you to put your bin out on the street??? Only a suggestion, but I do know we are meant to put ours on the pavement with the handle facing the road. Perhaps if you did this he may return it to the correct drive.:D

14-Jan-09, 16:10
Maybe the "binman" is hinting for you to put your bin out on the street??? Only a suggestion, but I do know we are meant to put ours on the pavement with the handle facing the road. Perhaps if you did this he may return it to the correct drive.:D
our bins go out the correct way, as do our neighbours because they are elderly we do it for them, and bins are out the correct way but this doesnt stop them mixing them up.

14-Jan-09, 16:16
Hey Dirdyweeker, if I had a pavement outside my drive, I would put my bin out on it - actually theres a path between me and my neighbour !

Billy Boy
14-Jan-09, 16:27
Have you stopped and thought about it? What if the binman is disabled and doesnt know his right from his left,Maybe you should of had a word with the driver or phoned the office,but maybe it's just better to come on here and have a moan.
Just maybe you could off considered this before you became a moaning minnie:roll:

14-Jan-09, 16:36
our bin men are good ,always put our bin in drive,it pays to leave xmas bottle,for thanks for there work,

14-Jan-09, 17:06
well can i jump on the band wagon and have a wee moan about bin men aswell, why oh why do they insist in plonking the bins in the middle of the pavement, when i take my pram out it is like a obstacle course, sooooo annoying, just wish they would have a bit of thought and push the bins back to where they found them.[evil]

Balto i defo agree with that! Going down castle green road is bad! I felt like a plonk last week...they were emptying the bins infront of me....seen me coming with the pram but yet still stuck the bins right infront o me! Felt stupid for movin them right after!

Then on the last bin...the guy moved it out the way!

I have no problem with the bin mens work! I would not like to have to go out every day in the winter to collect stuff! So big up to em! And my bin men take my bin even when its literally over flowing! :roll:

footie chick
14-Jan-09, 17:07
our bin men are good ,always put our bin in drive,it pays to leave xmas bottle,for thanks for there work,

Mine are the same first class.

14-Jan-09, 17:26
I have no problems with my binmen but it must be difficult. Thooosands of bins all the same colour! Monotonous to-ing and fro-ing doing the same action. Not surprised they forget which one came from where. I doubt if they even have time to look at house names/numbers.

14-Jan-09, 17:27
Have to say since moving to Castletown our bin men have been fantastic, very friendly and helpful and alus have a wave for the wee man when he is out.

14-Jan-09, 23:43
We have to drag our bin about a 1/3 of a mile for the bin men to take it and yes, they leave it in the road, they don't put it back at the side where they got it from, so you drive round the corner into the bins if you are not careful.

Yes, they do go out in all weather to work, but, so what? So did I, up at 4am bringing in cattle for milking, whatever the weather. They know what the job is when they go for it. There are plenty others wouldn't mind the job I can bet.

14-Jan-09, 23:52
Maybe there just having a laugh knowing full well how much it is annoying you.

kitty kat
15-Jan-09, 00:42
Maybe there just having a laugh knowing full well how much it is annoying you.

sounds like inside information

15-Jan-09, 02:53
there were a few times that i forgot to push out the bins on the pavement,then i had to wait until the second week to empty my bin, that was my own fault. generally, i think we have great binmen.:)

Kevin Milkins
15-Jan-09, 08:36
If I was to ask "could the bin men do better" the answear would be proberbly be, yes.

If someone ask me "would I like to be out this morning emptying other peoples rubbish", the answear would be, most certainly not.


15-Jan-09, 09:58
My binmen are brilliant. The bins are always put back or around the corner if it is windy. If the regular ones are on the lorry and I forget to put out the bin they will even go and find it to empty

mums angels
15-Jan-09, 10:10
never a problem with our bin men they always return the bins to the correct houses , only time theres a mix up is when the wind blows them all up the street and no one bothers to check if the bins theres before taking one back . We also leave a few cans for them come xmas to say thank you for there service.

15-Jan-09, 14:05
sounds like inside information

No not at all. Just thought that alot that works on the bins are young and just thought that maybe that is what they were doing but not to forget the older ones maybe they might be in it as well.

15-Jan-09, 14:56
We are talking about adults here !!!
They do get paid for doing this job - dont they ???

15-Jan-09, 18:05
Our binmen are brilliant, always cheerful in all weathers, I am sure they have to keep to a tight schedule to get all the work done so they may leave a few bins in the wrong place, is it such a chore?

15-Jan-09, 18:49
Our binmen are fine. The bin gets left in the middle of the drive and then I go out and take it in. No complaints here!

15-Jan-09, 21:20
We are talking about adults here !!!
They do get paid for doing this job - dont they ???

Yes I am aware of that maybe there having a little bit of harmless fun I know i my job I do all the time.

15-Jan-09, 23:16
Our binmen i couldn't fault.... one in particualr is kind enough to put mine back to my house from where i leave it. He's good looking too!! ;)

16-Jan-09, 00:03
I have no problems with my binmen but it must be difficult. Thooosands of bins all the same colour! Monotonous to-ing and fro-ing doing the same action. Not surprised they forget which one came from where. I doubt if they even have time to look at house names/numbers.

And they didn't know this when they applied for the job then?:roll:

16-Jan-09, 00:05
We have to drag our bin about a 1/3 of a mile for the bin men to take it and yes, they leave it in the road, they don't put it back at the side where they got it from, so you drive round the corner into the bins if you are not careful.

Yes, they do go out in all weather to work, but, so what? So did I, up at 4am bringing in cattle for milking, whatever the weather. They know what the job is when they go for it. There are plenty others wouldn't mind the job I can bet.

Well said Dorrie, totally agree with you. Why are we supposed to feel sorry for them, not as if they didn't know what the job entailed.

16-Jan-09, 02:05
And they didn't know this when they applied for the job then?:roll:

Of course they would have known this if they took on the job. I am sure not all of us are perfect. I see more compliments on here for them than I do complaints. And yes, I guess it is true too....one complaint is one too many.
Guess I am just lucky with my bin men

16-Jan-09, 09:57
[quote=Jimbo;483647]- sometimes the bin actually gets put away in my garage before we notice, it feels like I'm getting tested. Our bin has great big stickers with our house number,

So your bin has GREAT BIG STICKERS on the side, but YOU still manage to get the whole way to your garage and put it away before noticing it is not yours:roll:

16-Jan-09, 20:07
Just a thought.. but i always thought that the house numbers on the bins was to let people know whos house it belonged to.... not for the bin men to put it back to the correct house.

17-Jan-09, 00:42
[quote=Jimbo;483647]- sometimes the bin actually gets put away in my garage before we notice, it feels like I'm getting tested. Our bin has great big stickers with our house number,

So your bin has GREAT BIG STICKERS on the side, but YOU still manage to get the whole way to your garage and put it away before noticing it is not yours:roll:

Lol lol lol! See now if i done that then folks would really think i was dottled cos my bin sits not 3ft away from the kerb on my grass beside ma door! lol! Me and the neighbour always get mixed up tho!! Does it matter? They are all going to be emptied!!

17-Jan-09, 00:52

Lol lol lol! See now if i done that then folks would really think i was dottled cos my bin sits not 3ft away from the kerb on my grass beside ma door! lol! Me and the neighbour always get mixed up tho!! Does it matter? They are all going to be emptied!!

Exactly. Do the bins not belong to the council anyhow? They do tell you if yours is full to put your rubbish in the nearest bin with space. I canna see me doing that though....might get shouted at!:D

17-Jan-09, 02:17
dirdyweeker,you could always sneak out in the small hours of the morning and put your excess rubbish in someone elses bin if there is no room in yours!!i would quite happily allow someone to use my bin if there was room after all it wouldnt be for long[lol]

17-Jan-09, 15:28
Wonderful. I will empty my ash into your bin then!! :lol: